Positive Global Economic Growth and Its Impact on Talent Acquisition

According to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Update, global economic activity continues to trend upward. Global production is estimated to have grown by 3.7 percent in 2017, which is 0.1 percentage point faster than projected and half a percentage point higher than in 2016. Global growth has been broad-based, with exceptional growth in Europe and Asia. As a result of better than projected growth in 2017, global growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019 have adjusted from 0.2 to 3.9 percent. The adjustment reflects amplified global growth momentum.

Positive economic growth numbers affect both large, multinational and small, regional organizations’ demand for and ability to recruit talent. To stay competitive in the battle for talent, organizations need to understand current economic trends and the effect they have on the labor market. In this post, we cover the impact of global growth on labor markets, how workforce planning can help organizations navigate growth and the need for flexible global talent acquisition programs to manage fluctuations in hiring needs.

Strong Global Economic Recovery and Increased Competition for Talent

While the global economy continues to grow steadily, the working-age population has stagnated. According to a demographic analysis conducted by the Wall Street Journal, by 2050, the global population will grow by 32 percent; however, the working-age population will increase by only 26 percent, a 6 percent drop off.

What’s more, in advanced nations, the working-age population will decrease by 26 percent, while according to the U.N., middle-income nations will see it rise 23 percent. Shrinking labor markets and talent pools will become a serious challenge in many major economies as labor market shortages could reach heights unseen in decades, especially in the U.S., Japan, UK and countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Labor shortages cause increased competition for talent. Thanks to steady economic growth, organizations are on better financial footing than during the recession. Financial stability can lead to more investments in expansion and product development; however, skills and labor shortages can be stifling to growth.

This reality necessitates that business leaders reassess how they attract, develop and retain their organization’s talent. Below, we list a few ways organizations can help bridge the talent gap as well as ways they can mitigate the effects of talent shortages:

  • Organizations should encourage recruiting teams to source from diverse demographic groups to find talent.
  • Organizations should look to cultivate a strong talent pipeline consisting of passive and active candidates to nurture and engage when vacancies arise.
  • If possible, organizations should partner with local governments to invest in infrastructure, technology, education and training programs to help underqualified and less-educated workers improve their employability for the jobs of the future.

Planning for Talent Acquisition to Accommodate Economic Growth

Economic growth is transforming global businesses and the international talent landscape. Technological advances, further globalization of markets, changing demographic trends and increased competition are changing the way organizations see talent acquisition in virtually every industry. To stay ahead of talent shortages and increased competition for candidates, organizations should take proactive steps, including integrating workforce planning into their business planning process.

Workforce planning is a process used to align the needs of an organization with those of its workforce to ensure it can meet compliance, service and production requirements. Workforce planning can help organizations analyze their current workforce, determine future workforce needs and identify the gaps between the current and future workforce. The workforce planning process should include stakeholders from multiple departments of the organization collaborating closely together to establish organizational goals and the talent needs to support them.

Essential components of workforce planning include:

Workforce Demand Planning

Workforce demand planning involves taking into account the key mission, goals and future objectives set by an organization’s leadership and assessing the current workforce to determine if it is well-aligned enough to achieve them.

Estimating the Labor Pool

Estimating the labor pool entails researching the supply and availability of labor and comparing the talent supply with an organization’s talent demands from both internal and external sources.

Managing the Gaps

Managing the gaps requires that the HR department establish tactics to proactively resolve issues that may arise between workforce demand and supply. This ensures that positions vital to achieving previously outlined goals can be filled in the face of labor shortages.

Economic Growth and Increased Competition Demand Flexibility in Talent Acquisition Tactics and Strategy

A competitive labor market and rapid innovation are spurring a need to reinvest in recruiting. More frequently, organizations are turning to talent acquisition experts such as recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) providers. The global RPO market grew by 17 percent in 2015, according to Everest Group, a consulting and research firm. The majority of global RPO growth is attributed to new deal activity, which grew at a rate of more than 18 percent from 2015 to 2016 and continues to trend upward.

For high-growth organizations, an RPO provider offers the benefit of a consultative partnership where the provider acts as extension of an organization’s HR department to supplement and amplify recruiting resources. Throughout the engagement, RPO providers work to transform recruitment processes to help the client reach its long-term hiring and business goals. Experienced RPO providers embrace a mix of talent acquisition strategies, technology and emerging recruiting techniques to source and hire talent. Moreover, an RPO provider with experience hiring talent globally can leverage data to determine the best global talent markets to source talent from. The provider will also use global employment data and trends to design strategies that will attract talent to a client’s organization.

RPO solutions provide scalability and flexibility to organizations by outsourcing the entire or parts of the recruitment process to an external provider. An RPO provider scales its team according to a client’s unique needs, deploying more resources for high-volume hiring periods and recalling resources when hiring slows. An RPO provider’s experienced team of recruiters, use of cutting-edge recruiting technology and recruitment marketing tactics make it well-equipped to handle scalable hiring needs. Because of the flexible nature of RPO programs, providers can better navigate fluctuating hiring demands.

