Dissecting the November Jobs Report

November Jobs Report

The Labor Department released the November jobs report with higher than expected job growth and an unemployment rate remaining at a record low.

The Numbers

228,000: The economy added 228,000 jobs in November
4.1%: The unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1 percent
2.5%: Wages grew 2.5 percent over the last year

The Good

Both the job growth and unemployment rate signal a strong economy. The Wall Street Journal reports economists anticipated job growth of 195,000, so the numbers surpassed expectations. This is also the first jobs report since hurricanes Harvey and Irma that doesn’t show significant impacts from the two storms. The 4.1 percent unemployment rate remained unchanged from last month and is the lowest since December 2000. However, job creation is still slightly behind the pace of 2016.

The Bad

The weakest point in the November jobs report is the continued sluggish wage growth. The 2.5 percent increase has remained steady throughout most of 2017 despite a consistently dropping unemployment rate. According to the New York Times, economists have been expecting wage growth to pick up with falling unemployment, but so far that hasn’t happened. However, other economic indicators suggest that increased wage growth may be on the horizon.

The Unknown

The biggest unknown in the November report is the consistent question surrounding wage growth. Marketwatch suggests that the skills gap may be partially to blame because in highly skilled positions raising wages doesn’t create qualified applicants and employers “aren’t willing to pay for skills that people don’t have.” While the rest of the jobs report shows a strong economic picture, wage growth will be the number to watch.

Improving Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace

In the modern workplace, companies are placing greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion initiatives to strengthen organizational adaptability, gain competitive advantage and reduce legal risks. Despite this trend, many companies still struggle with racial and ethnic discrimination and policymaking.

In fact, According to data collected by the EEOC, $112.7 million is collected from employers for racial discrimination violations on average each year. In this post, we outline what constitutes racial and ethnic diversity, its benefits to companies and best practices when it comes to implementing and monitoring a racial and ethnic diversity policy in the workplace.

The Benefits of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace

ethnic diversity

Companies increasingly understand the value of recruiting and retaining diverse employees, as these workers play a critical role in a company’s ability to adapt, grow and sustain a competitive advantage in the modern business landscape.

However, some companies fail to recognize the benefits of having a racially and ethnically diverse workforce. Factors such as prejudice and stereotypes towards certain racial or ethnic groups, whether conscious or unconscious, can lead to discriminatory practices in hiring.

What’s more, to combat prejudice and internal resistance, companies need to create a business case for diversity by outlining the benefits of a racial and ethnically diverse workplace such as:

  • Gains in worker welfare and efficiency
  • Reduced turnover costs
  • Fewer internal disputes and grievances
  • Improved accessibility to new and diverse customer markets
  • Higher productivity and increased revenue
  • Increased innovation
  • Development of new products and services
  • Improved company reputation management
  • Greater flexibility and adaptability in a globalized world
  • More efficient risk management (e.g. legal risks due to non-compliance)
  • Prevention of marginalization and exclusion of categories of workers
  • Improved social cohesion

Companies are more likely to reap these benefits when they go beyond meeting the minimum requirements for legal compliance. Companies should strive to understand both the social and cultural complexities inherent in embracing diversity and strive to be diversity leaders in their industry.

Research Report

Diversity & the Candidate Experience: Identifying Recruitment Pitfalls to Improve DE&I Outcomes

Key Racial and Ethnic Diversity Definitions

diversity statistics in the workplace

To effectively improve racial and ethnic diversity in the workplace, companies need to understand some of the key terms and definitions including:

Racial Discrimination: Racial discrimination in the workplace can be defined as any exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose of impairing an employee’s ability to exercise their rights to equal standing in the workplace.

Ethnic Group: The term “ethnic group” refers to a group of persons whose members identify with each other through such factors as common heritage, culture, ancestry, language, dialect, history, identity and geographic origin.

Ethnic Minority: Ethnic minority does not only refer to ethnic groups that are a numerical minority. Instead, it refers to any ethnic group that is not dominant socially, economically or politically.

Implicit Bias: Also known as unconscious or hidden bias, implicit biases are negative associations that people unknowingly hold. They are expressed automatically, without conscious awareness.

Inclusion: Authentically incorporating traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities and decision/policy making in a way that shares power.

For more diversity definitions and terms, visit Racial Equality Tools.

Employer and Employee Responsibilities

Both employers and employees have responsibilities when it comes to promoting and monitoring racial and ethnic diversity policy in the workplace. Both stakeholders have to work together to ensure the success of a company’s diversity initiatives.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers should act as facilitators and purveyors of knowledge to improve relations among their diverse workforce. Employers should also continuously work on the development of diversity policy and implementation. Management should also be trained to ensure the improvement of awareness on racial discrimination and ethnic diversity in the workplace. Furthermore, employers can help build the capacity of managers to ensure that the ethnic diversity policy is effectively applied within the company.

Employee Responsibilities

Employees and organizations tasked with protecting workers rights should lobby companies for strong ethnic diversity policies, ensuring that all workers enjoy equal opportunities at all stages of the employment cycle, including access to employment, training, promotion and retirement. Employees also have an important role in raising awareness amongst themselves on the right to a workplace free from racial discrimination and in supporting their coworkers when they issue complaints.

Introducing Racial and Ethnic Diversity Initiatives in the Workplace

lack of diversity in the workplace

Improving racial and ethnic diversity in the workplace often challenges the values and worldview of current employees. For this reason, introducing diversity initiatives is both challenging and necessary for companies looking to create a more inclusive corporate culture.

How companies introduce racial and ethnic diversity initiatives matters. To successfully introduce diversity initiatives, companies need to take a structured approach that involves assuaging feelings of uncertainty about the future of the company and effectively communicating new policies aimed at protecting workers belonging to certain racial and ethnic groups.

At the same time, companies should communicate realistic expectations to members of minority groups regarding the new policies to ensure they understand the goal and scope of the initiative.

Companies can communicate new racial and ethnic diversity policies by creating a consistent message delivered and sent to all hierarchical levels through email, internal media networks (including social media) and placing posters in high traffic areas. Messaging should also be designed to accommodate the different languages and literacy levels of employees to ensure everyone understands the new policies.

Creating an Effective Response to Complaints

race vs ethnicity

Making it easy for workers to raise complaints helps demonstrate a fair and concerted effort to understand their concerns and issues surrounding diversity. If it can be shown that the complaints procedure is confidential, backed by prompt and effective action to investigate and settle them transparently and seriously, there will be not only greater acceptance of the policy but also greater commitment to practice the policy throughout the company. There are two processes to resolve complaints:

Formal Process

A formal complaint process is one that provides a written summary of the full investigation to the complainant and the alleged offender. Both parties should be given the opportunity to provide comments on the content of this summary before the full report is finalized. The final report should include who was interviewed, what questions were asked, the investigator’s conclusions, and what possible remedies, sanctions or other action may be appropriate.

