Hispanic and Latinx Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

At PeopleScout, we are committed to providing you with information to help guide you on your DE&I journey. We aim to cover a wide range of DE&I topics, including issues regarding BIPOC, the LGBTQ+ community, gender gaps, people with disabilities and more. This article is the next in our library of DE&I resources, and specifically focuses on the Hispanic and Latinx community. 

In the U.S., National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from September 15 to October 15 to honor the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latinx Americans by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. 

And it’s no doubt their contributions have been great—especially in the workforce and to the economy. Consider the impact this group has had and will continue to have in the future: 

The Current and Future Workforce 
Hispanics are the nation’s second-fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in the U.S., making up 18% of the population in 2019, up from 16% in 2010 and just 5% in 1970. Nearly 60% of U.S. Latinos are Millennials or younger. 

Creators of Jobs 
Within the last decade, 86% of all new businesses in the U.S. have been launched by U.S. Latinos, with Latinas creating business six times faster than any other group. 

Increasingly Educated 
Over the past decade, the Hispanic high school dropout rate has dropped dramatically while college enrollment has increased, with about 41% of U.S. Hispanic adults ages 25 and older having at least some college experience in 2018

Yet, organizations still lack Hispanic representation across all seniority levels. People of Hispanic or Latinx ethnicity make up 18% of the labor force but only 4.3% of executive positions in the U.S., making the gap between the labor force and executive representation wider among Hispanics than any other group. 

So how can organizations do their part in closing this gap? Employers should make conscious efforts to attract and retain this diverse group of talent and provide them with opportunities for growth and development. 

Understanding the Many Names of this Diverse Group  

Before you can effectively attract candidates from Hispanic and Latinx backgrounds, it’s important to understand the terminology that identifies this unique group.  

According to Pew Research Center, “the terms ‘Hispanic’ and ‘Latino’ are pan-ethnic terms meant to describe—and summarize—the population of people living in the U.S. of that ethnic background.” 

Some have drawn distinctions between the two terms, and their widely used definitions can be summarized as the following: 

Hispanic: A person residing in the U.S. with descent from Spanish-speaking countries (this excludes Brazil, where Portuguese is the official language). 

Latino: A person of Latin American descent residing in the U.S. (this includes Brazil but excludes Spain). 

However, this group has mixed views on how they prefer to describe their identity, with over half describing themselves by their country of origin.

In recent years, a new term has emerged as an alternative to Hispanic and Latino: Latinx. The term is one of many in the global movement around gender-neutral language. Latinx serves as a gender-neutral alternative to Latino and Latina and aims to encompass Latin American and Hispanic people from all racial backgrounds while also including those who identify as transgender, queer, agender, non-binary, gender non-conforming or gender fluid. 

According to trend data from Google, the term first appeared online in 2004, but didn’t begin to gain momentum and wider usage until 2014. Today, it sees use around the world, most often in the U.S.  

And much like the terms ‘Hispanic’ and ‘Latino’, surveys also reveal mixed feelings on ‘Latinx’ among the population it is meant to represent. Younger people, ages 18-29, are most likely to have heard of and use the term, while older people 65 and up are least likely. Specifically, use is the highest among young Hispanic women—14% say they use it, compared to the 1% of Hispanic men in the same age range. Here are other factors that impact how likely a U.S. Hispanic person is to have heard of Latinx and use the term: 

Whether the term Latinx should be adopted as a pan-ethnic term for the U.S. Hispanic and Latino population is still up for debate, with one third of those who have heard the term believing it should be used more broadly, according to data from the Pew Research Center
Like many scholars, journalists, activists and publications, PeopleScout will opt to use the term for the remainder of this article in an attempt to better include the many groups of people who make up the Latinx population. 