Contingent and Gig Workers

Organizations that wish to develop a more agile talent management strategy and position themselves for future growth are adopting a more scalable and fluid approach to recruitment, with contingent hiring at it its core. Research conducted by Ernst & Young (EY) revealed that organizations are increasingly embracing gig and contingent workers as a means of adapting to rapid growth and the changing nature of work. Contingent and gig hires are not a fad. In fact, 40 percent of respondents to the study expect to use contingent labor in the years ahead.

From the employer perspective, the uptick in temporary hiring and the growing utilization of gig economy workers has provided substantial benefits. Below, we list a few of the benefits reported in the EY research:

  • Contingent hiring helps organizations better control labor costs by setting prescribed budget limits.
  • Organizations are more flexible in the skills sets and expertise they hire for.
  • Contingent labor provides organizations with the ability to rapidly respond to changes in demand for labor.

To manage contingent workforce needs, organizations can turn to managed service providers (MSP) programs to support gig, temporary, temp-to-hire, direct hire, independent contractor (1099) administration and other needs.

Benefits of Engaging a Managed Service Provider:

  • An MSP program delivers immediate ROI by analyzing an organization’s total spend and identifying ways to optimize and drive cost savings.
  • MSPs set baseline performance metrics to track improvements and quantify business issues, such as the cost of turnover and the lost productivity that follows. This provides clients with a real-time view of costs and areas for improvement and savings.
  • MSPs not only manage staffing suppliers and services spend but also work to streamline operations to scale and match growth cycles.


As the global economy continues to grow and the demand and competition for talent rises as a result, organizations need to stay abreast of the scope of talent available on the market. Talent acquisition specialists have adapted to the changes in global workforce trends and are equipped to provide organizations with the expertise and resources needed to navigate an ever-changing and challenging talent landscape.

PeopleScout U.S. Jobs Report Analysis — April 2018

The Labor Department released its April jobs report with 164,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy, continuing the longest stretch of job growth in the nation’s history and bringing the unemployment rate to 3.9 percent – the lowest level since 1970.

The Numbers

164,000: The economy added 164,000 jobs in April.
3.9%: The unemployment rate dropped to 3.9 percent.
2.6%: Wages increased 2.6 percent over the last year.

The Good

The 164,000 jobs added this month may have been less than some analysts projected, according to the Wall Street Journal, but April’s job growth brought the unemployment rate down to 3.9 percent after it held steady for six months. Revised figures show employers added 30,000 more jobs in February and March than previously estimated, bringing the monthly pace of hiring this year to 200,000, compared to the 2017 average of 182,000 jobs per month.

The strongest gains continue to be in the professional and business services sector, which added 54,000 jobs in April. With that, the total number of jobs added in this sector in the last year rose to more than half of a million. Manufacturing also continued to grow with 245,000 jobs added in the last year. The healthcare industry also continued its consistent growth, adding 24,000 jobs in April, and 305,000 in the last year.
Wage growth continued, but at a modest rate of 2.6 percent over last year. While many workers would like to see higher gains, the modest growth is appealing to investors and eases fears about the economy overheating.

The Bad

Unlike the areas of the economy which showed healthy job increases in April, some industries saw little change over the last month – including construction, wholesale trade, retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, financial activities, leisure and hospitality and government work.
The U.S. workforce shed 410,000 people in April, bringing the total of those out of the workforce to 95.7 million. The tightening labor market brings significant challenges to employers, including potential wage pressure and a diminishing pool of available talent, according to the Washington Post.

The Unknown

Uncertainty over the imposition of tariffs on China and other countries makes long-term planning and growth projections very challenging, the New York Times reports. The possible shift in the price of raw materials resulting from a trade war would likely have the greatest impact on the manufacturing sector.

Predictive Analytics: A Powerful Talent Acquisition Tool

In this tightening talent market with unemployment rates at record lows, predictive analytics is emerging as an essential AI tool for employers looking to stay ahead of the competition. Applications of artificial intelligence are transforming the talent acquisition process. As an AI tool, predictive analytics allows employers to use the power of data to make predictions about candidates and drive efficiencies throughout the entire talent acquisition process.

What is Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics is a type of data analytics that uses data to find patterns and then uses those models to attempt to predict the future. Predictive analytics can’t tell you what will happen, but it shows what is likely to happen based on past trends. It’s as close as employers can get to predicting the future.

The ability to make these predictions helps shorten the entire recruiting process while making stronger hires. In a competitive talent market, this allows employers to identify the top talent for a particular role and make an offer to the best candidates faster than the competition. For employers, this results in improvements in time-to-hire and quality-of-hire, and for candidates, it builds a better experience, leaving a positive impression that will factor into their decision to accept an offer.

Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Sourcing

During the sourcing process, predictive analytics models can identify stronger candidates more quickly and accurately than traditional methods. AI sourcing that uses predictive models can provide recruiters with a solid slate of candidates as soon as a requisition is opened, giving the recruiter a strong head start to fill the role. An AI sourcing solution that uses predictive analytics modeling can also provide the recruiter with information about how well the candidate matches the job opening and how likely the candidate is to leave their current role. With this information, recruiters are able to work more quickly and efficiently, filling the role with the best talent in less time. In the end, it saves companies time and money.

