PeopleScout Australia Jobs Report Analysis – September 2018

The Australia Bureau of Statistics released its September Labour Force Key Statistics showing 5,600 jobs added to the economy and the lowest unemployment rate in more than six years.

Australia Jobs Report Analysis – September 2018

The Numbers

5,600: The Australian economy added 5,600 jobs in August.
5.0%: The Australian unemployment rate fell to 5.0 per cent.
65.2%: Labour force participation fell to 65.2 per cent.
+6: According to the NAB, the business confidence index rose to +6 index points.


Australia’s unemployment rate fell to 5.0 per cent in September, the lowest rate since April 2012. The number of unemployed Australians decreased by 37,200 to 665,800, which is the lowest number since February 2013. The composition of the net change was an increase of 20,300 in full-time employment and a decrease of 14,700 for those in part-time employment.  Since September 2017, full-time employment increased by 217,500 persons, while part-time employment increased by 63,400 persons. The Australian Business Confidence Index rose to +6.0 after falling to a two-year low in August.

In seasonally adjusted terms, the largest increase in employment was in Victoria (up 20,000 persons), followed by Western Australia (up 3,100 persons) and New South Wales (up 2,800 persons).


The small increase in overall employment was accompanied by a drop in the size of Australia’s labour force which fell from 65.7 per cent in August to 65.4 per cent in September. While this is still a relatively healthy percentage, not all Australians are reaping the benefits of the strong job market. The Sydney Morning Herald reports the following:

“Work in Australia is changing. People are working longer and retiring later. Some do this because they want to, but most do it because they have to.

Work is becoming more casual. For the first time, less than half of all Australians are in full-time work. About one in four are working casually. And as the economy changes, some jobs are disappearing altogether.

One group is bearing the brunt of these changes more than any other – people looking for low-skilled, entry-level jobs. Anglicare Australia’s Jobs Availability Snapshot, released on Thursday, shows what the job market is really like for this group. These are people who are looking for work, but who might not have education or recent work experience.

Our research shows two clear trends. First, low-skilled jobs have been drying up. The government’s own figures show that they have halved as a percentage of job advertisements since 2006. At the same time, more and more jobs are being aimed at people with advanced skills. In the month of our Snapshot, 39 percent of vacancies called for a degree or at least five years’ work experience.

And second, there are just not enough of these jobs for those who need them. We found that for every low-skilled job at the entry level, there are at least four job seekers who might be competing for them.”


In its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO), the IMF said the global economy would grow 3.7 per cent this year, the same as in 2017 but down from the 3.9 per cent it was forecasting for 2018 in July. According to the report, Australia will hit 3.2 per cent growth this year before falling to 2.8 per cent next year. In April, the IMF was forecasting 2.9 per cent for Australia next year.

As the Australian Financial News reports “The downward revisions to the 2019 growth forecast for Australia and Korea relative to the April 2018 WEO partially reflect the negative effect of the recently introduced trade measures,” the IMF notes.” Without guaranties of stability with Australia’s major trading partners, the nation’s economic health including the strength of its job market, is far from certain.

PeopleScout UK Jobs Report Analysis — October 2018

The Office for National Statistics released its October Labour Market Bulletin which reports on the three months of June, July and August 2018. The bulletin reports 83,000 jobs were added in those three months with the unemployment rate holding steady at 4.0 per cent. The report shows that average weekly earnings for employees in the UK in nominal terms increased by 3.1 per cent over the last year.

UK Jobs Report Analysis — October 2018

The Numbers

83,000: The economy added 83,000 jobs over the June-August 2018 period.
4.0%: The unemployment rate remained unchanged from the previous bulletin at 4.0 per cent.
3.1%: Wages increased 3.1 per cent over the last year.

The Good

Increased competition for workers pushed wage growth to the highest level in the UK since the recession ten years ago. The UK hasn’t seen 3.1 per cent wage growth since the final three months of 2008, the period when the government had to bail out UK banks following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

There were 1.36 million unemployed people which is 47,000 fewer than for March to May 2018 and 79,000 fewer than for a year earlier. The unemployment rate at 4.0 per cent has not been lower since February 1975. Of people 16- to 64-years-old, 75.5 per cent were working in the UK, up from 75.1 per cent a year earlier.

