Building a Tech-Enabled Internal Mobility Platform for a Government Agency

Building a Tech-Enabled Internal Mobility Platform for a Government Agency

Government Talent Solutions

Building a Tech-Enabled Internal Mobility Platform for a Government Agency

This government agency in Australia partnered with PeopleScout to develop and launch a technology platform that facilitates internal mobility for government workers.

Employees manage their profiles showcasing employee demographics, education, work history, skills and competencies 
Employees manage their profiles showcasing employee demographics, education, work history, skills and competencies 
AI technology matches candidates to open opportunities across the government and provides alerts to candidates on open job opportunities
AI technology matches candidates to open opportunities across the government and provides alerts to candidates on open job opportunities
Employee engagement increased, while the use of expensive contingent labor resources went down 
Employee engagement increased, while the use of expensive contingent labor resources went down 


As a result of COVID-19, the client was operating with a lean workforce and limited resources. They required a solution that allowed them to leverage the skills and competencies of their existing workforce so they could save the time, cost and resources it takes to access the external candidate market. 

They partnered with PeopleScout to develop and launch a platform which facilitates internal mobility for workers who are potentially impacted by the economic downturn due to COVID-19 or looking to move within their department or other government agencies. This allowed the client to engage their workforce through enhanced workforce mobility, skills development and career opportunities within the department and across the government. 


PeopleScout created an internal mobility platform using our proprietary talent technology, Affinix™, to give the client insight into the scope and experience of their internal talent. By utilizing candidate profiles, hiring managers are not only able to see employee demographics, education and work history, but also specific skills and competencies.  

When an employee creates their profile, they have the opportunity to rate their own competencies and leaders within the organization can rate and leave comments about their performance as well. This gives recruiters a strong sense of what other positions may be a good fit for internal employees, based on hard and soft skills—such as strong cross-functional collaboration abilities. 

PeopleScout’s Affinix Internal Mobility platform gives the client a holistic view of candidates, and when a requisition is posted within the platform, Affinix automatically looks for employees who may be a good fit and proactively recommends candidates based on their profile. 

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Australian government agency
  • INDUSTRY: Government & Public Sector

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis – February 2021

The U.S. economy gained 379,000 jobs in February. The numbers beat economist expectations, suggesting that the recovery is gaining steam. However, economists caution that there are still challenges ahead. The unemployment rate fell to 6.2%. Year-over-year wage growth was at 5.3%.

u.s. jobs report infographic

The Numbers

379,000: The U.S. economy gained 379,000 jobs in February.

6.2%: The unemployment rate fell to 6.2%

5.3%: Wages rose 5.3% over the past year.

The Good

The addition of 379,000 jobs to the economy in February suggests that the recovery is picking up steam, the Wall Street Journal reports. Economists had predicted just 210,000 new jobs.

The majority of the job gains happened in the leisure and hospitality sector, which has been the hardest hit by the pandemic. Experts say decreasing coronavirus cases, increasing vaccinations, and the stimulus passed in December likely all contributed to the uptick as consumers are gaining confidence.

The Bad

While there was plenty of good news in February’s report, there is still a long way to go. The U.S. still has 9.5 million fewer jobs than when the pandemic began. Additionally, some sectors, like construction, shed jobs. Though experts say that is likely temporary and related to winter weather conditions.

While the unemployment rate decreased, there was no improvement in the racial disparity in unemployment. As the AP reports, the unemployment rate for white workers fell from 5.7% to 5.6%, but the unemployment rate for Black workers actually rose from 9.2% in January to 9.9% in February. The unemployment rate for Hispanic workers fell from 8.6% to 8.5%.

The Unknown

Economists say this could be the start of a stretch of strong hiring numbers that lasts through the spring. Bloomberg reports that March could potentially see more than a million new jobs, as long as there is not an increase in coronavirus cases. The New York Times also reports that employers see this as the start of a hiring surge.

However, there are a few factors that could impact these predictions. Economists predict that the $1.9 trillion stimulus will have a positive effect, but rising coronavirus cases or a slowdown in school reopening could impact job growth negatively. Ultimately, workers need to both feel safe returning to the workplace and have the childcare options to do so to continue strong economic growth.