Informal Processes

An informal process involves conciliation, mediation, counseling or discussions in order to resolve complaints. Peer mediators should be used instead of HR staff to facilitate dialogue between the parties but not making any recommendations, sanctions or hand down rulings.

In addition to the two processes of resolving complaints, companies should also look to the following persons, departments and organizations for help in resolving diversity-related issues:

Focal Point: Regardless of the size of a company, it is important to have one or more officials dedicated to overseeing that diversity policy is upheld. These “focal points” should be reliable, approachable and respected by staff and management, such as members of the executive board, department heads or employee relations staff. The size of the company will determine the number of focal points and how many workers are covered by each one.

Human Resources: If a company is large enough to support a human resources, transformation or diversity department; then consideration should be given to appointing the main focal point from within these departments.

Unions: If the employee base for a company is comprised of members of a union, they will need assurance that they have union support to raise issues regarding racial discrimination. Some workers, therefore, prefer to call their union representative when dealing with discrimination issues. Companies need to make sure that they have open and clear channels of communication with unions representing their employees and an established protocol when it comes to dealing with ethnic diversity policy.

Call Center: For large companies, it may be cost-effective to establish a call center for employees who are not yet ready to lodge a formal complaint with focal points, human resources or their union. These employees can anonymously contact the call center if they wish to voice concerns and seek further advice about an incident. Call centers can also be an effective means of monitoring incidents to ensure they are being tracked and followed up by managers who are responsible for the work or by the department where racial discrimination is alleged to have occurred.


To thrive in the current diverse times, companies need to lead the way in inclusion by creating workplaces that promote and celebrate racial and ethnic diversity. By creating diversity-friendly environments, companies gain an advantage in the competitive search for skilled talent.

Does your Candidate Experience Meet Candidate Expectations?

Candidate expectations are transforming, and in today’s tight talent landscape, organizations need to keep up or risk being left behind. To succeed, employers need to understand what these new candidate expectations are, where they come from and how to meet them.

A Transforming Workforce

Millennials have been the largest generation in the workforce since 2015, according to the Pew Research Center. They are disrupting traditional work environments. To attract the best millennial workers, companies have relaxed dress codes, redesigned offices and offered flexible work hours. However, for many employers, the application and hiring process has been left behind.

It’s not just millennials changing the way we work. As a society, we’re more connected than ever before. According to Pew, 77 percent of U.S. adults own smartphones they can use to communicate, shop and apply for jobs. Unfortunately, many organizations still have applications that haven’t adapted and require as much as an hour of sitting at a computer.

High Stakes

An outdated or poorly designed application process can have real business consequences. In late 2017, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to lows the country hadn’t seen in 17 years. Candidates have a lot more choice when it comes to applying for and taking new jobs. As employers compete for the best candidates, those organizations with poor candidate experiences will miss out on the best talent.

However, the impact goes far beyond that. In the 2016 Talent Board North American Research Report, research shows that candidate experience is a part of an organization’s employment brand, which affects the perception of their overall brand. Talent Board reports that 41 percent of candidates who have a negative candidate experience will take their alliances, product purchases and relationships somewhere else. Additionally, 64 percent of candidates who have a positive experience say they’ll increase their relationship with that brand.

In this connected world, candidates are also likely to share their negative experiences with their networks on social media. This is perhaps the worst outcome for many organizations because not only do they miss out on that candidate, other potential candidates will be discouraged from applying. Because everything can live forever on the internet, posts sharing negative experiences can remain visible even after an organization has worked to improve their candidate experience.

Candidates Expect: Mobile First

We live in a mobile world. According to Pew, 77 percent of Americans own smartphones. That’s even higher than the percentage of people who use social media, which is 69 percent. Consumers use their smartphones to get directions, shop, pay for goods and services and more. Increasingly, candidates are using smartphones as a part of their job search. In fact, a growing number of candidates expect to be able to apply from their mobile phones.

According to Pew, 28 percent of Americans have used their phone as a part of their job search. That number jumps to 53 percent for adults ages 18- to 29-years-old. Half of those have used their smartphones to fill out a job application. However, many organizations still have application processes that are difficult to navigate on a mobile device. A survey by Indeed showed that 78 percent of people would apply on their mobile devices if the process was better.

It’s up to organizations to make the process better and meet those expectations for a mobile-first application process. While it is still difficult to create and design a traditional resume on a mobile device, other job search tools, like LinkedIn, work seamlessly on smartphones. To make an application process mobile friendly, organizations need to think outside the outdated application process.

Candidates Expect: A Fast Process

Speaking of that long application form, it fails to meet another major candidate expectation. Candidates want a fast and easy application process. According to the Talent Board report, the application process is still one of the most challenging areas in the candidate’s journey, and candidates want to “understand the questions they are being asked and have the opportunity to share their skills and experience.” In fact, a quick Google search for “the worst part about applying for jobs,” turns up article after article lamenting the process of uploading a resume and then entering work history and education information into an application.

If an application process is too long or too complicated, candidates will abandon the process. According to Indeed, applications with 45 or more questions have an abandonment rate of nearly 90 percent. In this tight talent market, that leaves a huge chance that an organization will miss out on the best candidate for the job just because of the long application process.

Candidates Expect: Personalization

As a consumer, when you go online, it can feel like everything is personalized for you. The ads on social media and websites are based on your online shopping and web browsing habits. Your email is filled with promotions and deals from companies offering exactly what you’re looking for. However, the candidate experience lags behind.

Personalization is important, – in one survey, researchers found that 87 percent of people said personally relevant content improves how they feel about a brand. In a job search, that can mean a lot of different things. If a candidate opts-in to a talent community, it can mean sending them open positions that are actually a fit with their skills and goals. If a candidate has already applied for a position with an organization, it can mean prepopulating a new application with the information they’ve already provided. As the Talent Board survey points out, it can also mean providing a personalized portal where a candidate can track the status of their application.

Personalization is really just another form of communication. It’s communicating to the candidate that an organization recognizes and remembers them and that the organization sees them as an individual – not just a resume.

Tech to the Rescue

Implementing an application process that meets all of these candidate requirements doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many technology solutions available that can help build a fast, simple, personalized, mobile-first application process.

Organizations should look for tools that take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning to build a good candidate experience. AI and machine learning technology can streamline the process for candidates and provide personalization to reflect a strong employer brand. AI can also source active and passive candidates within seconds.