For June to August 2018, the unemployment rate for those aged from 16 to 24 years was 10.8 per cent, the lowest youth unemployment rate since comparable records for unemployment by age group began in March to May 1992.

The Bad

There were some signs of weakness in the report, with employment falling slightly from the previous report and for the first time since the autumn of last year. And while wage growth has started to pick up, the Financial Times reports, “The past decade has been the worst for UK real incomes since the mid-19th century and, on current trends, real wages will not double until 2099, the Resolution Foundation noted in a report published on Tuesday. In the period from 1945 to 2002, real wages doubled on average every 29 years.”

Due primarily to concerns over Brexit, Great Britain fell to two places to number 8 on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitive Index. As The Guardian reports, “Britain has dropped two places to eighth in an influential global competitiveness index, with the risk of Brexit further damaging its international standing…While Britain remains the fourth most competitive economy in Europe behind Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands, the WEF suggested that it could slip further behind because Brexit stood to damage its attractiveness to international buyers and sellers of goods and services.”

“Brexit … will by definition weaken the United Kingdom’s markets component as integration with the EU is rolled back,” the report said.

“The WEF said Britain had slipped in the 2018 ranking due to a deterioration in domestic labour mobility, which measures the extent to which people move between the different regions of a country to find work.”

The Unknown

Uncertainty over Brexit terms continues with some economists warning of the possibility of no formal deal being agreed to before the exit deadline of March next year. As The Economist notes, “the timetable is slipping, and there is a growing risk of no deal at all. The main reason is that Theresa May, Britain’s prime minister, has rejected a key part of the EU’s draft withdrawal agreement, a planned backstop to ensure that, no matter what happens to a future trade deal between Britain and the EU, there is no hard border with physical customs controls between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

The issue of the Irish border has bedevilled talks from the start. The EU’s guidelines for negotiations, published in March 2017, made it one of three points that needed to be settled in the withdrawal agreement before talks could begin on future trade relations (the other two were settling how much Britain owed for outstanding EU obligations and enshrining the rights of EU citizens in Britain to stay). Last December Mrs. May agreed with the EU that, while the intention was to avoid frontier controls through a comprehensive free-trade deal, a backstop solution was needed to ensure no hard border in any circumstances. The problem is that the two sides have different views on how such a backstop should be legally designed.”

PeopleScout U.S. Jobs Report Analysis — September 2018

U.S. Jobs Report Analysis — September 2018

The Labor Department released its September Jobs report which shows 134,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy. U.S. employers have added to payrolls for 96 straight months, extending the longest continuous jobs expansion on record. The unemployment rate remained steady at 3.7 percent, the lowest rate recorded since 1969.

The Numbers

134,000: The economy added 134,000 jobs in September.
3.7%: The unemployment decreased to 3.7 percent.
2.8%: Wages increased 2.8 percent over the last year.

The Good

The unemployment rate in September was the lowest in nearly half a century. Notable job increases were posted in transportation and warehousing, construction, manufacturing and healthcare. These sectors have shown significant growth over the last year: transportation and warehousing has added 174,000 jobs; construction has increased by 315,000 jobs; manufacturing has gained 278,000 jobs; and health care jobs have increased by 302,000.

The Bad

The 134,000 jobs added fell short of Wall Street analysts’ expectations. These job gains are less than half of the 270,000 jobs which were added in August based on revised figures. The comparatively modest job increases may mark the start of a slowdown of job increases.
The year-over-year wage gains fell 0.1 percentage points to 2.8 percent. This slight decrease has temporarily put on hold the start of a continuing trend of increased wages brought about by the tight job market. Slow wage growth is perceived to be the source of the current high rate of voluntary turnover. CNBC reports that compensation appears to be a major reason why workers are quitting their jobs at the highest rate since 2001 and notes that workers voluntarily leaving their jobs are making a smart move when it comes to increasing their income:
Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at job site Glassdoor [stated] “We’re seeing high worker confidence in their ability to strike out and find a better job opportunity elsewhere,” says Chamberlain. “For many, it’s a smart move, as there’s a clear advantage to increasing your earning potential by switching jobs.”
According to Brian Kropp, vice president at research firm Gartner, the average increase in compensation for a worker who quits their old job for a new one is about 15 percent. “You’re never going to get that 15 percent [increase] by staying at your current job,” he tells CNBC Make It. “That’s just not going to happen.”