[On-Demand] Why Hybrid Hiring is Critical for Talent Acquisition Leaders

[On-Demand] Why Hybrid Hiring is Critical for Talent Acquisition Leaders

What comes after your essential transition to virtual recruiting, when teams have shrunk and hiring needs are volatile? How do you ensure sufficient capacity and capability as organisations activate renewed growth strategies? The answer is hybrid recruiting.

Hybrid recruiting blends the expertise of both core in-house and flexible outsourced recruiters, powered through a deliberate mix of human contact and digital technology. In this series of events we will research, debate and inform on:

  • How you can get the best from hybrid recruiting.
  • How you can determine the right hybrid approach for your organisation.
  • How to embed flexibility, agility, and scalability within your approach.
  • How you can create the change required within your organisation.

We are delighted to invite you to join us as we investigate this hiring adaptation.

This series is now on demand. Please fill out the form to gain instant access. 


Meet the panelists:

Adam Britten from Amey

Adam has been working in the Resourcing and Talent space for 18 years and currently operates as Head of Resourcing and Talent for Amey PLC, a leading infrastructure services and engineering company. In his role Adam is responsible for the end to end Talent strategy for Amey ensuring they attract a skilled and diverse applicants whilst ensuring diversity. Adam specialises in Change Management and Transformation in Talent Acquisition having worked as an internal TA leader and also as an RPO  implementation director.

Panellist 1Ewa Zajac from Zendesk
With experience in all aspects of TA ranging from top of funnel employer branding & sourcing, through interview process efficiency, all the way to offer negotiation and new hire onboarding, Ewa has an excellent candidate experience at the heart of her strategy. In her role at Zendesk she focuses on building effective workflows and developing diversity partnerships that help Zendesk hire outstanding talent.

nullLesa Molinari from Colt Technology
Lesa has 14 years of global talent acquisition experience working in healthcare, telecoms and IT. In her current role she leads a high performing, inclusive and collaborative team which enables business leaders to; innovate, drive meaningful value against current and future business needs and, create opportunities to build the business in terms of scale and transformation.
Lesa understands how to drive significant cost savings in a complex matrix environment (down to 5% agency) while balancing best in class solutions. Her pragmatic approach is always focused on delivering business performance. Lesa is an RL100 member, Mentor and Panellist.

Panellist 3 Lisa Kelly from Heathrow Airport
An HR leader and a specialist in talent and resourcing with experience of working in consultancy and internal HR functions. Lisa is passionate about delivering successful business outcomes by enabling organisations through talent acquisition, talent development, performance management, diversity & inclusion, succession, and workforce planning.
Panellist 4 Jon Hull from Nationwide Building Society
An HR and Talent management leader with 20 years experience, Jon is the Head of Resourcing Delivery at Nationwide Building Society. Helping drive the transformation of the customer facing recruiting and the tech & transformation agenda, Jon is passionate about creating a multi channel offer using the latest technology. A real team player, Jon knows that technology alongside human interaction will nurture and attract the best talent, whilst driving innovation, customer delivery and value into the community.


VP of Product


What do you actually do at PeopleScout day to day?
My role is to grow and lead technology product strategy. This includes the vision, strategy and roadmap for each of our products, as well as provide new offerings to meet the ever-changing needs of the talent space.

In addition to strategy and building great tech products, the other part of my role is growing and developing product people.

How long have you been at PeopleScout and what was your first position here? 

I’ve been here 3 months and my first role here is VP of Product.

What does leadership mean to you? 

Leadership to me means empowering teams and people to do their best possible work and achieve the strategic goals for the organization. Most importantly, for people-leaders, this means growing and developing people to meet their full potential. It is an honor to be a part of each person’s journey to achieve their career and life aspirations, whatever they may be. 

Do you have a leadership philosophy? If so, what is it? 

I don’t know that I have a philosophy, but I do have a style. My style is to trust and empower the teams I’m a part of to do their best work. Over my career, I’ve found the best ideas and solutions come from teams collaborating together by leveraging everyone’s unique perspectives, experiences and skills. Those environments of inclusivity and respect are like magic – you love the people you work with; you trust each other and you know you can overcome the challenges and hard days together.

Who is someone who has contributed to your success and how? 

There are so many people who have contributed to my success. There are three that come top of mind. 