Video interviews and digital assessments are other important tools. Many positions require skills assessments, but they don’t need to be a part of the initial application process. By using a tool with video interviews and digital assessments, organizations can speed up the hiring process because candidates can accomplish these on their own time.

It’s also important to have secure tools that tie in with your organization’s applicant tracking systems and vendor management systems. That way the tool will work seamlessly for candidates and recruiters and hiring managers.

To meet these candidate expectations and help our clients stay ahead of the shifts in the talent landscape, PeopleScout developed Affinix. Affinix is a mobile-first, cloud-based platform that creates a consumer-like candidate experience and streamlines the sourcing process. Embedded within PeopleScout’s talent solutions, Affinix delivers speed and scalability while leveraging artificial intelligence, recruitment marketing, machine learning, predictive analytics and other emerging technology with one point ATS and VMS integration and single sign-on.

How well does your candidate experience measure up? Schedule a candidate experience evaluation today!

Benefits of Workplace Diversity: The Value of LGBTQ+ Employees

On June 26, 2015, the United State Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that state-level bans on same-sex marriage were unconstitutional, ushering in marriage equality nationwide. However, despite the inroads made towards LGBTQ+ rights, many companies are still playing catch up when it comes to hiring, supporting and understanding the value of LGBTQ+ employees.

While there are legal protections in place to protect LGBTQ+ employers from discrimination in the workplace in many countries, in over half of the world, LGBTQ+ people are not protected from discrimination under workplace law. In a survey by the Center for American Progress (Cap) in 2022, half of LGBTQ+ and “sexual and gender diverse” people reported experiencing some form of workplace discrimination or harassment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. This rocketed to 70% for transgender respondents. In the UK, 40% of LGBTQ+ workers and 55% of trans workers have experienced harassment, compared with 29% of heterosexual, cisgender employees.

These issues are not only troublesome for LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace, but they are also bad for businesses. In this post, we outline the value of hiring and fostering a positive workplace environment for LGBTQ+ employees.

The Importance of Workplace Diversity

Today’s workforce has become increasingly diverse. Companies are more aware of the benefits of hiring talent from various backgrounds and the incredible contributions these employees bring to the workplace.

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Diversity & the Candidate Experience: Identifying Recruitment Pitfalls to Improve DE&I Outcomes

A well-managed diverse workforce will both reduce costs and generate greater profit, with companies that employ a diverse workforce having 35 percent higher financial returns than national averages according to a McKinsey report on workplace diversity. This clearly illustrates the importance of diversity in the workplace not only for a company’s culture but also for its bottom line.

Diversity does not just mean including women and persons from diverse racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds; it also means that businesses can benefit from hiring LGBTQ+ employees and creating a supportive atmosphere for them to thrive.

Workplace Diversity: Benefits for LGBTQ+ Individuals

For starters, LGBTQ+ supportive policies will have an instant effect on individual employees, consequentially creating less workplace discrimination and improved comfort about being openly LGBTQ+ at work.

According to a survey conducted by the Williams Institute, The Business Impact of LGBT-Supportive Workplace Policies, LGBTQ+ employees who feel the need to hide their identity in the workplace often feel greater levels of stress and anxiety causing health issues and work-related complaints.

By creating an LGBTQ-friendly workplace, companies can reduce stress and improve the health of LGBTQ+ employees, increase job satisfaction and create more positive relationships with co-workers and supervisors.

Workplace Diversity: Benefits for Businesses

Following the individual benefits, organizational outcomes will also improve. Employers with LGBTQ-friendly workplaces will benefit from lower legal costs related to discrimination lawsuits as well as lower health insurance cost, through improved health of employees.

In fact, a study by Out Now Consulting, LGBT 2030 – LGBT Diversity Show Me the Business Case, states that the U.S. economy could save $9 billion annually if organizations were more effective at implementing diversity and inclusion policies for LGBTQ+ staff.

By recruiting LGBTQ+ candidates, companies will open up the talent pool to more potential hires, making finding the right talent for a company easier than if they ignored a large and talent-rich demographic.

How to Successfully Recruit LGBTQ+ Individuals

Learning how to recruit LGBTQ+ individuals is the first step in creating a more LGBTQ-friendly workplace. To recruit LGBTQ+ talent, businesses need to tailor their recruitment approach to meet the unique expectations LGBTQ+ individuals have when in a job search. Below are three ways to better recruit top LGBTQ+ talent.

Do Market Research

To better understand the unique concerns and needs of LGBTQ+ individuals, businesses need to identify positive factors that appeal to LGBTQ+ candidates along with the negative factors that repel them. A good way to identify positive and negative factors is by surveying current LGBTQ+ employees. If a company lacks a large enough sample size, they can acquire survey data from third parties or diversity consultants. Companies should take the data and insights gleaned from surveys and polls to craft LGBTQ-friendly messaging in job postings and recruiter communications, so the target audience feels comfortable considering employment with the organization.

Create an LGBTQ-Friendly Recruitment Process

To successfully recruit the best LGBTQ+ talent, companies need a comprehensive approach that includes tailored LGBTQ-friendly employer branding and diversity-oriented talent acquisition professionals experienced in assessing diverse candidates. Companies can also focus efforts on recruiting LGBTQ+ interns and offer them the opportunity to join the organization full-time after the internship is completed. By creating a more LGBTQ-friendly recruitment process, companies will ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals are more likely to accept offers of employment.

Employee Referrals

Employee referrals can be a strong LGBTQ+ recruitment source. Companies with employee referral programs should adopt a diversity-focused approach that includes LGBTQ+ candidates. Companies should publicize this focus to employees, letting them know that the company is actively searching for and encouraging the recruitment of LGBTQ+ candidates to fill positions.

Workplace Inclusion Programs for LGBTQ+ Individuals

Creating a diversity inclusion program is one way of helping LGBTQ+ employees and other diverse members of a company feel welcome and comfortable at work. A well-run inclusion program should support LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace by offering workshops, training and support from both management and HR. The overall goal of inclusion is to make LGBTQ+ employees feel safe and like an integral part of a company.

Companies can also collaborate with outside LGBTQ+ organizations and charities and encourage both LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ employees to participate in events sponsored by these organizations. By aligning company values with those of LGBTQ+ organizations, companies can show their commitment not only to LGBTQ+ employees but also to supporting equality in the community as well.

Diversity and inclusion policies and programs can also save a significant amount of money spent on new talent recruitment and training by helping retain great talent. Furthermore, a more diverse and open workplace will increase creativity, which will lead to innovation and new ideas.