To roll out a predictive analytics sourcing tool, employers first need to establish what makes a good hire. This requires looking back into data from previous hires that demonstrates how well those hires performed. This step is critical because employers may find that the factors that predict success are not what they thought. For instance, when filling certain roles, employers may prioritize candidates with advanced degrees. However, data may show that an advanced degree is not a reliable predictor of success. Instead, industry experience or high scores on a pre-employment assessment may better predict the success of a candidate.

Once an employer has the data to identify qualities that predict success, the predictive analytics technology that’s part of an AI sourcing tool can use that information to identify candidates who match that criteria. The technology can scour social media sites, job boards, talent communities and networking and career sites to find the best talent. Using available data, the tool will make predictions about the candidate, and the recruiter can use those predictions to determine which candidates to target for more personalized communication.

As recruiters use the predictive analytics tool, they constantly feed more data into the system. This means that over time, the technology is able to learn more and make even more accurate predictions about candidate success. At PeopleScout, AI sourcing using predictive analytics is a key component of AffinixTM, our proprietary talent technology.

When implementing a predictive analytics sourcing tool, there are a few important considerations to ensure success. The first is making sure that data you use is good, accurate data. You need accurate information about previous hires, including pre- and post-hire information. Since an RPO is only engaged through the hiring and onboarding process, if you’re using an RPO to manage your talent acquisition, it’s important to share post-hire data that demonstrates whether the candidate made a strong employee. Knowing about performance or employee tenure will make predictive analytics tools more powerful. To make that data work for you, it is key that you share that post-hire data with your RPO partner.

Using Predictive Analytics to Make Your Recruitment Funnel More Efficient

In addition to sourcing, predictive analytics can be used throughout the entire recruitment process to drive efficiencies in an employer’s recruitment funnel. A recruitment funnel encompasses all of the steps between when a candidate applies for a position until that candidate is hired. At different steps in the recruitment funnel, candidates will either be eliminated from consideration or move along in the process.

For instance, in a recruitment funnel, an employer may receive 100 applications. During the initial resume screen, a portion of those candidates will be eliminated. After a phone screen, more candidates will be eliminated. The process continues until there is one candidate left and the employer makes the hire.

By analyzing the recruitment funnel, you can work backward to learn how many applicants are necessary to make one hire. To accomplish this, you need multiple data points from a large number of hires. The more data you have, the better and more accurate a prediction will be. That data will give you an understanding of what your recruitment funnel looks like now, and from there, predictive analytics technology can make the process more efficient, which means you would need fewer applicants to hire the right candidate. That turns into decreased time-to-fill and cost-per-hire, while increasing the quality-of-hire.

As in the souring process addressed above, you need to start by evaluating and analyzing existing data. Again, this is a process where the quality of the data will determine the outcome. By analyzing data about factors that can predict successful hires, the predictive analytics tool will learn what qualities make for a strong hire. Like in the sourcing process, the data may tell a story that you don’t expect about what makes a good employee. For instance, you may expect your strongest hires to come from a specific degree program at a nearby university, so you spend significant time and money recruiting those graduates. A predictive analytics tool could help identify other university programs that produce candidates who also match your hiring needs.

With the data about candidate success, you can tailor the entire application process. If the best candidates come from certain sources – job boards, employee referral programs, etc. – you can target your recruitment marketing spend to connect with those candidates and decrease or eliminate advertising that doesn’t yield strong results. When you start with stronger candidates, you need fewer applicants to make a quality hire.

Predictive Analytics Considerations

You should also ensure that your RPO partner uses a technology that is programmed to prevent discrimination and has external checks in place to be sure that isn’t taking place. The technology cannot take factors like gender, race or disability into account as it combs the web for candidates, as this could violate anti-discrimination laws. Additionally, you must take care that the technology does not learn biases from the people who use it. When used correctly, predictive analytics technology can help eliminate discrimination from the recruiting process. It is important to look at variables like race and gender to measure potential bias, but the technology should not use that information to target or exclude candidates. To help prevent discrimination, combining the technology with the intelligence of the recruiter is the differentiator.

Finding a Partner

When looking for a predictive analytics technology solution, it is important to work with a partner with deep expertise of not only the technology but the entire talent landscape. You should look for an RPO provider that can respond to the unique challenges of your industry and that has an end-to-end technology solution that can be customized to your needs.

In an industry-leading technology solution, predictive analytics should be integrated throughout the entire process so that you’re able to harness the full power of the data. If your data analytics tool in the sourcing process operates independently of the data analytics tool that operates later in your recruiting funnel, you risk losing valuable insights. PeopleScout’s Affinix combines the best recruitment technology in the industry, and fully integrates the entire process. With Affinix, our clients get the most out of their data.

When working with an RPO provider, employers will also benefit from the data that the RPO has across its entire client base and in your industry. You can use that data to benchmark and improve your own programs. To get the most out of the partnership, it is important to work out an agreement where you share post-hire data with your RPO provider. Data is valuable, and good data is what makes a predictive analytics program successful. Sharing data with your partner ensures you have the strongest possible souring and recruitment solution.