My husband Matt has contributed greatly to my success. He is a wonderful partner and extremely supportive of my career.  We approach everything as a team to keep things moving with our family and careers. 

I worked for a fantastic executive, Kay Lucas, when my kids were young. My 2 boys were under the age of 4 during the several years I worked for her as a Product Manager.  That’s a tough season as a working mom – it’s often the season where women say this is just too hard and I can’t have a career in addition to my family right now. As a leader, she demonstrated empathy, provided a family-first environment while also empowering our teams to build great products. It was comforting to know she’d experienced the same season and challenges of working full-time with two small kids. She helped me grow and gave me opportunities I’m forever grateful for – things like teaching me how to present to an executive team, how to prep for a main stage keynote presentation, managing people, and how to prioritize my time. I’m grateful I not only worked for an incredible product leader and visionary, but another working mom who paved the way for the rest of us.

The other person who’s contributed to my success has been Nancy Sansom. She was an executive at both Benefitfocus and PeopleMatter where I worked early in my career.  She gave me opportunities to shine, pushed our teams to do great work and always leveled up the organization, skills and offerings. I’m especially grateful to have her mentorship today, as I’ve embarked on new challenges as my career has progressed – people management, negotiations, career decisions, building a great culture and operating at the executive level. She’s a great friend and mentor, who also cares deeply about her family and has demonstrated work, family and hobbies can be possible for a working mom. 

What barriers have you faced in your career and how did you overcome them? 

I’m a recovering people-pleaser. This was a big challenge for me very early in my career. I didn’t know how to set boundaries or work within constraints. I finally figured out the problem was more me than my boss or my company. A lot of women in my network also struggle with boundaries. After burning out, I studied a lot on the topic and asked for advice from other working moms around me. Over time, I got better about setting boundaries at work, leaving time for myself to recharge nights and weekends, truly taking vacation/PTO, and always keeping top of mind what my top priorities to move the business forward – those things I can only uniquely contribute in my role. I’m still a work-in-progress and have setbacks, but I’m proud of the significant progress I’ve made over the past 5 years.  

What can we all do to support women in leadership? 

I think there are a lot of little things we can all do to support women in leadership. Two super easy, tactical things:

  • In a post-COVID world when we are back in the office, think about team lunches instead of happy hours. For women with young kids, evenings are tough and may be the only part of the day they see their kids. Many women still carry the majority of childcare activities and thus COVID-19 has had a disproportional impact on working mothers. If you are a leader with control over the event, consider what might be possible during the workday to generate those same types of relationships and connections.
  • For Leaders: Consider your meetings, projects, and assignments – who’s getting the airtime, who’s getting to talk vs. not- this can be enlightening.  The more we level the playing field and give everyone a voice, the better it will be for diverse perspectives to emerge to generate the best possible solutions.

ROI on Employer Brand

ROI on Employer Brand

In today’s highly competitive talent landscape, an employer brand that resonates with each of your global talent audiences is more important than ever. PeopleScout’s full array of creative and digital services for employer branding helps you uncover why you’re an employer of choice.

Download this fact sheet to learn why you should invest in your employer brand.

Learn more about PeopleScout’s Talent Advisory solutions.

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Sourcing Candidates in 2021

Sourcing candidates—even in the best of times—can be quite a daunting task. Sourcers and recruiters can spend weeks and sometimes months searching for the perfect candidate for a job opening and sometimes the person you want unfortunately may not exist. As the job market quickly recovers and candidates are now considering a move, organizations need to look to new and innovative ways to source, recruit and hire talent.

While you cannot wish the perfect candidates into existence or fast-forward past the pandemic, there are a number of candidate sourcing strategies you can deploy to help ensure that you have a quality talent pool at your fingertips as soon as you are ready to hire. In this article, we outline tips and strategies for sourcing candidates in 2021 that will help you improve your talent sourcing.

Sourcing Candidates Begins with Your Employer Brand

Your employer brand could be the difference between a candidate responding to your strategic sourcing and outreach or ignoring it. Candidates may not respond to your outreach messaging if they think poorly of your employer brand, so make sure you communicate your employer value proposition.