The Unknown

Hurricane Florence may have been a factor in the less than stellar job numbers in September as Bloomberg reported:
“The reason for the fuzzy September numbers? Big storms wreak havoc on a region’s workforce. Some people flee the area and businesses close down days before the wind starts to howl. Others, like utility and construction companies and their employees, work overtime preparing for damage, cleaning up and rebuilding. So the latest wages and hours-worked figures were probably skewed by the weather.”
The median forecast in a Bloomberg survey of economist calls for a 2.8 percent gain in average hourly earnings from a year earlier, slightly weaker than the August advance of 2.9 percent – which was the biggest jump since mid-2009. The hurricane effect, however, may render any actual number on worker pay a short-term blip.
“Hurricane Florence is poised to impact not only the pace of job creation in September” but also to “temporarily distort average hourly earnings and the average length of the workweek, as well,” according to Bloomberg economists Carl Riccadonna, Yelena Shulyatyeva and Tim Mahedy.”

PeopleScout Canada Jobs Report Analysis — September 2018

Canada Jobs Report Analysis — September 2018

Statistics Canada released its September 2018 Labour Force Survey which shows a gain of 63,300 jobs for the Canadian economy which drove the unemployment rate down to 5.9 per cent, down from 6.0 per cent in August. Contributing to the drop in unemployment was a gain of 80,200 part-time positions.

The Numbers

63,300: The economy gained 63,300 jobs in September.
5.9%: The unemployment rate fell to 5.9 per cent.
2.2%: Weekly wages increased 2.2 per cent over the last year.

The Good

September’s job gains, fueled by the increase in part-time employment reversed the job losses from the previous month. The report shows that in Ontario, employment increased by 36,000, the third increase in four months. Employment in British Columbia increased by 33,000, driven by gains in full-time work (+26,000). In the third quarter, employment increased by 54,000, following a decline over the first half of 2018.
In September, more Canadians worked in construction; finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing; public administration and agriculture. Compared with September 2017, employment was up 222,000 or 1.2 per cent, entirely the result of gains in full-time work (+224,000). Over the same period, total hours worked increased 0.7 per cent.

The Bad

The Canadian economy lost 16,900 full-time jobs in September. At the same time, employment fell in information, culture and recreation and business, building and other support services.  Employment increased in Ontario and British Columbia while it was little changed in the remaining provinces. Statistics Canada reported that the number of self-employed Canadians declined by 35,000 after recording an almost equal total increase over the past twelve months.
The monthly labour force survey also found that all of the job gains in September were made by workers in the core 25-to-54 age range with virtually no change in youth employment. September’s youth unemployment rate stood at 11.0 per cent, up by 0.1 percentage points from the previous month and more than 5 percentage points higher than the working population as a whole.

The Unknown

Canada agreed to a new trade deal with the United States and Mexico to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The CBC notes that as “details of the newly renegotiated deal (the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement or USMCA) emerge, some questions remain about what Canada’s signature guarantees in terms of protections, and what concessions were made…”
While the Canadian dairy industry will have new barriers imposed in the new agreement, the Canadian auto industry appears to be a winner in the USMCA, but these wins may not be lasting.  The CBC report continues, “Canada seems to have escaped..Section 232 national security tariffs — which would slap 20 to 25 per cent duties on cars and auto parts imported into the U.S… no hard limit will be placed on Canadian auto exports to the U.S., though if the U.S. moves forward with the imposition of worldwide 232 tariffs on autos, those would also apply to Canada.”

Ghosting in the Workplace

Ghosting in the workplace is an increasing concern for employers as the growing trend of candidates who don’t show up to scheduled interviews, don’t arrive on the first day of work or even quit without giving notice rises. This trend is also known as “ghosting” in the workplace.