Predictive analytics should be a part of an overall talent acquisition program and a complete technology solution. To stay ahead in a tight talent market, employers should use the power of data to make better hires, faster.

Rural Healthcare: How to Recruit and Attract Clinical Talent in Rural Areas

Healthcare providers in rural areas face unique obstacles when it comes to recruiting and retaining clinical talent. The growing shortage of nurses and physicians coupled with declining rural populations makes it more challenging than ever for rural healthcare organizations to attract physicians, nurses and other specialized clinical professionals. In this post, we cover the healthcare recruitment challenges faced by rural healthcare organizations and actionable advice on how to overcome them with smart talent acquisition strategies.

Rural Healthcare Challenges

Modern Healthcare reports that 77% of rural counties in America are experiencing shortages of primary care physicians, and the number of surgeons practicing in rural counties has decreased by 21%. What’s more, the Council of State Governments reports that more than 60% of areas experiencing nursing shortages are located in rural regions. Recruiting and retaining clinical professionals in these underserved rural communities remains a significant challenge for states and county governments and healthcare organizations. Economic, educational, professional and cultural dynamics affect the clinical talent shortages in rural areas including the following factors:

  • Many universities and institutions of higher learning are located in more urban regions, limiting rural healthcare organizations recent graduate talent pool.
  • Access to professional development and education programs may be limited in rural areas which can discourage candidates looking to further their career training and education.
  • Candidates with experience working in urban areas may not be prepared for or willing to adapt to the culture and lifestyle changes inherent with living in rural communities.
  • Rural healthcare organizations may not have enough opportunities for career advancement within the organization.
  • Rural healthcare organizations often face understaffing leading to increased workloads, extended shifts and less scheduling flexibility.
  • Urban healthcare organizations may be able to offer more competitive salaries, benefits and better working conditions.
  • Rural communities may offer fewer career opportunities for spouses and children of candidates.

Recruiting Strategies for Rural Healthcare Organizations

To overcome healthcare recruiting challenges, rural healthcare organizations need to employ various strategies focused on attracting and retaining clinical talent. Below, we list four approaches rural healthcare organizations can utilize to source, hire and retain clinical talent.

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Recruit Foreign-Born Talent

Rural healthcare providers should not limit their talent search locally. Federal programs like Conrad State 30 allow a state’s health department to request J-1 Visa waivers for a maximum of 30 foreign-born physicians per year. For foreign-born physicians to be accepted into the program, they must agree to work in a Health Professional Shortage Area or Medically Underserved Area. Healthcare organizations located in one of these federally designated areas can reach out to their state’s health department and request J-1 Visa recipients be sent to their facility if they display sufficient need.

Non-immigrant H-1B Visas can also be used to fill clinical employment gaps for rural healthcare organizations. H-1B Visas are employer-sponsored and are reserved for “specialty occupations,” including medical doctors, nurses and physical therapists. H-1B visas are issued for three years and can be extended to six years depending on circumstance.

While exact H-1B Visa requirements vary by state and each state is given some flexibility in determining program rules, all of the following are required by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services:

  • The recipient must have a full-time contract for employment as a direct care healthcare worker in a region designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area, Medically Underserved Area or a Medically Underserved Population.
  • A firm commitment from an international medical graduate to begin employment within 90-days of receiving a visa waiver.
  • Three years of employment, specifically in H-1B temporary worker status, with the sponsoring employer.
  • A no-objection letter from the visa recipient’s home country if the talent exchange was subsidized by the home government.

Offer Recent Graduates Loan-Repayment Assistance    

According to Debt.org, more than 76% of medical school graduates exit school with average $189,000, in student loan debt. What’s more, 47% of graduates owed $200,000 loans and 13% owed more than $300,000. Rural healthcare organizations can attract these young clinical professionals by offering loan repayment programs and incentives. If a rural healthcare organization is unable to afford its a loan repayment program, there are multiple state and federal programs designated to assist rural healthcare organizations. Below, we list three long-standing federally subsidized loan repayment incentive programs:

Maintain a Steady Candidate Pipeline

The healthcare talent shortage has placed a premium on clinical healthcare workers. Rural healthcare organizations have to reconcile the fact that some of their talent may be lured away by offers from competitors in more attractive locations. To stay ahead of talent attrition, rural healthcare organizations need to build and maintain a verdant candidate pipeline. Below we share strategies on how to build and cultivate relationships with potential candidates:

  • Healthcare organizations should position themselves as rural training sites for medical students, primary care residents, nurses and other clinical roles looking to experience healthcare in a rural setting.
  • Staff members should be encouraged to network and cultivate a rapport with potential candidates at medical conferences, professional development workshops, networking events and trade shows.
  • Recruit traveling nurses, physicians and locum tenens clinical professionals who may also be on the lookout for permanent practice opportunities.
  • Recruiters for rural healthcare organizations should be provided with subscriptions to candidate sourcing services and encouraged to reach out to candidates who have experience working in rural healthcare.