To improve your sourcing techniques and overall recruiting success, here are some tips on both repairing and building a better employer brand:

Respond to Reviews

Regularly check review sites like Glassdoor and respond to the feedback to let people know you appreciate their input and will take action where it’s necessary. This will generate goodwill, and help your employees feel engaged and heard.

Tell your Story

Engaging your employees in storytelling, encouraging them to personalize their LinkedIn profiles, starting a company blog, being active in the press and speaking at conferences are just a few of the ways employers can spread awareness about their brand.

Partner with your Marketing Team

The strategies and methods needed to help spread your employer brand to job seekers are similar to the ones marketing is using to promote your organization’s brand. Partner closely with your marketing team on both employer-branded content creation and distribution channels. 

Start Sourcing Candidates for Jobs Before You Are Ready

candidate sourcing

Sourcing candidates for jobs takes time, and that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. To get ahead of the candidate sourcing curve, start sourcing talent even if you do not have open positions. Typically, sourcing goes like this: “I have X job to fill, I’m going to source people for X job.” But smarter sourcers get even more proactive with their sourcing efforts and get ahead on roles they will need to hire for in the future.

First, take a look at your business growth plans. Then, build a corresponding workforce hiring strategy that gives you insight into when hires need to be made across the year to sustain your organization’s goals.

Once you have a picture of which teams need to grow, you can work with department leaders and HR to identify the level and skillsets required. Aggregate those skills and what you know about your company and team culture so you can begin to strategic sourcing for specific profiles candidates in a focused and on-ongoing way.   

Social Sourcing Tools and Platforms

sourcing tools

If you want to find and connect with the best talent, you should create a comprehensive social media sourcing strategy.

Social media channels provide strategic sourcing professionals an opportunity to share targeted job content and details about their organization, mission statements and hiring process to keep candidates warm, and better source talent.

Social talent sourcing tools and technology like PeopleScout’s Affinix technology solution help sourcing specialists and recruiters narrow their search and identify qualified candidates quicker. Here are some social media tools and platforms that will streamline your sourcing:

  • LinkedIn with 760 million users has been the social network of choice for sourcers and recruiters alike and for good reason, as professionals share their career history, advertise accomplishments and interact with industry experts. A LinkedIn Recruiter license lets you search profiles and send personal messages (InMails) to potential candidates, making LinkedIn an essential sourcing tool.
  • With 2.8 billion users, everyone is on Facebook, making every user a potential candidate. What’s more, users frequently research potential employers, look for job opportunities and apply for jobs through Facebook. Consider using paid job ads and Facebook groups to help you source candidates
  • Twitter has 330 million users and offers various tools, like search, lists and chat that help recruiters source candidates. Get the most out of your sourcing efforts by being active on Twitter. Engage in Twitter discussions, advertise conferences you sponsor and follow industry-related hashtags to find the talent you are looking for.

While the most popular platforms for social sourcing are LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, if you want to expand your sourcing efforts to non-traditional social channels, consider the following social platforms:

  • Slack is a platform that allows group communications between professionals with similar interests. You can use Slack to source candidates by joining channels relevant to the job candidates you are looking to source in a more casual setting.
  • Meetup is a website that facilitates meetings and groups for people with common interests.
  • Reddit is an online community forum where members (Redditors) discuss a range of topics and interests. Reddit is not a traditional sourcing channel, but Reddit’s communities (called subreddits) are great places to post job ads and engage with potential candidates, especially in the professional communities you are searching for talent in.

Creative Ways For Sourcing Candidates: Leverage Your Employees’ Networks

sourcing strategies

According to LinkedIn, organizations can expand their talent pool by 10 times by recruiting through their employees’ networks. Run sourcing sessions and employee referral programs with your team to see if anyone in your employee’s networks would be interested in one of your open roles. Your employees can help you reach more untapped talent pools, and improve response rates with warmer candidates. 

Facebook, for instance, will display to your team, different job candidate search results based on their social graph, so you can uncover passive job candidates you would not have otherwise discovered. Job sourcing sites such as allow your employees to connect their social media accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub so you can view candidates who are connected to your team members. When you find a qualified job candidate, you should encourage your team to send warm introductions to increase your candidate engagement and response rate.