As the world becomes more accepting and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, people expect businesses to do the same. Companies who work towards change to create a more acceptable and tolerant environment will gain the respect and loyalty of employees and the public-at-large. While there is still a lot of work ahead, there are a rising number of companies that understand that equality is good for business.

Only 5% of organizations say they’re succeeding with their DE&I initiatives. Download our free research report, Diversity & the Candidate Experience: Identifying Recruitment Pitfalls to Improve DE&I Outcomes, for insights into how to improve diversity recruitment outcomes.

Creating an Effective Diversity and Inclusion Program

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is becoming more important as organizations look to create workplaces more reflective of current demographic trends. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey and Company, businesses with a diverse workforce are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above industry medians. Organizations can also use diversity and inclusion programs to better meet compliance obligations and generate higher morale amongst employees. To create an effective diversity and inclusion program, companies should consider the following.

Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion Programs

Diversity and inclusion programs provide companies with the opportunity to tap into the strengths of their workforce.

According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor, 67 percent of job seekers said a diverse workforce is important when considering job offers and 57 percent of employees think their companies should be more diverse. This means that companies that implement a diversity and inclusion program are more likely to attract top talent.

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PeopleScout Webinar: Using Data to Optimize Your Recruiting Process and Employer Brand

Embracing diversity and incorporating it into overall corporate culture has many benefits, such as introducing broader perspectives informed by the personal experiences of employees from various backgrounds into the workplace. Companies employing a diverse workforce also have a competitive advantage when it comes to hiring talent and attracting customers by embracing individuals from all walks of life.

Diversity and Inclusion Program Stakeholders

In order for a diversity and inclusion program to succeed, HR professionals need to secure buy-in from senior management. Obtaining buy-in requires HR professionals to outline how a diversity and inclusion program will help the company reach strategic goals, laying out the business case for the program.

Once buy-in is secured, roles and responsibilities will need to be assigned to diversity program stakeholders, so all parties involved understand their roles and what’s expected of them. For example, managers assigned the responsibility of assisting in a diversity and inclusion program rollout should be tasked with generating a dialog between themselves and employees to ensure a commitment to diversity is not only upheld by management but with non-management staff as well.

diversity program

HR professionals may also want to create a diversity council or committee composed of employees from all levels. The committee or council’s duties should include defining program goals, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace and holding stakeholders accountable for outcomes. The employer should provide the committee with a clear mission, defined budget and expectations/performance goals.

In the absence of a diversity and inclusion committee, an employer can designate responsibility for the above tasks to management or consider hiring a diversity and inclusion specialist to run the program.

Diveristy Program Planning Begins With Conducting an Internal Census

The first step an organization should take in implementing a diversity and inclusion program is conducting an internal census to better understand the demographic make-up of the organization. To conduct a proper census, organizations should include information from all of the major federal and state protected groups including:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Religious affiliation
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Nationality

Beyond government protected classes, other demographic information collected should include:

  • Education level
  • Years of experience
  • Family status
  • Languages spoken

To collect information needed for an internal census, companies should refer to EEO data collected for compliance obligations. However, data pertaining to non-compliance demographics will require conducting surveys where employees will need to self-identify voluntarily.

Self-reporting may prove difficult, as employees may not feel comfortable sharing personal information. To successfully conduct the survey, organizations must clearly communicate that the information requested is to help create a diversity and inclusion program. This will engender trust and assuage suspicions from employees who may feel uncomfortable with the process.

Once the data from the internal census is collected, it should be compared to the data available on the labor market. Organizations should look for gaps in diversity and then draft a plan to hire more members of underrepresented demographics.

What Should a Diversity Training Program Include?

Once an internal census has been conducted and all relevant data collected, areas of concern and underrepresented demographics can be identified. To begin addressing diversity issues, companies should review demographics such as age, sex and ethnicity to see if each group is properly represented throughout the business. Organizations can begin by asking the following questions:

  • Is management overrepresented by one demographic?
  • Do certain departments have trouble hiring certain demographics?
  • Are employees at one location less diverse than at others?

Organizations should also turn to employees to gain additional information on diversity and inclusion concerns and to learn employee attitudes on workplace culture.

Implement Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

After areas of concern have been identified, companies should look to implement diversity and inclusion initiatives to address issues and to create a more comfortable working environment for all employees.

diversity and inclusion strategy examples

Examples of diversity and inclusion initiatives are changes in company policies and practices, staff training, targeted recruiting and employer-sponsored diversity and inclusion awareness events. The organization must develop an action plan to implement these initiatives by setting realistic goals and starting with the elements that have the greatest business value or that are readily achievable to build momentum for the initiative.

Organizations should approach managers and equip them with messages to inform, educate, engage or empower employees where appropriate. The communication plan should incorporate executive presentations, social media posts, internal newsletters, intranet and email communications. The organization should use metrics and success stories to connect the diversity and inclusion efforts to its own goals and strategic diversity plans.

Types of Diversity and Inclusion Programs

Diversity and inclusion programs need to reflect the demographics of a company to better serve employees. There are many types of diversity and inclusion programs that are designed to address the special considerations that arise in a diverse workplace. For example, if a company is looking to hire more women in management positions, creating an outreach program that seeks to scout top female talent and groom them for success in leadership positions can help achieve this goal. Companies can also implement targeted diversity initiatives for veterans, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and others.

Measure Diversity Programs Outcomes

To make sure that diversity and inclusion initiatives are having a positive impact, it is imperative for organizations to measure the results of the programs that have been implemented. Outcomes such as an increased representation of identified groups and improved employee satisfaction are two of the most important metrics to track. Other measurements, such as improved employee retention, public recognition and awards can also indicate how an organization is performing in its diversity and inclusion program.

Some efforts may seem intangible, but some measures can indicate the success levels of action items. If diversity training is implemented to increase retention, employee retention can be tracked over time, and employees can be surveyed to determine if the training was a factor, and how much so, in their continued employment.

The results of the initiatives should be communicated at all levels to demonstrate the return on investment and value-add to the organization. Communication tools can include infographics for senior leadership meetings, memos to staff and company videos for potential candidates.

The ability to manage a diversity and inclusion program will only become more important as workplace diversity continues to increase. Organizations that take to time to diversity plan and have created successful diversity programs will have a leg up when it comes to hiring talent and increasing company revenue.