Sell the Community to Candidates

Many candidates may have preconceived notions regarding rural communities — and not all of them positive. To assuage a candidate’s doubts about working and living in a rural setting, it is important for healthcare organizations to highlight the strengths and positive attributes of their community. Recruiters can point to the lower cost of living in the community and how that can make the compensation packages more attractive. Elements of a community’s culture such as recreational and leisure activities, natural beauty, festivals, fairs, the arts scene, spiritual and religious institutions and a community’s character may make the position more attractive once highlighted. Additional factors such as the community being a good place to raise children, an opportunity for more professional independence and the chance to offer more personable patient care are all positives that can be presented to interested candidates.


For rural healthcare organizations facing recruiting and retention challenges, employing some of the approaches and strategies outlined in this blog will help attract vital clinical talent. Improved talent acquisition, in turn, will enhance the quality of care rural healthcare organizations provide to their communities.

PeopleScout Australia Jobs Report Analysis – March 2018

The Australia Bureau of Statistics released its March Labour Force Key Statistics showing slower job growth compared to the past year.

The Numbers

4,900: The Australian economy added 4,900 jobs in March.
5.5%: The Australian unemployment rate remained steady at 5.5 per cent.
65.5%: Labour force participation decreased 0.1 per cent to 65.5 per cent.
+7: According to the NAB, the business confidence index fell two points to +7 index points.


The 4,900 jobs added to the Australian economy in March brings employment growth over the past year to 367,100, as reported by Business Insider. Employment remains at a record high 12.48 million. The largest increase in employment was in Victoria, followed by Tasmania and Western Australia. Since March 2017, full-time employment has increased by 226,900 persons, and part-time employment has increased by 140,200 persons.

Additionally, the unemployment rate initially reported as 5.6 percent in February was adjusted down to 5.5 per cent. That rate held steady in March. According to Marketwatch, the country is still not yet at full employment.


The 4,900 jobs created in March fell well below economists’ expectations. This is a sign that the strong run of monthly job increases could be slowing down. Full-time employment actually decreased by nearly 20,000 in March, but an increase of nearly 25,000 jobs created the net increase in employment. There was also a small decrease in the labour participation rate.

The business confidence rate also dropped two points in March to +7. This is still slightly higher than the historical average, but it has fallen four points in just two months.


The significant slowing of job creation in March may mark the end of a period of strong sustained job growth. Decelerated job growth has implications for the broader Australian economy, though economists still debate what could happen. While there is still room to grow in Australia’s economy, some economists believe the growth could slow.

Tom Kennedy of JP Morgan notes, “Much of the positivity RBA officials have had on the labour market of late has come from the fact that employment growth boomed last year, with raw job creation making it easy to paper over the various headwinds facing the consumer, such as benign wages growth and high levels of household indebtedness.

However, we had previously flagged the surge in employment growth and participation as being correlated phenomena. While early days it appears this view is broadly tracking, and we retain our forecast for participation to stabilise and employment growth to moderate in 2018.”

How to Use Pre-Employment Assessments and Testing in Healthcare Recruiting

From resumes to references and cover letters, healthcare organizations have multiple sources of information to learn about the skills and competencies of a potential hire. Even with this information, it can be hard to get to know candidates throughout the hiring process. Healthcare HR professionals can use pre-employment testing to more accurately ascertain the strengths, weaknesses and overall suitability of a candidate. In this post, we cover the basics of pre-employment assessments and ways healthcare recruitment teams can leverage them to make better healthcare hiring decisions.

What is Pre-employment Testing and Assessment?

A pre-employment assessment is a method used by an employer to evaluate a candidate’s skills, intellect, personality and other traits. Recruitment process outsourcing providers, healthcare hiring managers and recruiters are all relying more heavily on data-driven talent management practices. According to a survey conducted by the American Management Association (AMA), the use of pre-employment assessments is growing steadily. The AMA’s study revealed the following:

  • 70% of employers conduct job skill testing at some point during the hiring process
  • 46% of employers conduct personality or psychological assessments of job candidates
  • 41% of employers test candidates for literacy and math aptitude

Assessments can provide valuable information on a candidate’s ability to successfully execute their duties in the workplace. Below we list the three popular types of pre-employment assessments and their functions:

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Pre-employment aptitude tests

According to a study conducted by LinkedIn, the most important traits employers seek in candidates are problem-solving skills and the ability to learn new concepts. These traits are hard to measure based solely on a review of a candidate’s resume or during an interview. An aptitude test is used to measure a candidate’s critical thinking, problem-solving skills and ability to learn and apply new information.

Pre-employment personality tests

A personality test seeks to answer the following questions for organizations: Will the candidate be happy in this position? Does the candidate possess the behavioral traits and attributes needed for success in this role? Dissimilar from an aptitude test, there are no right or wrong answers to the questions on personality tests. Measuring behavioral traits can help healthcare organizations predict job fit by determining if a candidate’s behavioral tendencies line up well with an organization’s culture and the demands of the position.

Pre-employment skills tests

Skills tests are designed to measure job-related skills, including skills from verbal, math and communication abilities, to typing and computer literacy. Many skills tests in healthcare are designed to measure more specific medical-related skills such as medical terminology, patient safety practices or other knowledge unique to the healthcare work environment.

The Value of Pre-Employment Testing and Pre-Employment Screening in Healthcare

Pre-employment assessment tests offer wide-ranging benefits from streamlining the recruiting process to strengthening a healthcare organization’s capabilities by increasing the chance that a new hire will be effective in their role.