Perfect Your Outreach Messages When Sourcing Candidates

sourcing techniques

You and your talent acquisition team have worked hard to source the qualified candidates, but that does not matter if you fail to create a real connection. A few rules of thumb: Lead with a subject line that will stand out and make the candidate want to open and read your message; always personalize your recruiting message with the relevant information you found about them; paint a brief picture of the role and your organization; and explain how you think they could contribute to your team.

Narrowing down and building a targeted audience is a way to create a strong and more personalized outreach message. According to Glassdoor, 78% of sales professionals said they would accept less money to work at a company selling something compelling, 66% of healthcare professionals are likely to accept less money to work at a company with a great culture.

Improve your response rates by personalizing and focusing on the issues that matter to candidates of all categories. Your goal is to give your pool of job candidates just enough content and engagement to pique their interest and respond to your outreach messaging, you want to be careful about overloading them with communications. Ask your recent hires for feedback on your outreach messages, and use that feedback to test different messaging to improve your response rates.

If your talent team invests the resources to sourcing a robust talent pipeline, you will find more candidates in your talent pool qualified for open roles in the future. Re-engaging prospects is a missed candidate sourcing opportunity for many organizations, you should remind your recruiting team to source from silver medal job candidates first because they are qualified and vetted.

Remember Strategic Sourcing Begins with Reexamining Your Program

Despite setbacks caused by the pandemic, the best candidates will always be in high demand, making it more important than ever to reevaluate your talent sourcing strategy in 2021. Attracting top talent is essential to your organization’s ability to recover and keep pace during the great rehire. These strategic sourcing methods can help you fill your pipeline with qualified talent so you can choose the best hire for your team.

Providing a High-Volume Project RPO for Financial Services

Providing a High-Volume RPO for Financial Services

Providing a High-Volume RPO for Financial Services

PeopleScout RPO augmented the talent acquisition capabilities for this financial services company across high-volume roles.

PeopleScout was approached by a major financial institution looking to supplement its internal recruiting functions. PeopleScout RPO provided the client with the scalability and flexibility it needs during high and low-volume hiring periods.


The client enlisted PeopleScout to augment its internal recruitment teams in specific lines of business to handle cyclical hiring for tellers, personal bankers, call center representatives, IT professionals, as well as roles in risk, compliance, audit, finance, mortgage and wealth management.

PeopleScout supported the client with full-cycle RPO, including post-offer acceptance and pre-hire compliance. PeopleScout worked with the client’s internal recruiters to source and screen candidates and provide administration recruitment coordination support.


PeopleScout acts as full-cycle recruiters, executing each phase of the recruitment process from identifying quality candidates to on-boarding new hires. PeopleScout’s team scaled according to the client’s needs, fluctuating in size from approximately 90 recruiters to over 200, helping manage costs while ensuring hiring demands are met.

PeopleScout also provided the client with consultative services including talent insights, marketing intelligence and innovative sourcing solutions.


  • PeopleScout facilitated an average of 8,000 hires per year
  • Exceeded goal for 90% of new starts to start on the same day, as part of a class
  • Met 90% of SLAs over the course of the engagement

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Financial services company
  • INDUSTRY: Financial Services
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing
  • ANNUAL HIRES: 8,000+ hires across tellers, personal bankers, call center representatives, IT professionals, as well as roles in risk, compliance, audit, finance, mortgage and wealth management

Leveraging an Internal Mobility Program to Optimize Your Workforce

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, organizations everywhere were forced to fundamentally rethink their talent acquisition strategies. Whether that came in the form of hiring freezes, a dramatically reduced number of new hires, laid off workers or furloughed employees, an internal mobility program can be a cost-effective way to help organizations bounce back in the upcoming recovery phase. 

What’s more, many people will be less inclined to switch jobs in the coming months and might opt to stay with their current employer where they feel their job is secure. It will be increasingly difficult to pull top talent away from their current employers—especially if those employers kept employees on and supported them during a challenging time. 

That said, starting your talent search from within can help you fill gaps quickly and effectively, while also boosting retention rates and saving scarce resources. In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at what an internal mobility program is, the benefits of internal mobility and tips for building an effective internal mobility program in your organization. 

What is an Internal Mobility Program? 