Dissecting the October Jobs Report

October Jobs Report

The Labor Department released its October jobs report which shows the economy recovering from hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The Numbers

261,000: The economy added 261,000 jobs in October
4.1%: The unemployment rate fell to 4.1 percent
2.4%: Wages rose by 2.4 percent in the last year

The Good

Both the 261,000 jobs added to the economy and the 4.1 percent unemployment rate confirm that the U.S. economy is recovering from both hurricanes Harvey and Irma. According to Business Insider, the 4.1 percent unemployment rate is the lowest in 17 years. Restaurants, bars and hotels accounted for most of the job gains. As we covered last month, most of the job losses in September were in the hospitality industry due to the hurricanes.

The Bad

The 261,000 jobs added in October fell short of economist expectations according to the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times reports that when looking at the broader trends in 2017, job growth has slowed compared to recent years. However, the rate is still enough to continue to push the unemployment rate down and bring new people into the workforce.
Meanwhile, wage growth slowed in October, after some indications in September’s report that it may start to accelerate. According to the New York Times, the numbers in October’s report were disappointing, even though many anticipated some impact from the hurricanes. Wage growth has stayed around 2.5 percent for most of 2017.

The Unknown

According to Bloomberg, most economists say the hurricanes are still distorting the numbers, so October’s jobs report doesn’t represent a complete picture of the U.S. economy. That trend could continue until the end of the year.
Additionally, the jobs report doesn’t reflect the impact of Hurricane Maria, as Puerto Rico is not included in the surveys.

PeopleScout APAC 2017 Innovation Forum

PeopleScout’s10th annual client forum in APAC took place on October 16 at the beautiful Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney. With over 120 participants, this year’s forum focussed on the changing world of work and more particularly, what HR and business leaders need to be thinking about as they transition the workforce through what is often referred to as the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Managing Director of PeopleScout in Australia and New Zealand, Nicole Cook opened the forum by introducing Taryn Owen, President of PeopleScout. Taryn shared the PeopleScout journey towards global expansion and described how PeopleScout is responding to industry trends. This was followed by a number of keynote presentations by both industry thought leaders and PeopleScout executives.

Four key themes emerged from the day:

  • Australia’s changing workforce and the influence of cultural preferences
  • The next disruption being a human one as the impacts of the gap in the supply and demand of quality talent put pressure on the workforce
  • The increasing importance of the focus on skills over experience
  • The digitisation of the talent acquisition and HR functions

Leaders also had the opportunity to participate in “Leadership Exchange” sessions where they discussed some of the more pressing topics facing HR leaders today. Our live survey of conference participants revealed what HR leaders are most worried about during this intense time of change, and maintaining the talent needed to deliver business outcomes is at the centre.

Critical questions from HR leaders in attendance included:

  • How we reskill the workforce to innovate and stay relevant?
  • Finding the right talent for the future and accommodating workforce needs
  • The transient nature of future employment expectations resulting in difficulty retaining intellectual property and talent
  • Competition for volume of resources in certain locations and sectors
  • Quality of talent
  • Will we respond to the changes in time?
  • Skills shortage and the numbers of relevant skilled individuals being available
  • Lack of skills coming through. Demands of industry work patterns versus what people want to work
  • Ability of our current workforce to transition
  • Keeping ahead of the pack/anticipating future needs/attracting, retaining and training new talent
  • Reskilling displaced workers
  • Building leaders who can deal with the future workforce and the speed of change

More insights from attendees at the forum include:

  • 62 percent of participants had not been to a conference or presentation in 2017 on AI, Automation or Robotics but 94 percent of participants felt their organisations would be impacted by it
  • 73 percent of participants felt their organisations were actively planning for how digitisation would impact the organisation
  • 90 percent thought it was harder to find quality talent
  • 61 percent felt that they would be faced with reskilling or displacing a large portion of their workforce
  • 66 percent were investing heavily in graduate and entry-level programs

Our keynote presentations and networking discussions aimed to provide valuable insights that participants could take away to help develop plans to address these concerns. 

Keynote: The Demographics of Business Recruitment, Procurement and Outsourcing in Australia – Bernard Salt

Bernard Salt is widely regarded as one of Australia’s leading social commentators by business, the media and the broader community. Bernard heads The Demographics Group, which provides specialist advice on demographic, consumer and social trends for business.
Bernard Salt opened by reinforcing the need for Australia to become more entrepreneurial. He illustrated how the economy has been driven by many of the same organisations like BHP Billiton and Commonwealth Bank over the past 25 or more years, pointing out the comparison to the U.S. economy being driven by monster technology organisations such as Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook.
He explored the rising Chinese and Indian immigration influence on the Australian economy and culture, pointing out that this increased over 50 percent in the last five years. That indicates that these cultures are looking for the lifestyle and cities that Australia has to offer.

The more than 20 years of positive GDP growth has led to a culture of aspiration within Australia, with the now growing expectation on housing with an emphasis on lifestyle products. Over the last 10 years, the shift to lifestyle focus has seen a 50 percent to 70 percent increase in expenditure on lifestyle products including cafes, takeaway foods, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and hardware
Bernard also reviewed the impact of globalisation on the workforce. While over the last 17 years there has been a reduction in some job titles (sewing machinist), the economy has added 3.4 million new jobs being added in healthcare, construction and education.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics report released on October 18 reinforced that job growth is the strongest in 12 years. This complemented Bernard’s keynote that showed the continuing shift in the labour market to services based economy, matching Australians preferences and lifestyle choices. These shifts are highlighted by the significant growth in roles such as baristas and as Bernard predicted, 25 percent more beauty therapist roles than 2011 and a 27 percent increase in fitness instructors. With the increase in the need for age and healthcare workers, Bernard validated PeopleScout’s growing position as a provider of RPO services in the healthcare sector due to this growth.

Bernard’s final recommendation to the attendees was the need to future-proof your career. These recommendations were based on continuous learning, in-house training, mentoring and the ability of the workforce to be resilient and embrace rather than fear change.

Keynote: The Digitisation of Talent Acquisition and HR – Nicole Cook

Nicole Cook, managing director for PeopleScout in Australia and New Zealand, presented on behalf of PeopleScout, giving an overview of the global talent landscape and three converging trends:

  • The growing gap in the supply and demand of educated skilled talent in developed countries due to demographic shifts
  • The impact of AI, automation and robotics on the workforce
  • The workplace challenges of having five generations in the workforce for the first time in history.

The presentation highlighted seven critical trends facing HR and talent acquisition as a result of this talent landscape including:

  • The rise of the Human Era and the relationship with our employees
  • The critical shift in the focus on skills over experience
  • The importance of being mobile optimised
  • The total adoption of social channels in driving candidate engagement and promoting the employment brand from the bottom-up
  • How AI will help find and engage critical talent in the future
  • How automation will change the role of the recruiter
  • And finally, the importance of understanding and using the large amounts of HR and talent data we now have at our fingertips

Nicole also presented information on PeopleScout’s proprietary technology platform, created as a response to these trends. 