“As labor markets tighten, recruiters and hiring managers say they’re experiencing a surge of workers no-showing at interviews or accepting a job only to never appear for the first day of work without explanation. Some employees are even quitting by walking out and saying nothing,” wrote LinkedIn’s Chip Cutter in an article on workplace ghosting.

What’s more, an article published by USA Today reports that 20 to 50 percent of job applicants and workers are pulling no-shows or ghosting in some form or fashion.

The ghosting phenomenon is global. “I thought it could only be in pockets of a country like the U.S., where the unemployment rate has sunk to an 18-year low,” wrote Pilita Clark in an article in the Financial Times. “When I asked around in the UK, where unemployment is at its lowest in over 40 years, I found a surprising number of victims of what is known in the online dating world as ‘ghosting.’”

To further explain what ghosting is, why it’s occurring and what your organization can do to minimize its effects on your talent acquisition program, we explore the phenomenon and its effects on employers.

So, What is Ghosting in the Workplace?

In the dating world, “ghosting” is the practice of ending a relationship by stopping all contact and communication with a partner without apparent warning or explanation.

The discourteous act of ghosting is no longer confined to romance; it has now entered the world of work.

Ghosting in the workplace is similar to ghosting in dating. Essentially, candidates or employees avoid having potentially unpleasant conversations with recruiters or their employers by going radio silent instead.

ghosting in the workplace

Instead of telling employers, “I am quitting” or “I have accepted another job offer,” some workers are thinking: “If I ignore you long enough, eventually you will take the hint and leave me alone.”

Simply put, many job seekers do not want to have an uncomfortable conversation with a recruiter or manager, so they take the easy way out by ghosting them. Ghosting in the workplace comes in many forms including:

  • No-Showing for an Interview. This occurs when candidates do not show up to scheduled interviews. This can happen for initial interviews, or interviews further along in the hiring process.
  • No-Showing on the First Day. This occurs when candidates accept a job offer but don’t show up on their start date.
  • Quitting Without Notice. This occurs when an employee leaves for the day and is never heard from again.

While job candidates and employees have ghosted in the past, what’s unique now is the practice has now become more prevalent. According to a survey conducted by Washington-based research firm Clutch, 71 percent of workers admitted to ghosting at some point in the application process. What’s more, 55 percent of the respondents said they abandon one to five applications during a job search.

Why are Workers Ghosting in the Workplace?

Some experts believe it is due to changing candidate attitudes and others believe it is a result of the booming job market and historically low unemployment. Whatever the cause, ghosting in the workplace is becoming one of the top issues talent acquisition professionals face in today’s talent market.

Change in Candidate Attitudes

In an interview with the New York Post, Rob Bralow, owner of BLVD Wine Bar in Long Island says he schedules interviews back to back because the majority of applicants simply ghost the interview.

“If I have 10 people who have confirmed interviews in a day, and three people show up, I’m happy,” Bralow says. “And we’re talking about all pay grades and positions. It doesn’t matter what the pay scale is. I’ve had ghosts [no-shows] for $50,000 to $70,000 jobs, and I’ve had ghosts for minimum wage jobs.”

Clutch’s survey found 41 percent of workers found it acceptable to ghost employers, while 35 percent found it unreasonable for an organization to ghost an applicant. Clutch also found that of the workers that found ghosting acceptable, the most common reasons include accepting another job offer (30 percent) or deciding the role was not a good match (19 percent).

Improved Economy and Opportunities

Ghosting employers is not just a symptom of shifting attitudes in the workforce. It can also be the result of low unemployment.

At the height of the Great Recession, the unemployment rate reached 10 percent in the U.S. During this time, many organizations were inundated by the deluge of applications from job seekers and could not respond to every applicant.

What’s more, the global economy is expected to grow by 3.7 percent in 2018, further driving demand for talent.

As the economy and job market surge, the tables have turned. Employees are at an advantage because it’s a candidate’s job market and they have more employment options than they have in recent years.

In May of 2018, the unemployment rate reached an 18-year low of 3.8 percent. There were more job openings than unemployed workers for just the second month in two decades, according to the United States Department of Labor.

Low unemployment is not confined to the U.S., the unemployment rate in the EU has dropped to 7.1 and in the APAC region at 4.2 percent.