Internal mobility refers to the movement—both vertically and laterally—of employees within an organization. An internal mobility program takes this idea a step further by implementing a specific process for moving internal talent between roles. And since the onset of the pandemic, while many organizations have been unable to hire external talent at pre-pandemic rates, internal mobility has become a necessity for filling critical skills gaps left in organizations. 

internal mobility program

Benefits of an Internal Mobility Program 

Save Time and Money 

One of the biggest benefits of an internal recruitment strategy is the ability to operate more efficiently—especially during a time where many organizations are operating with leaner teams after scaling down in response to challenges presented by COVID-19.  

Many organizations today are faced with high applicant volumes and a time-consuming selection process for their talent acquisition teams. Moreover, the time and money spent on recruiting externally, like posting job ads, running recruitment marketing campaigns, sourcing and communicating with candidates can take a toll on already limited resources.  

In addition to savings on recruitment costs, external candidates often have higher salary expectations than internal employees—especially if they are hesitant about leaving their current employer. On average, the starting salary of an external hire is 18-20% more than that of internal candidates. 

Leverage Furloughed Employees 

When organizations enter the recovery phase and begin to ramp up hiring, an internal recruitment process can allow you to easily search within your furloughed employees first—targeting the people who know your business and are ready to get back to work.  

By pulling from your pool of furloughed employees, you’ll have a wealth of internal candidates who already possess organizational knowledge and expertise, leading to faster rates of productivity and less time spent on initial trainings. You’ll also have access to this talent almost immediately, allowing you to bounce back quickly and reduce time spent searching for external candidates who fit your needs. 

Retain Top Talent 

By developing internal talent and providing opportunities for mobility within your organization, employee engagement and morale will increase, leading to higher retention rates and reduced employee turnover that often comes with hiring externally.  

According to data from LinkedIn, companies that excel at internal mobility can retain employees nearly twice as long as companies that struggle with it. In addition, employee willingness to go above and beyond at work is 27% higher and employee intent to stay is 33% higher at organizations with a more vibrant internal labor market, according to a report by Gartner

Foster Diversity and Inclusion 

An internal mobility program can be a great way to proactively develop the diverse talent already existing within your organization. By giving internal employees the opportunity to move up, reskill and take pathways for growth within your organization, you’ll be fostering a more diverse workforce at all levels, including leadership.  

Plus, according to McKinsey’s Delivering Through Diversity report, companies in the top-quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 21% more likely to outperform on profitability and companies in the top-quartile for ethnic/cultural diversity on executive teams were 33% more likely to have industry-leading profitability. 

Utilizing internal talent and providing opportunities for growth will improve diversity and inclusion at your organization overall and will consequently aid in your succession planning process as well. 

How to Create an Effective Internal Mobility Program

internal mobility program

Build an Internal Mobility Platform  

Organizations should invest in a dedicated internal mobility platform that matches employees with open opportunities within the business. Recruiters can make job postings within the platform, so internal employees can see open opportunities and apply directly in the system.  

Employees can also create a profile within the platform outlining their demographics, skills, capabilities, experience and more which enables recruiters to more effectively find and place internal employees in new roles.  

Internal Mobility Platform in Practice  

As a result of COVID-19, this government agency in Australia was operating with a lean workforce and limited resources. They required a solution that allowed them to leverage the skills and competencies of their existing workforce so they could save the time, cost and resources it takes to access the external candidate market. They partnered with PeopleScout to develop and launch a platform which facilitates internal mobility for workers who are potentially impacted by the economic downturn due to COVID-19 or looking to move within their department or other government agencies. This allowed the client to engage their workforce through enhanced workforce mobility, skills development and career opportunities within the department and across government. 

Solution Highlights 

PeopleScout created an internal mobility platform using our proprietary talent technology, AffinixTM, to give the client insight into the scope and experience of their internal talent.  

  • Employees are able to self-manage profiles showcasing employee demographics, education and work history, and specific skills and competencies 
  • Employees who may have been affected by COVID-19 are given priority access and visibility to all job opportunities across the agency before they are advertised externally 
  • Employees can self-rate on key competencies 
  • AI technology matches candidates to open opportunities across government and provides alerts to candidates on open job opportunities 
  • Increased engagement of existing staff, while reducing the use of expensive contingent labor hire resources 
  • Recruiters have a strong sense of what other positions may be a good fit for internal employees, based on hard and soft skills  

Communicate Transparently 

When officially launching your internal mobility program, it’s important to openly communicate the strategy with employees. Inform employees of the new program and provide clear communications on how the process will work. If you have a specific platform for internal mobility, this can include communicating how to access the platform, create a profile, view job openings and what to expect after applying for a role. 