Strategies to Recruit and Retain Hispanic and Latinx Candidates 

If your organization is committed to improving its diversity, equity and inclusion practices, Latinx employees are a vital group to include in this initiative. Latinx individuals come from a wide variety of backgrounds, making the group extremely diverse in culture within itself. By including people from this group across your organization and in executive positions, your business will be better equipped to evolve and innovate as time goes on. Consider these strategies for recruiting and retaining Latinx candidates. 

Recruit with Intention 
Employers need to be intentional in improving representation of Latinx employees in leadership and across the workforce. Make it a point to recruit from industries and universities that are highly diverse

“If you do not have intentionality with diversity and inclusion, you have nothing.” – Cid Wilson, President and CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (via Invariant) 

Utilize Employee Testimonials 
Show candidates that your organization is home to diverse talent by showcasing those employees in your recruitment marketing tactics. You can share their experiences working for your organization through quotes, videos, personal stories or recruiting case studies. It is especially important to highlight diverse talent from all levels of your business. 

Expand Your Search 
When possible, it can be beneficial to expand your talent search nationwide, or even internationally as your organization allows. With the immense rise in remote work since the onset of the pandemic, many Latinx candidates will be looking to organizations with remote and flexible work options as they make the next move in their careers. Or, if your business requires in-person work, a competitive offer might have that top talent considering relocating for the position. 

Leverage Employee Networks 
Look to your existing Latinx employees, as well as all employees, for diverse referrals. In addition, you should seek input from these employees on how to attract candidates with similar backgrounds, as well as hear their ideas for organizational change and goals. In other words, empower them to have a voice. 

Provide Mentorship 
Even if your organization is highly diverse, any member of a minority group might feel excluded at times. By providing opportunities for mentorship both with individuals of the same background as well as those with different backgrounds, employees will feel more included. Encourage mentors to help employees meet their professional goals so they can grow within the organization. 

How to Support Your Hispanic and Latinx Employees 

Recruiting Latinx employees is the first step in improving diversity in your organization. The next is focusing on ways to make those employees feel supported and included.  

For example, at PeopleScout and the broader TrueBlue organization, we have the Hispanic Opportunity & Latin Awareness (HOLA) employee resource group to embrace and support our Latinx employees and 
associates within the communities we serve. HOLA aims to increase cultural competency and awareness around Latinx issues and concerns throughout TrueBlue, support TrueBlue’s efforts to attract and retain the best Latinx talent and provide the development and support necessary for Latinx employees to grow both personally and professionally. 

Here are examples of other companies with impressive initiatives to support their Latinx employees: 

Coca-Cola’s “Hispanic Leadership Business Resource Group” offers its Hispanic and Latinx employees development, networking, community involvement opportunities and helps the company drive innovative business ideas. In 2017, the group had an idea for a Point-of-Sale Spanish Adaptation Tool which allowed bilingual employees to submit their interpretation of Coca-Cola taglines and phrases in different Spanish dialects to avoid the phrases losing their meaning through literal translations.  

Furthermore, the company showed their commitment to Hispanic and Latinx employees when there was uncertainty about Dreamers in the U.S. by covering the $500 DACA renewal fees for employees in the program. 

Ellucian, a software and solutions development company for higher education, gave employees a sense of belonging by celebrating their heritage. The company planned volunteer events, office potlucks celebrating Latinx and Hispanic culture, highlights of influential Hispanic Americans, and an Instagram takeover for Latinx employees to share their experiences working at Ellucian. The first takeover on the company’s Instagram account came from the leader of ¡wepa!, the company’s Latinx ERG. 
General Motors 
General Motors, a vehicle manufacturing company, supports Hispanic employees from the very beginning by specifically targeting professional Hispanic organizations and Hispanic Serving Institutions as part of their recruiting strategy. The company focuses on raising the number of Hispanic professionals in STEM through their recruiting efforts and by providing over $5 million in scholarships for Hispanic STEM students. 