A study conducted by Gallup concluded that companies that selected the top 20% of applicants based on talent assessments increased productivity by 10% and decreased turnover by 10%. Below, we list five of the most significant benefits a healthcare organization may experience after implementing pre-employment testing.

1. Lowering employee turnover

Employee turnover is a major issue for many healthcare organizations. The costs of turnover can be significant. Pre-employment assessments can help healthcare recruiters increase employee retention by making sure that new employees possess the basic skills required for the job along with the appropriate personality, or character, to feel comfortable working with a particular healthcare organization or medical environment. These factors may decrease the chances of candidates being let go for poor performance or failure to successfully complete training, as well as the likelihood that employees will quit of their own volition.

2. Reducing time spent on screening candidates

According to Recruiter.com, recruiters spent 63% of their workweek on the phone screening candidates. By requiring that candidates take pre-employment testing earlier in the recruiting process, healthcare organizations can quickly filter out candidates who do not possess the minimum skills or traits desired by hiring managers, which frees up time for recruiters to speak with more qualified candidates.

Moreover, setting minimum cutoff scores for certain assessments can narrow down the number of candidates selected for a phone or in-person interviews. Reducing the time dedicated to the screening process can drastically reduce the overall time to hire candidates.

3. Identifying prospective leaders

According to a survey conducted by the American College of Healthcare Executives, more than half of respondents agreed with the statement: “In general, over the last five years, my firm’s healthcare clients have changed the requirements for skills, knowledge or credentials needed by members of their senior leadership teams.” Respondents most often named emotional intelligence, ability to influence rather than direct, strategic thinking, collaboration and critical thinking as the skills most desired in healthcare leadership.

Pre-employment screening presents an opportunity to identify candidates who possess the potential to ascend to leadership roles by testing candidates on the leadership qualities they value most. Hiring healthcare workers who possess leadership potential can help healthcare organizations source harder-to-fill leadership positions internally in the future.

4. Building successful teams

Quality patient care is at the core of successful clinical hiring. To provide quality care, a healthcare organization’s staff needs to work towards the shared mission of caring for and serving patients with dignity, empathy and respect. This sense of common purpose begins with building effective teams within a healthcare organization.

Pre-employment assessments such as personality tests can be used to measure the behavioral traits not only central to job performance, but also to a candidate’s ability to work within a team structure. On personality tests, there are no right or wrong answers; however, the answers can provide healthcare organizations with insights into whether a candidate will fit in with their team and the organization’s overall culture. Traits such as strong interpersonal skills, good communication skills and high levels of empathy can all indicate that a candidate works well with others and can provide patients with quality care.

5. Recognizing strengths and weaknesses

From soft skills such as bedside manner to hard skills like technical proficiency, a properly administered pre-employment testing can uncover a healthcare applicant’s professional strengths and weaknesses. Identifying strengths and weaknesses using assessments can help HR professionals by:

  • Identifying candidates with high levels of initiative and strong work ethic
  • Screening out candidates who may be unreliable
  • Reducing the potential of hiring the wrong candidates and wasting resources on training
  • Helping HR leaders develop training programs for current employees based on insights gleaned from the strengths and weaknesses of candidates

By utilizing pre-employment screening and assessments, healthcare organizations can better understand where a candidate will excel, which of their skills may need nurturing or training and if they are well-suited for the roles they are applying to.


By utilizing pre-employment assessments tests, healthcare organizations can employ a less biased and more efficient method of hiring candidates. Furthermore, the data provided by pre-employment assessments can better inform hiring managers and recruiters of the skills and traits possessed by applicants and can be used to better position job descriptions and optimize training procedures. If you would like to learn more about pre-employment screening technology, check out PeopleScout’s proprietary recruiting technology platform, Affinix and check out other great strategies for healthcare recruiting including healthcare RPO.

Leveraging Recruitment Marketing to Attract Healthcare Talent

Recruitment marketing has evolved from being an emerging trend in talent acquisition to a necessary strategy to attract top candidates, especially in competitive talent markets. Given the shortage of healthcare talent in both clinical and non-clinical roles, organizations looking to attract and hire the best candidates need to leverage recruitment marketing strategies to stay competitive. In this post, we outline key strategies to help healthcare organizations build a robust healthcare recruitment marketing program.

Clearly Communicate the Employer Brand and Value to Healthcare Talent

Healthcare hiring managers spend a lot of time crafting the persona of their ideal candidate. However, some hiring managers neglect to address the value their healthcare organization presents to potential candidates. Building a strong employer brand can have a positive impact on recruiting. In fact, according to a LinkedIn survey, 75 percent of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before applying for a position. This means candidates are as concerned with the reputation of a potential employer as the employer is concerned with a candidate’s experience and work history.