Panel Discussion: Digital Marketing Trends & The Employment Brand Strategy

Thought Leader Presentation: The Marriage of Data, Media and Creativity

Chris Howatson, CEO of CHE Proximity, kicked off the panel discussion by providing an overview of the changing landscape of digital marketing and how brands are engaging with consumers.   He described the digital transformation occurring and reinforced that every consumer is a potential employee. Key messages included:

  • Technology enables a single person view, everywhere
  • The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour
  • The expectation of ‘always on’ personalisation
  • Big data systems deliver real-time artificial intelligence
  • Ideas will continue to be the currency of engagement

Panel Discussion Roundup:

The panel discussion brought Chris’s presentation to life through the eyes of the employer. As talent acquisition moves from an administrative to marketing-led function, the role of digital marketing plays a greater role in attracting talent to organisations and maximising candidate engagement. Participants included Chris, Martin Cowie, People & Development Director, OMD Sydney, Elle Green, Talent Brand & Social Engagement Consultant, LinkedIn and Laura Ford, Director of Sales, Enterprise Accounts ANZ, Indeed.

The topics included how modernised marketing approaches now extend to employment marketing through the maximisation of SEO and SEM, the psychology of candidate engagement, real-time successes in our client environments and the importance of ensuring an employment brand that markets a regionalised employee value proposition.  

Thought Leadership Exchange:

Attendees were given the opportunity to mix with other HR leaders and discuss critical topics of interest.  The topics were selected by our clients as part of the registration process. Attendees shared their knowledge and experience of how the topic was impacting their organisation or what plans they had in place to make progress and address the change.

Leadership Exchange 1: Progress in Diversity & Inclusion

Meaghan Davis, Head of HR Australia at Lendlease, facilitated a roundtable session that focused on progress made to date in the area of diversity and inclusion. Given the high focus on this area over the past several years,  the discussion focused on what has been done to date and what still needs to be done in the future.

Some of the highlights included:

  • Focus is shifting to D&I across the board not just concentrating on gender. Organisations are trying to deliver an inclusive environment that promotes diversity
  • Participants shared some innovative policies that are driving real change – modification of the five-day working week on building sites, flexibility policies that are not rigid and apply to all employees
  • Having a male champion to act as an influencer when driving gender balance is critical to success of the initiative
  • Many organisations are using testing and assessments to ensure they have a focus on the diversity of thought
  • Most attendees agreed that in many roles there are not enough females entering the top of the employment funnel to drive real long-term change. All agreed that gender stereotypes need to be tackled by society early in life (at home and school) and this is a broader community initiative.

Leadership Exchange 2: Legal Impacts of Changes in the Workforce

Joydeep Hor, Founder & Managing Principle, People + Culture Strategies, facilitated very interactive sessions on the legal impacts of the changing and ever diverse working arrangements. Attendees heard about shifts in the workforce and the rise of the gig economy and contingent workforce. They discussed the risks and legal implications of these arrangements and highlighted the top issues HR leaders need to be thinking about as they lead their organisations through the shifts.

Joydeep went on to discuss the significant amount of uncertainty employers are facing when it comes to changes throughout 2018 and beyond and employment law. He led a commercially driven discussion around the importance of being educated and up to date with legal requirements to prevent possible employee issues that may arise when working with businesses that have a high demand for diversity and flexible work arrangements, and a mix of employees and independent contractors on short-term assignments.

Leadership Exchange 3: Impacts on your workforce from Industry 4.0

Austen Williams, account manager at PeopleScout, facilitated roundtable sessions on the impacts on the participant workforce from Industry 4.0 changes, or as Nicole called it early in the day, the 4th phase of the industrial revolution. Austen discussed what workforce 4.0 is and where industry is going in the next three to five years, as well as what organisations can do to prepare for it now.

He also shared where companies have room to improve and what they can do to differentiate themselves in both the local and global marketplace. Attendees also discussed the potential impact on employees as jobs are automated, the importance of giving employees retraining opportunities and the difference between “digital natives” and “digital migrants,” those that have the learning ability to be retrained and those that already have the digital skills to transition through the change. This led to a discussion around future hiring strategies, and the question of “re-hire” or “re-skill” the current workforce.

The hot topic from this exchange was around the fully automated graduate program selection process that PeopleScout had recently delivered for Siemens. The attendees were particularly interested in the how Siemens used weighted application forms, gamification and video interviewing to present a modern approach to graduate recruitment that focused on candidate engagement and attraction of the top candidates.

Leadership Exchange 4: Digital Advancements in HR & Talent Acquisition

James Henness, head of business solutions and technology for PeopleScout APAC, facilitated roundtable sessions on the digitisation of the talent acquisition as a follow-up discussion from Nicole Cook’s keynote presentation. James discussed where clients were using digital assessments such as video or gamification in their current recruitment processes.

He also discussed the use of AI technology embedded within video assessment and what that meant regarding recognising bias and encouraging diversity. Attendees were very interested in the use of chatbots within the recruitment process with most attendees confirming they had seen chatbots in other industries but never used within the recruitment process.

It was a great day of networking, insights and leadership exchanges. Thank you again to our clients, valued guests, keynote speakers and roundtable hosts who made this year’s event so rewarding.

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

According to a recent demographic analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the U.S. will no longer have a single racial or ethnic majority. This shift towards a more diverse population will have major impacts on the workforce and how organizations address diversity in the workplace.

In the coming years, organizations that understand how to manage diversity in the workplace effectively will hold a distinct advantage when it comes to recruiting and hiring talent. This post outlines how organizations can best approach and manage diversity in the workplace with actionable tips and advice.

What is Diversity in the Workplace?

For an organization looking to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive workplace, it is important to understand what constitutes workplace diversity.

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between individuals in an organization. Diversity not only includes how individuals identify themselves but also how others perceive them. Diversity within a workplace encompasses race, gender, ethnic groups, age, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship status, military service and mental and physical conditions, as well as other distinct differences between people.

Research Report

Diversity & the Candidate Experience: Identifying Recruitment Pitfalls to Improve DE&I Outcomes

What are the Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace?

What are the Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace?

What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace? Well, there are many benefits to having a diverse workplace. Organizations that commit to recruiting a diverse workforce have a larger pool of applicants to choose from, which can lead to finding more qualified candidates and reducing the time it takes to fill vacant positions. Businesses that do not recruit from diverse talent pools run the risk of missing out on qualified candidates and may have a more difficult time filling key roles, which increases recruitment costs.