When the defense, aviation, IT, and biomedical research company discovered that the Hispanic and Latinx community was being disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 nationwide, they made it their priority to help. Leido’s Latinx ERG partnered with the Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs in Washington, D.C. and Neighborhood Health in Alexandria, VA to donate more than 6,000 face masks and 1,500 bottles of hand sanitizer to help combat the spread of COVID-19 within Latinx communities in those areas. 

You can find more examples of companies who prioritize their Hispanic and Latinx employees here

Hispanic and Latinx Inclusion in the New World of Work 

The new world of work is not just about where and how work is done, but it’s about the people who are doing the work. It’s a candidate’s market, and people will choose employers who care about their employees as people. In order to be truly successful, organizations must fully understand their workforce, starting with their employees’ diverse backgrounds and identities.  

By understanding your underrepresented groups of people, like Hispanic and Latinx employees, consciously recruiting them, celebrating their heritage and investing in their growth, we’ll work our way toward a workforce with equal representation and strong inclusion of diverse groups across industries and at all levels of seniority. 

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis – September 2021

The U.S. economy gained a disappointing 194,000 jobs in September, missing analyst expectations. The lower numbers were due, in part, to a significant drop in government employment, while private employers grew. The unemployment rate fell to 4.8% as more workers exited the labor force. Year-over-year wage growth was at 4.5%.

Peoplescout jobs report infographic

The Numbers

194,000: The U.S. economy added 194,000 jobs in September.

4.8%: The unemployment rate fell to 4.8%.

4.5%: Wages rose 4.5% over the past year.

The Good

Though the 194,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy demonstrate slowing job growth, the private sector is faring better than the headline numbers suggest. According to CNBC and the New York Times, the 194,000 figure appears worse because of a 123,000 job decline in government work, including a 180,000 job decline in education. The decline in education jobs can be attributed, in part, to a seasonal adjustment that occurs each year in September and doesn’t necessarily represent recent job losses. In September, private payrolls increased by 317,000, and the estimates for July and August were adjusted up by 169,000 jobs combined.

The Bad

One headline number in September is worse than it initially appears: the falling unemployment rate. The rate fell from August’s 5.2% to 4.8%, but that drop came largely because 183,000 people left the labor force. According to MarketWatch, the labor participation rate of 61.1% is still two full points behind pre-pandemic levels.

The Unknown

The Wall Street Journal reports that economists are still waiting to see what will bring workers back into the labor force. Companies report difficulty filling roles, and wages are rising as much as 10.9% year-over-year in some sectors, suggesting a tight labor market. Economists had predicted more people to reenter the labor force in the fall as students returned to school and enhanced unemployment benefits ran out. So far, it hasn’t been enough.

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis – August 2021

The U.S. economy gained a disappointing 235,000 jobs in August. Women accounted for only 11.9% of those gains. Economists say the disappointing numbers show the impact of the Delta variant of COVID-19. The unemployment rate fell to 5.2%. Year-over-year wage growth was at 3.1%.

U.S. jobs report infographic

The Numbers

235,000: The U.S. economy added 235,000 jobs in August.

5.2%: The unemployment rate fell to 5.2%.

3.1%: Wages rose 3.1% over the past year.

The Good

The 5.2% unemployment rate is good news, as economists had expected the rate to fall to about that level, according to the New York Times. Additionally, the gain of 235,000 jobs would have been good news in a pre-pandemic year. While economists had predicted a bigger jump in jobs numbers, the economy is still growing despite the growing impact of the Delta variant. The manufacturing, transportation and warehousing and finance sectors saw significant growth.

The Bad

August’s report was largely disappointing, as economists had predicted an increase of 720,000 jobs, according to the Wall Street Journal. The biggest disappointment came in the industries most strongly impacted by the pandemic, leisure and hospitality, which saw no growth in August, and retail, which shed 28,500 jobs. Women were also left behind in August, accounting for only 11.9% of August’s job growth.