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To present value to candidates, healthcare hiring managers and recruiters need to look through a marketing lens and carefully reflect upon how their employer brand will be interpreted by healthcare talent. Good employer branding not only communicates an organization’s mission and values, but also the experiences and triumphs of an organization’s current workforce. Effective employer branding highlights employee engagement within an organization and the community it serves and will attract like-minded candidates eager to help an organization achieve its goals and objectives. Below we outline a few ways healthcare organizations can better communicate their employer brand to candidates:

  • Hire a film crew or photographer to take candid shots of the facility and employees. Candidates are savvy enough to tell the difference between stock photography and real employee photos and will appreciate a real look inside of an organization.
  • Tell the stories of real employees progressing and excelling within the organization. These stories serve as an inspiration and show candidates that there is a clear path to advancement and success if they join the team.
  • Review the organization’s social media accounts to see if it reflects the culture of the organization and whether it is used to full effect to highlight employee success stories, internal commitments to staff and fun work-related activities.

Update the Career Page

Providing an excellent candidate experience is a vital component of an effective recruitment marketing strategy and building a well-designed and easy to navigate career site can help positively impact candidate experience. What’s more, Talent Board found that 64 percent of candidates listed career sites as a top resource for researching new opportunities. When candidates visit a career page, it is often the first experience they have with an organization. From the moment a candidate lands on a career page, he or she begins to sketch out a mental image about an organization, its facilities and employees, so it is vital to provide applicants with the information they want most. According to a Glassdoor survey, the top five pieces of information job seekers want employers to provide on a career site are:

  • Salary and compensation information
  • Employee benefits and perks
  • Basic company information
  • What makes an organization an attractive place to work
  • The organization’s mission, vision, values and culture

Beyond providing applicants with the information they want, healthcare organizations also need to make applying for open positions simple. Sometimes replying to a job posting can be a frustrating experience. Many career sites have a burdensome online application process that bogs down applicants with long forms and multiple hoops to jump through before they can submit their resume. This leads to lots of qualified healthcare talent leaving applications half-complete or worse, applying with a competitor.

To prevent applicant frustration and abandonment, healthcare organizations should build career pages that have an easy interface with no separate URLs or pop-up screens. According to a study from Appcast, recruiters can boost application conversion rates up to 365 percent by reducing the length of the application process to five minutes or less.

A well-designed career site can also help filter out unqualified candidates. Healthcare staffing teams should structure applications to include screener questions to filter out unqualified job candidates so talent acquisition resources can be dedicated to engaging the most qualified applicants.

Invest in Content Marketing to Recruit Healthcare Talent

The objective of content marketing is simple: create relevant and engaging content aimed at current and potential customers in an attempt to educate them on products, services or topics of interest. While the majority of content marketing efforts are targeted at obtaining clients, content marketing can also be leveraged as a recruiting tactic to attract and engage healthcare talent.

Healthcare recruiters looking to deploy content as another tool in their talent acquisition arsenal should work with their organization’s marketing team to create compelling content. Compelling content can come in many forms such as blogs, ebooks, podcasts and videos. The only prerequisite to great content is that it should tell a story can add value for readers and in turn, improve the candidate experience.

Beyond the above-mentioned content vehicles, interactive content can also make a significant impact on job seekers. According to a report by the Content Marketing Institute, 81 percent of content marketers agree that interactive content grabs attention more effectively than static content, and 79 percent agree that interactive content enhances retention of brand messaging. Interactive content provides candidates with a two-way conversation and is more personal than other pieces of content. A simple yet fun quiz that tests how well a candidate aligns with an organization’s brand values or video tours of the facility allow candidates to research a potential employer and helps them feel more in control of the recruiting process.

SEO and Healthcare Talent Acquisition Strategy

The best recruitment marketing strategy is only as effective as an organization’s presence on search engines. What’s more, 30 percent of Google searches—around 300 million a month—are employment related. In the highly competitive healthcare talent market, ranking well on search engines and job boards can mean the difference between attracting a steady stream of healthcare talent and losing talent opportunities to competitors. Below we list recruitment marketing SEO basics:

  • Create a distinct, index-able job page for each open position and at each location if applicable
  • Ensure jobs pages are marked up with the proper schema and metadata structured data
  • Send regular XML sitemap updates to Google

In addition to SEO basics, properly optimized job postings provide additional job data Google finds valuable. This data can be added to a job post to help Google index and rank the page better. Remember, Google values “completeness of data” so the more information placed in a job posting, the more likely it is to turn up in the top results of a job candidates search. For better optimization, job postings should include:

  • Employment type (full-time, part-time, temp-to-hire)
  • Salary or hourly pay rate
  • Minimum education requirements
  • Minimum experience requirements
  • “Valid through” date
  • Work hours and schedule type
  • Industry sector: i.e., biomedical, hospital food service, laboratory work, etc.
  • Required skills such as “ability to lift more than 20 pounds” and “MS office proficiency”
  • Qualifications, certifications and experience
  • Responsibilities and job duties that are clearly defined

Job titles are also an extremely important SEO factor for ranking in search engines and on job boards. When drafting job postings, make sure common titles are used for open positions. For example, a healthcare provider looking to boost nursing recruiting might refer to nurses as “medical ninjas” instead of their traditional title. While quirky and unique, job seekers will never search for “medical ninja” openings when looking for a job. It is best practice to use common titles and standard terminology as keywords that job candidates are likely to use in their search.