This means that employees have more options for employment and can move quickly from one job to the next, ignore employment offers they choose not to accept or accept multiple offers at once with little perceived negative consequences.

How to Survive Ghosting in the Workplace

ghosting employers

Ghosting is not only frustrating for employers and recruiters, it’s also expensive. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports the average cost-per-hire for companies is $4,129 and the average time to fill a position is 42 days. Ghosting also causes lost productivity, as hard-to-fill jobs stay open longer than anticipated.

To combat ghosting, employers can implement the following strategies:

Developing a Talent Community Can Curb Employee Ghosting

With ghosting becoming the new normal, it’s essential to be more strategic and build long-term relationships with candidates. One method of building long-term relationships is with talent communities.

Talent communities are ideal for establishing long-term professional relationships with passive talent for future opportunities. This means getting to know the talent landscape and candidates regardless of whether or not they are looking to make a career change immediately.

Developing a talent community requires organizations to shift from reactive recruiting to a more proactive approach. Your organization’s mindset should switch from recruiting to fill an open position to thinking about who your organization should hire in the future.

By sourcing candidates earlier in the hiring process, you have ample time to engage them and develop closer and more personal relationships, reducing their likelihood of ghosting.

Tips for building a talent community include:

  • Determine what roles you want to target for your talent community (usually roles with high turnover or roles that are hard-to-fill.)
  • Look to past candidates, former employees and interns to build your talent community.
  • Source passive candidates by combining various sourcing techniques (e.g. social media, networking events, etc.)
  • Engage candidates through recruitment marketing until you have an open role for them.

Building a talent community isn’t a short-term strategy and takes time to develop and nurture, but in the long term the benefits are worth the investment and can help offset ghosting in the workplace.

Ghosting Employers: Evaluate Your Onboarding Process

While candidates ghosting job interviews can be a challenge, candidates who ghost on the first day or who resign their position without notice can wreak havoc on an organization.

To curb and deter this behavior, organizations should start the onboarding process early to build an emotional connection with new hires.

In fact, according to research conducted by Inavero, 77 percent of candidates are willing to accept an offer that is 5 percent lower than their expected offer if the employer created a great impression through the hiring process.

That is important because new hires decide to stay or leave a job within the first three weeks, according to a study by the Wyndhurst Group.

Despite the fact that it can take a year or longer for a new employee to reach full productivity, only 15 percent of organizations extend their onboarding past six months, according to SHRM. If employers want to keep their new hires from ghosting, they should consider extending their onboarding processes through the first year of employment. Here are some ideas for successful onboarding techniques at different key points throughout an employee’s first year.

  • Before start date: Prior to a candidate’s first day, reach out with friendly messages welcoming the new employee or sharing an introduction to some of the benefits your organization has to offer.
  • On the first day: When the new hire arrives for their first day, be sure they are personally introduced to their coworkers and designate a point of contact who will be readily available to answer questions.
  • The first six months: Now that the new hire has learned the ropes, continuous feedback is what is going to help them hone their skills, catch mistakes and take corrective action when needed. This is also a great way to establish rapport and trust with the rest of the team.
  • After the first year: After the first year, managers should start having conversations about a new hire’s future within the organization and their career development as a way to show the employee that the organization is invested in their continued success.


No one can say for certain if ghosting in the workplace is a trend that is here to stay or if the emergence of an employer-friendly job market will curb it. But one thing is certain; candidate’s attitudes have changed, so organizations need to take steps to adjust.

By building strong talent communities and engaging new hires early and often, you can better position yourself to reduce the likelihood of candidates and employees ghosting you.

Expanding the Talent Landscape by Recruiting Virtual Employees

With very low unemployment in many of the world’s major economies, those seeking to attract talent should explore the benefits of recruiting employees that work from home. Since a number of these countries, such as the United States and the UK, are considered to be at “full employment,” where nearly everyone who wants a job has a job, the traditional formula of recruiting in the market where a company is located may no longer be as effective as it has been in the past. And since the top reason for quitting a current job is to increase wages, employers face the challenge of meeting candidate expectations for higher pay based on local salary ranges.