According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers said a diverse workforce is important when considering job offers and 57% of employees think their companies should be more diverse. These numbers are telling. Not only can organizations fill positions with qualified candidates more quickly by recruiting from different talent pools, but a diverse workforce also benefits their employer brand which is crucial when it comes to getting the right talent.

Having a diverse workforce with multi-lingual employees and employees from varying ethnic backgrounds can also be helpful for organizations who want to expand or improve operations in international, national, regional and local markets.

More benefits to having diversity in the workplace:

  • Employees from diverse backgrounds imbue organizations with creative new ideas and perspectives informed by their cultural experiences
  • A diverse workplace will help organizations better understand target demographics and what moves them
  • A diverse workplace can better align an organization’s culture with the demographic make-up of America
  • Increased customer satisfaction by improving how employees interact with a more diverse clientele and public

Diverse Staffing: How to Manage Diversity in the Workplace

Managing Diversity in the workplace

Managing diversity in the workplace presents a set of unique challenges for HR professionals. These challenges can be mitigated if an organization makes a concerted effort to encourage a more heterogeneous environment through promoting a culture of tolerance, open communication and creating conflict management strategies to address issues that may arise.

For leadership to effectively manage diversity in the workplace, they need to understand their backgrounds and how their behavior and beliefs can affect their decision-making within a diverse environment.

Tips for Managing Workplace Diversity

diverse staffing

Prioritize communication

To manage a diverse workplace, organizations need to ensure that they effectively communicate with employees. Policies, procedures, safety rules and other important information should be designed to overcome language and cultural barriers by translating materials and using pictures and symbols whenever applicable.

Treat each employee as an individual

Avoid making assumptions about employees from different backgrounds. Instead, look at each employee as an individual and judge successes and failures on the individual’s merit rather than attributing actions to their background.

Encourage employees to work in diverse groups

Diverse work teams let employees get to know and value one another on an individual basis and can help break down preconceived notions and cultural misunderstandings.

Base standards on objective criteria

Set one standard of rules for all groups of employees regardless of background. Ensure that all employment actions, including discipline, follow this standardized criteria to make sure each employee is treated the same.

Be open-minded

Recognize, and encourage employees to recognize, that one’s own experience, background, and culture are not the only with value to the organization. Look for ways to incorporate a diverse range of perspectives and talents into efforts to achieve organizational goals.


To build a diverse workplace, it is crucial to recruit and hire talent from a variety of backgrounds. This requires leadership and others who make hiring decisions to overcome bias in interviewing and assessing talent. If organizations can break through bias and hire the most qualified people, those with the right education, credentials, experience and skill sets, a diverse workplace should be the natural result.

Tips for hiring a diverse workforce:

  • Incorporate a diverse interview panel to ensure candidates are chosen solely based on suitability for the position.
  • Managers should be trained on what can and cannot be asked in an interview. For example, questions about an applicant’s personal life, such as which church they attend, their romantic life and political beliefs, are off-limits.
  • Get creative when recruiting. For example, if an organization would like to hire more women in the engineering department, they could reach out to professional groups that cater to women in engineering and ask to advertise open positions in their newsletter or member communications.

Diversity Management: Policies and Practices

diversity management

Organizations that embrace diversity also need to ensure that there are policies and practices in place to protect employees’ rights and stay compliant with government regulations.

It is essential for an organization to think about the impact that company policies and practices have on a diverse group of employees. Companies should create a way for employees to give feedback with surveys and suggestion boxes to gain a better understanding of how employees feel about diversity policies. Any feedback received, both positive and negative, is valuable. Companies need to be ready to adapt and change policies that may be interpreted as obstructions or not helpful for employees.

In addition to the written policies, it is also essential to ensure that the non-official “rules” of an organization are thoroughly explained to all employees to communicate company values and culture to all workers effectively.

Documentation of Policies and Procedures

Properly documenting diversity policies is an effective means of communicating an organization’s stances on diversity. Once concrete plans are ready to be implemented, documents that outline each policy should be included in the employee handbook. Diversity policies should be reviewed with every new hire, and when updates to policies are made, they should be shared with current employees as well.

Employee handbooks should cover diversity in the following sections:

  • Code of conduct should outline the company’s policy toward diversity
  • Non-discrimination policy lets employees know about diversity
  • Compensation and benefits policy
  • Employment conditions and termination

Zero-Tolerance Policy

Having a diverse workplace means that off-color jokes about ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion need to be met with zero-tolerance enforcement. Slurs, name-calling and bullying employees for any reason has no place in today’s workplace. Policies should be put in place to handle misconduct and communicate to employees that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

Organizations will also need to make sure employees feel safe reporting any instances of inappropriate behavior by co-workers by establishing a formal complaint policy,  so employees know how to report misconduct to the proper authority within an organization.

Sensitivity Training 

Employees need to be aware of how to coexist with a diverse range of people, as well as be cognizant of cultural sensitivity, to achieve harmony within a diverse workplace. Sensitivity training can help an organization manage diversity in the workplace by helping employees become more self-aware, which plays a vital role in helping employees understand their own cultural biases and prejudices.

Benefits of sensitivities training:

  • Helps employees examine and adjust their perspectives about people from different backgrounds
  • Employees can learn to better appreciate the views of others
  • Shows employees what actions are offensive and why they are perceived as such
  • Teaches employees how to calmly communicate that a co-worker has offended them and how to resolve the conflict properly
  • Explains to employees how to apologize to a co-worker if they have indeed offended them unknowingly
  • All employees should be included in sensitivity training; adding specific training for managers makes it even more impactful. Some companies also offer sensitivity training online.

Stay Abreast of Diversity Laws  

Managing diversity in the workplace means that businesses need to keep abreast of changing employer-related laws and trends, especially diversity-related changes. Organizations should regularly review internal policies, especially those around harassment and equal opportunity, and make sure they reflect the most current laws and regulations.

If an organization has an international or multi-state presence, it is necessary to track regional changes to laws and regulations as they vary from country to county and state to state.

Diversity law resources:

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

Encouraging diversity is the way forward for organizations. In a global talent market, businesses that can successfully manage diversity in the workplace will have a definite competitive advantage over others in terms of differentiation, innovation and employer branding.

Dissecting the September Jobs Report

September Jobs Report

The Labor Department released its September jobs report which shows major impacts from hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

The Numbers

-33,000: The economy lost 33,000 jobs in September
4.2%: The unemployment rate fell to 4.2 percent
2.9%: Wages increased 2.9 percent over the past year

The Good

Despite the 33,000 lost jobs in September, there are several bright points in September’s jobs report. The 4.2 percent unemployment rate is a new post-recession low. According to Business Insider, it’s the lowest since February 2001. Additionally, wage gains increased in September by 2.9 percent, which is higher than the steady 2.5 percent increases we’ve seen most of this year. That number could be skewed because low wage food service and hospitality workers who were out of work due to the hurricanes were not included in the figure. However, the New York Times reports that there are signs the labor shortage is starting to increase wages.