The Unknown

The most obvious culprit for August’s disappointing report is the surging Delta variant, which is driving increased cases, hospitalizations and deaths around the country. Some jurisdictions have added new mask mandates or restrictions to slow the spread. MarketWatch also reports a decline in flying, hotel bookings and restaurant reservations.

However, despite rising wages and high volumes of job postings, employers report difficulty filling roles. Economists have expected more women to reenter the labor force in September as children return to school, and expiring federal unemployment benefits could also push some Americans back to work. However, millions of workers near retirement age left the workforce in 2020 and are less likely to return. Economists say both factors are likely impacting August’s report, and they will be important to watch through the end of the year.

Recruitment Marketing: How to Stand Apart in the Battle for Great Talent

Recruitment Marketing: How to Stand Apart in the Battle for Great Talent

In today’s candidate-driven talent market, job seekers are more discerning and judicious in selecting a potential employer. To gain their trust and inspire them to choose you over your competitors, you need to ensure that your recruitment and marketing efforts are aligned.

What’s more, the recruitment marketing ecosystem is evolving at an accelerated pace. Tactics that worked in years past may no longer move the needle with candidates. So, how can employers better attract, engage, entice and hire top talent? In this ebook, Recruitment Marketing – How to Stand Apart in the Battle for Great Talent, we explore how employers can build a world-class recruitment marketing program.

In this ebook you will learn:

  • Establishing your brand narrative as a north star
  • Building authenticity and trust with your employees’ voice
  • Connect to talent with data-driven insights
  • Differentiating your brand through human experience
  • And more!

Recruitment Marketing

PeopleScout Talent Advisory: Recruitment Marketing

Cut through the noise and get the attention of top talent with a recruitment marketing program, including programmatic advertising, nurture campaigns, social media and content marketing.

Download this fact sheet to learn how PeopleScout’s recruitment marketing solutions can help you attract the talent you need.

Learn more about PeopleScout’s Talent Advisory solutions.

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Sainsbury’s: Transforming a Traditional Retail Role with Recruitment Marketing

Sainsbury's: Transforming a Traditional Retail Role with Recruitment Marketing

Sainsbury’s: Transforming a Traditional Retail Role with Recruitment Marketing

As customer experience becomes the battleground for retail differentiation, Sainsbury’s turned to PeopleScout to help them hire the next generation of store managers.

19,000 Applications Received in First 12 Weeks, Beating our Target by 171%
4,500 Hires Made, Exceeding the Target of 2,400
1 M Candidate Engagements

Shopping habits have changed. And in the highly competitive UK retail sector, customer experience can make or break results for retailers. To capitalize on this, Sainsbury’s, one the UK’s big five supermarkets, decided to transform one of its traditional roles—and reimagine store management in the process.

Their goal? To create a simpler, more rewarding experience for staff and customers alike. Sainsbury’s wanted to replace the traditional role of retail store manager with a new role, Customer & Trading Manager.

This new role gave managers the freedom to get out of the weeds and really lead teams—creating a new era of retail management. This required new skills and a different mindset. Some of their retail professionals would be able to transition into these new roles but some wouldn’t have what it takes. So Sainsbury’s turned to PeopleScout to help them attract new talent from the outside.

Turning Negatives into Positives

From the start, we faced some significant challenges:

  • The role was entirely new to the market, so we had to explain the new, unfamiliar employment proposition clearly to audiences both inside and outside of retail.
  • The role of retail manager had an image problem. It was seen as a transactional role that often saw you stuck on the registers.
  • The media was confusing the issue. We needed to counteract several misleading, negative reports of large-scale retail redundancies.

Sainsbury’s considered this to be one of their biggest recruitment challenges. They asked us to challenge and overturn negative public perceptions of retail management, introduce an entirely new type of role and hire 2,400 managers, from 24,000 applicants—in just six months.

The Core Message

First, we took apart the job profile to challenge the requirements. It was clear that the single most motivating benefit of the role was the potential to be a leader and to get the very best from a team. This suggested that the best candidates for this new type of retail role didn’t necessarily need retail experience.