While remote work may not be viable for some positions, expanding the pool of candidates outside a specific geographic area allows employers to take advantage of the growing trend in telecommuting as well as potentially reduce attrition, decrease cost-per-hire and even improve productivity.

The Virtual Workforce is Substantial (and Growing)

A study by Global Workplace Analytics and FlexJobs released earlier this year reported that 3.9 million U.S. employees, or 2.9 percent of the total U.S. workforce, currently work from home at least half of the time. This number is up from 1.8 million in 2005, an increase of 115 percent. And as of 2017, 43 percent of U.S. workers worked remotely at least occasionally, up from only 9 percent of workers in 2007.

Growth in remote work is not limited to the United States. In the UK, one in seven people work from home, according to the Office for National Statistics. In Canada, nearly half (47 percent) of employees work from outside one of their employer’s main offices for half the week or more. And in Australia, the number of people who work from home has risen to 30 percent. The significant percentages of telecommuters is not the case for all economies. Eurostat reported earlier this year that working from home was slightly more common in the Eurozone than in the EU as a whole. And some non-Eurozone countries have a negligible virtual workforce. Bulgaria has only 0.3 and Romania just 0.4 percent of its workers working from home, as an example.

A Deloitte study on Global Human Capital Trends reported that 70 percent of employees value telecommuting, but only 27 percent of employers offer this option. Therefore, companies that provide opportunities for telecommuting may have a competitive advantage in attracting talent.

Reducing Employee Turnover and Increasing Productivity

While study results vary, there is evidence being offered that working from home can increase employee retention. One study by OwlLabs found that companies that support remote work have 25 percent lower employee turnover than those that don’t.

A study conducted by a Stanford University professor set up a control group between office-based workers and those were allowed to work from home. As the Harvard Business Review reports:

“Half the volunteers were allowed to telecommute; the rest remained in the office as a control group. Survey responses and performance data collected at the conclusion of the study revealed that, in comparison with the employees who came into the office, the at-home workers were not only happier and less likely to quit but also more productive.”

The professor noted that “The results we saw at Ctrip, (the company studied, which is the largest online travel agency in China and the owner of other travel sites worldwide including blew me away. Ctrip was thinking that it could save money on space and furniture if people worked from home and that the savings would outweigh the productivity hit it would take when employees left the discipline of the office environment. Instead, we found that…Ctrip got almost an extra workday a week out of them. They also quit at half the rate of people in the office—way beyond what we anticipated. And predictably, at-home workers reported much higher job satisfaction.”

Providing the option of working virtually can be a crucial factor in retaining valuable talent. If an employee needs to relocate temporarily for family reasons, such as caring for an older parent, or permanently due to a spouse’s job transfer, the employee can remain with the company by working remotely. Having this option available allows the employee to remain with the organization while the employer retains experienced talent and saves the costs of hiring and training a new worker.

Cost Savings for Employers and Employees

This same Stanford study showed that the company saved $1,900 per employee working from home over nine months. Remote workers allow employers to save money on furniture, parking, office space, insurance costs and other expenses. Global Workplace Analytics’ research shows that a typical employer can save more than $11,000 per year for each half-time telecommuter, the result of a combination of increased productivity and reduced real estate, turnover and absenteeism.

The cost benefits of remote work also extend to employees. Those working remotely save on commuting expenses, depreciation on their vehicles if they drive and gain the time back that would normally be spent going to and from work.

Can Remote Work Be a Solution for Your Business?

The difficulties of recruiting locally and the potential returns of developing a remote workforce may be attractive, but it is also uncharted territory for many companies. How would you source candidates throughout the nation and even beyond? Can you develop recruiting processes, including interviewing, that are effective using video and other tools if you have only relied on face-to-face meetings until now? And once a candidate is hired, how will you manage the onboarding process remotely? The answers to these and many other questions confronting a company exploring a remote workforce option can be provided by a recruitment process outsourcing company (RPO). An RPO can provide the experience, technology and expertise to ensure your success as you remove the geographic limits of your talent pool.