As the skills shortage in healthcare remains a factor in recruiting healthcare talent, organizations need to continue to find ways to attract candidates. By implementing a strong recruitment marketing program, healthcare organizations will ensure they stay ahead of the talent curve. A healthcare RPO partner can guide you through creating effective campaigns that will make an impact.

PeopleScout U.S. Jobs Report Analysis — March 2018

The Labor Department released its March jobs report with slower than expected job growth, but the 103,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy extended the longest stretch of expansion to 90 months.

The Numbers

 103,000: The economy added 103,000 jobs in March.

4.1%: The unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1 percent.
2.7%: Wages increased 2.7 percent over the last year.

The Good

After February’s strong jobs numbers, the 103,000 jobs added to the economy seems disappointing. However, according to MarketWatch, the U.S. still added an average of 202,000 jobs each month in the first quarter of 2017. This is still strong growth.
Additionally, the unemployment rate remained at 4.1 percent. Though economists had expected that to fall to 4.0 percent in March, the current rate is still the lowest since 2000.
The 2.7 percent wage growth is largely a positive. It is still moderate – slightly higher than the 2.5 percent seen through most of 2017, but low enough to prevent fears of inflation, according to the Wall Street Journal. However, many workers would like to see this number increase.

The Bad

This is the weakest job growth the economy has seen in six months. In September 2017 after the destruction of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the economy only added 14,000 jobs, though it was initially reported as a loss. The previous low was March 2017, when the economy added what was revised to only 73,000 jobs. Additionally, retail saw job losses in March after significant gains in February.

The Unknown

According to the New York Times, it still unclear what impact escalating trade tensions with China will have on the U.S. economy, particularly the manufacturing sector. Manufacturing has seen strong job gains over the past year, including 22,000 jobs in March. However, a trade war with China could impact that growth.

PeopleScout Australia Jobs Report Analysis – February 2018

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released its February Labour Force Key Statistics showing another month of strong job growth, but an unemployment rate that increased due to an increase in labour force participation.

The Numbers

17,500: The Australian economy added 17,500 jobs in February.
5.6%: The Australian unemployment rate increased .1 percent to 5.6 percent.
65.7%: Labour force participation rose .1 percent to 65.7 percent.
+9: According to the NAB, the business confidence index fell two points to +9 index points.


The 17,500 jobs added to the Australian economy marks the 17th consecutive month of job growth according to Business Insider. This brings employment to 12.48 million, which is the highest ever recorded. The largest increase in employment was in New South Wales.

While economists had expected the unemployment rate to remain at 5.5 percent in February, the increase to 5.6 percent can be attributed to the increase in labour force participation, which shows that the Australian economy is strong enough to pull people to join or reenter the workforce.


While the numbers were mostly strong, there is still some room for improvement. According to MarketWatch, underemployment is still an issue. Additionally, despite the net growth in employment, the economy actually shed 47,400 part-time jobs. Employment in Victoria saw a decrease of 11,300, though that was offset by increases elsewhere.

The business confidence rate also fell two points in February to +9. However, the NAB attributes this to “turbulence in international financial markets in early February,” and notes that the number remains above the average of +6. On a brighter note, the NAB reports that the business conditions index actually increased three points to a record high +21.

The Unknown

Economists debate how much room there is left to grow in Australia’s economy. The issues of underemployment and the fact that the size of the labour force is growing faster than employment point to an economy with plenty of room for growth. Economists suggest that the unemployment rate will need to fall below 5 percent before workers begin to see significant wage gains.

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis – February 2018

The Labor Department released the February jobs report with higher than expected job gains but slowing wage growth.

The Numbers

313,000: The U.S. added 313,000 jobs in February.

4.1%: The unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1 percent.

2.6%: Wages rose 2.6 percent over the past year.

The Good

February’s jobs report has a lot of good news. The 313,000 jobs added to the economy beat economists’ expectations. The number also marks the fastest pace of job growth in a year and a half according to the Wall Street Journal. Hiring was also spread across industries. Retail, which struggled at the end of 2017, gained 50,000 jobs in February. Professional and business services and manufacturing also saw strong job growth.
The 4.1 percent unemployment has remained steady for the past four months, and it’s the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years. The labor market participation rate ticked up to 63 percent in February, which is its largest jump in three years according to CNN. This shows that economy is still strong enough to pull in sidelined workers, without increasing the unemployment rate.

The Bad

The 2.6 percent wage growth in February can either be good or bad news depending on who you’re asking. Wage growth did slow from January, which is disappointing for workers and more in line with the sluggish wage growth that’s remained consistent throughout the recovery from the Great Recession. However, according to the New York Times, the lower wage growth quiets concerns about inflation.

The Unknown

The biggest question right now is how much room for growth is left in the economy. Despite the strong numbers in January’s jobs report, investors were concerned about inflation, which resulted in large stock market losses. However, February’s report indicates that there is still plenty of room to grow.
“Over the last 2 months, the job market has absorbed 1.3 million new entrants into the labor force, allowing the unemployment rate to stay at 4.1% – a remarkable testament to the underlying strength in this economy,” David Donabedian, chief investment officer of CIBC Atlantic Trust told the Wall Street Journal.