We wanted to reconnect people with the emotional core of what’s great about management. It meant presenting the role—and Sainsbury’s—in a new light. So, we stripped away the language associated with the day-to-day tasks and instead put the focus back on employees as people.

We developed an overarching campaign message, Leading Starts Here, to clearly state our employment offer.

And to bring it to life, we used the following concept as our organizing thought: We all need someone to inspire us.

This universal, relatable truth was what used to capture the moving stories of individuals who have overcome huge obstacles—everything from low self-esteem to disability—with the help of inspirational leaders.

Making it Authenitic

Video was our chosen vehicle. Our diverse cast reflected Sainsbury’s approach as an inclusive employer and included people from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, people with common mental health issues and people with disabilities. While some of the responses were scripted, the strongest were spontaneous reactions to the simple prompt, tell me about someone who inspired you.

The campaign featured a blended approach of active and passive channels on- and offline:

  • Active channels included Indeed and a wide variety of other job boards as well as Google Search and Google Display Network.
  • Passive channels included billboards in key locations near major offices, newspapers, social media and other online destinations.
  • We used geo-location and behavioral targeting on search and social media to put our videos in front of audiences across the hospitality, travel, cabin crew, leisure and care industries.

We created 69 individual pieces of artwork, a campaign landing page with the hero video and an in-store toolkit, which included pull-up banners, poaching cards, posters, leaflets and stickers —everything a store needed to amplify the campaign.

The Results

  • Less than 10:1 application-to-hire ratio of high quality candidates.
  • Over 19,000 applications received in first 12 weeks (beating our target by 171%).
  • 4,500 hires made, exceeding the target of 2,400.
  • 69 content pieces produced.
  • £71 attraction-cost-per-hire achieved.
  • Close to 1 MILLION people engaged with the brand as part of the campaign.
  • After 12 weeks, the campaign had generated 376,986 clicks across online paid media. This has been achieved at an average cost per click of just £0.59.
  • The core film has been played 462,168 times and counting, receiving extremely positive feedback, praising its inclusive message.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Sainsbury’s
  • INDUSTRY: Retail
  • LOCATIONS: 600+ supermarkets across the UK
  • About Sainsbury’s: Sainsbury’s in the second largest supermarket chain in the UK. Their focus is to bring high quality food and household goods to consumers in-store and online, supported by their brands, Argos, Habitat, Tu, Nectar and Sainsbury’s Bank.

Vodafone: Overcoming a Powerful Consumer Brand in Graduate Recruitment

Vodafone: Overcoming a Powerful Consumer Brand in Graduate Recruitment

Vodafone: Overcoming a Powerful Consumer Brand in Graduate Recruitment

To overcome misperceptions about their mission, Vodafone engaged PeopleScout for employer branding and a recruitment marketing campaign to support its early careers recruitment program.

16,000 Applications Received, Beating our Target by 60%
23 % Increase in the Numbers of Female Candidates
27 Places Jumped on the Times Top 100 Rankings

Counterintuitive as it sounds, strong consumer brands can hinder recruitment. Applicants can get an idea of what to expect that doesn’t match the reality of the careers experience being offered. This was the case with Vodafone. For consumers, the organization is a high-profile mobile phone retailer. But, behind that perception sits a multifaceted tech innovator with a mission to make the future world a better place.

In order to achieve this, Vodafone turned to PeopleScout to help it become a youth employer of choice, because changing the future meant gaining the buy-in of those who would be influential within it for years to come.


As part of our research phase, we took a deep dive into Vodafone’s future jobs strategy. The client wanted to overcome high levels of youth unemployment by providing up to 100,000 young people with a digital workplace experience at Vodafone. Plus, given that one-in-five young people say they feel under-prepared for the digital economy, the business set another ambitious goal to support 10 million young people with access to digital skills, learning and employment opportunities.