Failure to explain your internal recruitment strategy clearly can result in employee confusion and a negative sentiment in the future if they misunderstand why they weren’t selected for a specific role or promotion.  

Focus on People at All Levels 

A common mistake organizations make when implementing an internal mobility process is focusing only on the highest performing employees within the business. While these high performers are likely good candidates for lateral and vertical moves within the organization, they aren’t the only people who you should open the program to. 

Instead, you should focus on people at all levels who are high potentials. These are the employees who you can see having great potential in various roles, and eventually in management and leadership roles. By broadening your internal search to include employees at all levels, you’ll also be increasing the mobility of your diverse talent. 

Educate Management 

Many managers might fear losing an exceptional employee from their department to another area within the business, so it’s important to educate management on the benefits of internal mobility for the organization as a whole.  

When managers understand the reasons for internal mobility, they will be more likely to encourage their employees to participate in the program and have discussions on what their employees’ goals are for growth within the organization. This will foster a culture of support and employees will feel comfortable talking with their manager about opportunities for mobility.  

Encourage Endorsements and Referrals 

A key component of a successful internal mobility program is an endorsement and referral system. Managers should be able to rate employees based on the skills and competencies they’ve included on their profile. This can include comments on performance and examples of times employees demonstrated excellent work. 

In addition, managers who see an opening and know someone who might be a great fit, can refer that employee to the recruiter and provide their endorsement. This gives recruiters additional insight into which employees may be the best fit for open roles based on feedback from leaders who have worked directly with the internal candidate. 

Utilize Technology to Support Internal Mobility 

Technology can enhance your internal mobility program and save your talent acquisition team time in a variety of ways through the use of artificial intelligence, automation and more. A few examples of how PeopleScout’s Affinix supports internal mobility include: 

  • Requisition flexibility for posting internally, externally or both 
  • Simplified separation between internal and external candidates for an open role 
  • Sourcing that automatically matches candidates to open roles based on their unique skills, competencies and experiences 
  • Automated, targeted internal mobility campaigns 
  • AI-enabled job recommendations personalized to internal employees 
  • Proactive system recommendation of candidates who may be a good fit for open roles based on their profile 

Discover the power of PeopleScout’s Affinix Internal Mobility Solution

An Innovative Strategy for the Future of Work 

As the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic begin to subside and organizations resume hiring, they will be looking to new and innovative ways to recruit and structure their talent acquisition programs for the new world of work. Prioritizing diversity and inclusion and flexible work opportunities will remain top of mind as organizations look to the future, but simply attracting talent won’t be enough. Organizations will need to employ a multifaceted approach to talent acquisition and retention to keep top talent with key skills. Adding an internal mobility strategy to the total talent mix will be a necessary focus for organizations looking to build a lasting and resilient workforce for years to come. 

PeopleReady: Increasing Reach, Candidate Engagement, Conversion and Automation

PeopleReady: Increasing Reach, Candidate Engagement, Conversion and Automation

Talent Acquisition Technology

PeopleReady: Increasing Reach, Candidate Engagement, Conversion and Automation

PeopleReady, one of the top industrial staffing agencies in North America, required a digital recruitment solution powered by PeopleScout’s proprietary talent technology, AffinixTM, to attract and engage candidates.

Direct sourcing solutions with increased reach via SEO 
Direct sourcing solutions with increased reach via SEO 
100 % automated application, selection and onboarding process
Mobile-first, easy application complying with all North American state and province laws
Mobile-first, easy application complying with all North American state and province laws


PeopleReady, a TrueBlue company (NYSE: TBI), specializes in quick and reliable on-demand labor and highly skilled workers. PeopleReady supports a wide range of industries, including construction, manufacturing and logistics, retail and hospitality. Leveraging its game changing JobStack staffing app and presence in more than 600 markets throughout North America, PeopleReady served approximately 83,000 businesses and put approximately 226,000 people to work in 2022.