PeopleScout Australia Jobs Report Analysis – August 2018

The Australia Bureau of Statistics released its August Labour Force Key Statistics. The 44,000 net new jobs added beat analyst expectations. Of those, 33,700 were full-time positions. The jobless rate held steady at 5.3 per cent because more people joined the labour force. The release also included quarterly data on underemployment and underutilisation. In seasonally adjusted terms, the underemployment rate fell by 0.3 percentage points to 8.1 per cent. Underemployment refers to people who are working but would like to be working more hours. The underutilisation rate, which is a sum of underemployment plus the unemployment rate, decreased 0.4 percentage to 13.4 per cent.

Australia Jobs Report Analysis – August 2018

The Numbers

44,000: The Australian economy added 44,000 jobs in August.
5.3%: The Australian unemployment rate remained at 5.3 per cent.
65.7%: Labour force participation increased to 65.7 per cent.
+4: According to the NAB, the business confidence index fell to +4 index points.


The increase in labour force participation demonstrates that the strong job market is motivating more Australians to look for work. Unlike months when job gains were mostly bolstered by part-time jobs, the August increase was driven by full-time employment. This good economic news is underscored by the drop in the underutilisation rate, which declined to a five year low.

New South Wales led the nation with an employment increase of 43,200 and a 0.2 percentage drop in the unemployment rate to 4.7 per cent. Victoria’s jobless rate also fell 0.2 percentage points to 4.8 per cent while Tasmania’s rate dropped an impressive 0.5 percentage points to 5.8 per cent.


The Australian Business Confidence Index fell to a two-year low. At 4.0, this rate is also below the index’s long-term average. One likely contributor to the plunge in confidence was Australia’s political leadership changes. The survey was conducted shortly after the Australian Liberal Party voted in Scott Morrison as its new leader and Australian prime minister. The decrease in the business confidence index was in striking contrast to the Business Conditions Index which saw a healthy increase in August.

Queensland saw a 0.2 per cent increase in its unemployment rate which rose to 6.4 per cent. Western Australia had 0.4 percentage point rise to 6.4 per cent.


Prospects for significant wage growth in the near future are unclear. Based on the premise that an increased demand for workers in a diminishing talent pool drives pay growth, a key variable is the level of labour supply excess. As the Financial Review reports:

“Using up this excess supply of labour is a prerequisite for a meaningful rise in wage growth,” Capital Economics chief Australia economist Paul Dales said. “Progress is clearly being made, but there is a long way to go yet.”

Stubbornly elevated readings on underemployment over recent years have defied a steady decline in the headline jobless rate and contributed to uncertainty around the degree of slack in the labour market.

“The ongoing decline in underemployment, particularly in Victoria, is something we are watching closely as it could be signalling a turning point for wage inflation,” Westpac senior economist Justin Smirk said.

PeopleScout UK Jobs Report Analysis — September 2018

The Office for National Statistics released its September Labour Market Bulletin which reports on May, June and July 2018. In those three months, 3,000 jobs were added to the UK economy with the unemployment rate holding steady at 4.0 per cent. The report shows that average weekly earnings for UK employees in nominal terms (that is, not adjusted for price inflation, minus bonuses) increased by 2.9 per cent over the last year.

UK Jobs Report Analysis — September 2018

The Numbers

3,000: The economy added 3,000 jobs over the May-July 2018 period.
4.0%: The unemployment rate remained unchanged from the previous quarter.
2.9%: Wages (excluding bonuses) increased 2.9 percent over the last year.

The Good

Wages rose faster than prices in the last three months, which beat analyst expectations. Wages, excluding bonuses, were up 2.9 per cent, against an inflation rate of 2.5 per cent, according to labour market statistics. The number of people working rose by 3,000 in the past three months to 32.4 million. Over the same time period, the number of job vacancies rose to 833,000. This is the highest number since these records began.

The number of unemployed people in Britain fell by 55,000 to 1.36 million, keeping the jobless rate at 4 per cent which is the lowest in more than 40 years.  Compared to the same time last year, 261,000 more people in the UK are working. Youth unemployment has declined to the lowest rate on record.

The Bad

Despite the recent wage growth, average weekly wages are still lower than the 2008 levels achieved before the financial crisis, remaining £31 below the pre-crisis average. The annual rate of growth in pay is still lower than the averages before the financial crisis when wages often rose by about 5 per cent.