The Bad

September’s jobs report is the first time in seven years that the U.S. economy has shed jobs. However, the Wall Street Journal reports that economists say the number holds no weight because of the impacts of hurricanes Harvey and Irma. After Hurricane Katrina, the economy saw similar impacts, but those were temporary, resolving in about two months. The vast majority of the jobs lost were in food service and hospitality, which will likely return as Florida and Texas recover. However, economists did expect modest job gains of about 80,000 in September, so in that case, the job losses were worse than anticipated.

The Hurricanes

Because this jobs report is such an outlier due to hurricanes Harvey and Irma, it’s important to understand some of the numbers behind their impact. Although Hurricane Harvey hit in late August, it didn’t have a large impact on the August jobs report. According to the Labor Department, Texas and Florida account for about 7.7 percent of U.S. employment. Most reported job losses occurred in the food, tourism and hospitality in those states. The jobs will likely return, but since many of those positions are hourly and employees were not paid while the hurricanes shut down much of those industries, they are considered job losses. However, the Labor Department reports that the hurricanes had no impact on the unemployment rate.
Additionally, according to the Wall Street Journal, 1.5 million Americans reported that they had a job in September but were not working because of the weather. That’s the highest number since January 1996, when a blizzard hit the Northeastern part of the country, resulting in 60 deaths and causing $585 million in damage. This demonstrates the massive impact of hurricanes Harvey and Irma had on September’s jobs report.
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which both suffered significant hurricane damage, are not included in the Labor Department Survey.
We’ll have our analysis on the October jobs report when it comes out next month.

Four Ways to Strengthen your Employer Brand and Recruit Top Talent

As the global economy grows and the talent market tightens, employers are facing increasing competition for the best workers. To succeed in attracting the best candidates and retaining top talent, organizations must place increased focus on their employment brand.

The World Economic Forum contends that “human capital is critical not only to the productivity of society, but also the functioning of its political, social and civic institutions.” The demand for high-skilled labor is growing faster than supply, with a deficit of 38 to 40 million workers with advanced education worldwide. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) 2017 survey, 77 percent of CEOs say they’re concerned that a shortage of key skills could impact their company’s growth.

In that same PwC survey, 69 percent of CEOs say they are convinced that it’s harder to gain and retain people’s trust in a digital and connected world. Cultivating trust is key to building a strong employer brand and recruiting top talent. An employer brand is a public perception of what it’s like to work for an organization. It’s what job seekers and employees think about when a company’s name is mentioned. With a strong employer brand, organizations can attract the right talent, without relying solely on compensation to improve retention rates.

In the current digital environment, job seekers are inundated with information about your organization – through your marketing, news, blogs and website. Even if your organization consistently puts out strong marketing content to attract talent, job sites like Glassdoor can help or hinder your brand and reputation based on employee reviews. 70 percent of job search candidates will use Glassdoor to help make informed decisions before they commit to their next career move. With so much information available to job seekers, employers need to be engaged with what’s being shared online.

How do you build a culture of trust and improve your employer branding?

1. Give your employees a voice on your blog and social media

The best advertisement you can get for your employer brand is recommendations from your employees; it’s the only form of advertising that is authentic. With the rise of social media, companies are more exposed than ever, whether they want to be or not. Giving your employees a voice empowers engagement and gives them ownership of the brand message.

Allowing your employees to contribute to your blog and social media accounts gives your readers a different perspective. By sharing their knowledge and experience, employees can offer an inside look at what it’s like to work for your organization. According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Study, 62 percent of respondents found a company’s social media more convincing than their advertising. This means that giving an employee a voice and training brand ambassadors is more important than ever.

2. Develop employee ambassadors

Changing the perception of your employer brand does not always require a big budget. One way to build a strong brand is through brand ambassadors – employees who are engaged and connected in your organization and who can share their enthusiasm outside the workplace. To develop an employee ambassador program, you need to make sure that every employee understands and is aware of your key brand messages. Set up workshops to explain your company’s mission, vision and values, share the benefits of being a part of your organization and reiterate the voice and tone of your brand.

To start your brand ambassador program, find a few creative ways to get employees more involved. Companies can set up an employee referral program for open jobs with an incentivized bonus for every successful referral. A referral program gives your employees a bonus for spreading positive word of mouth about your company. Some employees may respond better to social recognition than financial incentives. Companies could also set up a platform for sharing gratitude and social accolades for employees that refer candidates. Another way to reward participants is through charitable gestures. By adding a charity component, a company can drive participation and build a network of charitable ambassadors. Employees can spread positive messages about your organization, recruit talent and make a difference for those in need.

3. Improve your Glassdoor ratings

Another impactful approach to employer branding is asking employees and interns to review your company on Glassdoor. Also, be sure to reply publicly to both positive and critical remarks. It’s important to show others that you take criticism seriously and want to learn to be a better employer. According to a Glassdoor survey, 62 percent of candidates in the U.S. agree their perception of a company improves after seeing an employer respond to a review.

Building your Glassdoor account and obtaining an OpenCompany profile could also boost your rating and make your organization more transparent. To get an OpenCompany profile, you need to accomplish a few tasks on your Glassdoor account. As an organization, you need to update the company profile, add at least 10 photos, get reviewed by job candidates or employees, respond to those reviews and promote your Glassdoor profile with a badge on your website or blog. Accomplish those steps, and you will be among the handful of companies that have obtained the OpenCompany transparency badge on Glassdoor.

4. Digitize your brand strategy, and put mobile first

It is important to stay up-to-date on the digital technologies used for attracting the best talent. As these technologies gain even more momentum, they are profoundly changing the strategic context of employer branding. A study by Employer Branding International found that social media is the top communication medium, used by 76 percent of companies for communicating the employer brand, but only 45 percent of companies are using a mobile-optimized website.

The prevalence of smartphones and tablets means that we now have a massive audience of mobile job seekers. In addition, Generation Z is now entering the workforce and has no knowledge of life without a smartphone. For this generation, life is about being connected; sharing, searching and interacting with other consumers. As Generation Z candidates apply for jobs, they will have a different expectation for how they will communicate with potential employers. Having a strong brand with a mobile-optimized website is the first step to reaching these candidates.

As the talent market tightens around the globe, mobile optimization, social media, employee values and online ratings are growing more important for improving employer brands.