PeopleReady has invested heavily in innovative, mobile-first work scheduling and dispatching technologies but lacked a digital online sourcing solution to attract and engage candidates. 

PeopleReady selected PeopleScout’s Affinix recruitment technology platform to replace its existing solution. Affinix enhances the online candidate experience and increases conversion rates by solving the following challenges:  

  • Simplify the previously complicated job posting process by distributing job openings to multiple sourcing channels immediately by creating just one post in Affinix  
  • Implement direct sourcing to channels such as Indeed, Google for Jobs and niche platforms 
  • Improve email integration with assessment vendors that previously had high drop off rates 


  • An engaging, mobile-optimized apply experience that guides candidates through application, online selection, employment form completion, WOTC, W4 and I9 processes via a safe, remote process 
  • Direct integration with four external vendors to ensure the entire application process can be completed within the browser, with no interruptions from external emails or links 
  • Highly localized job recommendations 



Solution launched within 15 weeks, on time and under budget


80% of candidates apply via a mobile device


15% increase in conversion rates within the first two weeks of go-live

“The PeopleScout team allowed us to design a candidate flow that met the needs of our business. The team was quick to pivot and solution as areas of opportunity were identified for improving the candidate experience. Launching a solution with operational reporting allowed us to immediately monitor candidate flow to allow for quick adjustments of sourcing strategy. Very positive partnership with the entire implementation and technology teams.” 

Tina Radosti, VP Talent Acquisition, PeopleReady 

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: PeopleReady
  • INDUSTRY: Business Services
  • ANNUAL HIRES: 1 million candidates for staffing and short-term labor positions
  • ABOUT PEOPLEREADY: PeopleReady, a TrueBlue company (NYSE: TBI), specializes in quick and reliable on-demand labor and highly skilled workers. PeopleReady supports a wide range of industries, including construction, manufacturing and logistics, retail and hospitality. Leveraging its game changing JobStack staffing app and presence in more than 600 markets throughout North America, PeopleReady served approximately 83,000 businesses and put approximately 226,000 people to work in 2022.

Providing Flexibility and Speed to Meet Seasonal Talent Demands

Providing Flexibility and Speed to Meet Seasonal Talent Demands

seasonal recruitment solutions

Providing Flexibility and Speed to Meet Seasonal Talent Demands

PeopleScout helped a major healthcare company and pharmacy chain meet accelerated demand in their call centers by managing their seasonal, high-volume hiring program.

2,000 + call center roles
30 + The PeopleScout Flex Team scaled up to 30+ recruiters
PeopleScout played a key role in getting our client’s seasonal hiring program back on track
PeopleScout played a key role in getting our client’s seasonal hiring program back on track


A major American retail corporation faced difficulties with the ability of their long-term RPO provider to meet hiring targets for their seasonal, high-volume hiring program. As the client’s RPO provider began missing critical hiring targets without demonstrating any corrective actions, the client turned to PeopleScout to step in and assume ownership of hiring for the vital call center roles. With their busy season fast approaching, and a need for specialized call-center talent to meet surging demand, the client transitioned the project to hire more than 2,000 call center representatives on an accelerated timeline of two months to PeopleScout.


  • To facilitate the hiring of 2,000+ call center roles across numerous multi-location regions in the United States in a compressed time-frame, PeopleScout utilized its Flex Team to add 30+ recruiters dedicated to meeting the client’s seasonal hiring needs in approximately one week, with plans to add additional resources as needed.
  • PeopleScout’s scaled-up team includes veteran recruiters with direct experience working with our client. The familiarity and deep understanding of our client’s historic hiring needs ensures our team hits the ground running without any disruption to our client’s business.
  • To help navigate the recruiting challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, PeopleScout’s team sources, screens and hires call center talent that are able to work from home to support the client.
  • PeopleScout’s rapid deployment played a key role in our ability to get our client’s seasonal hiring program back on track. We are continuing to demonstrate our commitment to the client by our ability to source specialized call center talent and hire on time and on target.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Healthcare company and pharmacy chain
  • INDUSTRY: Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing
  • ANNUAL HIRES: 2,000+
  • LOCATIONS: Multiple locations across the United States