Productivity also remains lower than pre-recession levels.  As Bloomberg reports:

“Without a significant improvement, firms may find their profit margins coming under pressure and increase prices to compensate. Flash figures for the second quarter show output per hour rose 0.4 per cent, leaving productivity up just 1.5 per cent on the year — below the rates enjoyed before the financial crisis.”

The Unknown

The relatively low number of jobs added may be an indication that the recent surge in jobs may have leveled off. Uncertainty over Brexit may be having an impact on workers who might otherwise move to new positions to increase their income.

Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, noted in the Guardian that while the strongest pay growth was among people moving jobs, workers may be increasingly opting to stay put while the risk lingered of no deal with the EU.“It would be a mistake to extrapolate the recent pickup in wage growth [into a trend],” he said.

Talking Talent: How RPO Can Solve the Top Challenges in Healthcare Talent Acquisition

In this episode of Talking Talent, we discuss how RPO can solve the top challenges in healthcare talent acquisition.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that healthcare occupations in the U.S. will grow 18 percent between 2016 and 2026. With this growth and staffing shortages that are already common in the industry, healthcare organizations face new challenges sourcing, recruiting and retaining top talent. To cope, healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to RPO providers that can act as an extension of a healthcare organization’s HR department to source and hire top talent.

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How RPO Can Solve The Top Challenges In Healthcare Talent Acquisition

At PeopleScout, we’ve recently expanded our healthcare solutions to help clients compete more effectively in the intensifying race for healthcare talent.
As part of this expansion, Brett Bryner joined the PeopleScout team. Brett is our healthcare workforce leaders who brings decades of insight-driven strategy and talent intelligence. Brett creates customized solutions for both clinical and non-clinical healthcare talent acquisition needs that support full-cycle, partial-cycle, project-based and total workforce engagements. In this episode, he talks about the top challenges in healthcare talent acquisition and the specific ways an RPO provider can help.

In this episode, Brett shares expertise about healthcare talent acquisition topics including:

  • Employee turnover
  • Talent shortages
  • HR Technology
  • Candidate Expectations
  • And more

For more in-depth information about how an RPO provider can benefit healthcare organizations, check out our new ebook, How RPO Can Solve The Top Challenges In Healthcare Talent Acquisition.

PeopleScout U.S. Jobs Report Analysis — August 2018

U.S. Jobs Report Analysis — August 2018

The Labor Department released its August jobs report which shows 201,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy. U.S. employers have added to payrolls for 95 straight months, extending the longest continuous jobs expansion on record. The unemployment rate remained steady at 3.9 percent.

The Numbers

201,000: The economy added 201,000 jobs in August.
3.9%: The unemployment remained at 3.9 percent.
2.9%: Wages increased 2.9 percent over the last year.

The Good

The 201,000 jobs added in August modestly beat analyst expectations. Average hourly earnings for all private-sector workers increased 10 cents last month to $27.16, a 2.9 percent increase from last August. This increase is the strongest year-over-year rise in earnings since the current expansion began in 2009. Over the past six months, 781,000 part-time workers have moved to full-time jobs.
Professional and business services added 53,000 jobs in August and 519,000 jobs over the year. The healthcare sector also had robust job gains with an addition of 33,000 positions in August and 301,000 since August 2017.

The Bad

The reason that the unemployment rate remained unchanged despite the job gains is that the labor participation rate dropped .02 percentage points from the previous month. This may indicate that there are limits for the tight job market to lure back those who have stayed out of the workforce.
While the loss of 3,000 manufacturing jobs in August may not be significant, most of these losses were in trade-affected industries like automobiles and transportation equipment. Without a resolution to the current trade disputes, the employment outlook in key manufacturing sectors is unclear and may have negative ripple effects in the nation’s industrial heartland.

The Unknown

It is not certain whether the decrease in the labor force will become a trend in the coming months. In 2008, more than 66 percent of adults were in the labor force which decreased to 62.7 percent in early 2015. This is the same level it fell to in August. A major factor is demographic change, with baby boomers hitting retirement age. It is uncertain whether a potential shortfall in workers can be addressed through immigration and automation.