So, how could Vodafone attract Millennials, Gen Z and beyond? These generations are big achievers whose ambitions soar higher than working in mobile phone retail. We needed an attraction strategy and recruitment marketing campaign that changed their audience’s perceptions about Vodafone and all the different kinds of careers—and impacts—they could make there.

The Brief

Vodafone asked us to create a campaign that would spark conversations and stand out as part of their instantly recognizable brand. They needed to generate 10,000 applications to fill 150 graduate roles and 100 intern/industrial student placements across the business. Plus, the overarching goal was to change misperceptions of Vodafone, showing it as a major tech company, not a retailer, and build its reputation as a youth employer of choice. Importantly, we were asked to reach a more diverse audience and increase female applications.

Audience Insights

Of our target audience, 90.4% regularly used social media. On top of this, 91% of all social media users access channels via mobile. So, we developed a mobile-first, social media friendly campaign. Further research revealed that many students with the right background and personal qualifications were put off from applying due to a lack of confidence. So, we needed a message that was bold, relatable and empowering.

Just as important as the audience insights were the strategic considerations. Candidates are also customers. When buying products, they expect a streamlined, user-friendly, friction-free process, and they had the same expectation when making career decisions. So, we made every touchpoint (especially the application) as slick and easy as possible.

No contemporary attraction approach can be just about advertising. Long-term connections are far more powerful. So, central to our strategy was to set Vodafone up to engage in conversations and initiatives with high-potential university students throughout their full university lifecycle. In short, the strategy was to start on day one, not year three.

The Core Message

Our message, #GenerationPossible, aimed to capture the spirit of change and possibility and draw on the opportunity young people have to make an impact on the world for the better. Our visual approach used photography that reflected our target audience combined with bold headline statements.

Social media and career site content featured current grads and interns sharing their advice for the next generation of Vodafone employees, with a #GenerationPossible video at the heart of this campaign. Our six-month social media strategy for mobile consisted of 104 social posts with 20 mini-videos/GIFs. We posted, tracked and analyzed this content on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Get to Know Us Videos

Our research had identified that our target audience felt like they weren’t good enough or lacked the skills to take on these roles. So, we created a series of videos featuring current Vodafone graduate recruits and interns. Filmed in and around Vodafone’s main campus, these videos gave real-life insights into what they could expect when it came to work, wellbeing, social responsibility, innovation, the assessment center and the interview process.

Campus Events

Away from social media, we built a series of 41 on-campus events to connect students directly with Vodafone employees. We carefully chose our campuses based on those with the highest female-to-male ratios for tech degrees, as a way to help us drive up female applications.


The campaign comfortably exceeded Vodafone’s expectations.

  • We generated over 16,000 applications – beating our target by 60%.
  • We increased the number of female candidates by 23%.
  • We increased Instagram impressions by 89.3% (post-campaign vs. pre-campaign).
  • We saw 1.5 million Facebook impressions.
  • We gained 6.8 million impressions on organic posts on LinkedIn.
  • We created a hyper-targeted paid Facebook campaign which produced 390,510 impressions and 2,541 clicks – all from the target audience.

These numbers are backed up by audience sentiment. We improved Vodafone’s reputation as an employer significantly, jumping 27 places in the Times Top 100 rankings. As a result of its success, Vodafone asked us to develop the concept for their apprentice campaign audience and roll it out through a new assessment process design.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Vodafone
  • INDUSTRY: Telecomms
  • ABOUT VODAFONE: Vodafone is a British multinational telecommunications company. They provide connectivity and digital services for over 300 million people to work, learn, stay in touch with friends and family, access healthcare and more.

NCA: Reaching Investigators Through Targeted Recruitment Marketing

NCA: Reaching Investigators Through Targeted Recruitment Marketing

NCA: Reaching Investigators Through Targeted Recruitment Marketing

The National Crime Agency (NCA) turned to PeopleScout for a recruitment marketing campaign to help them stand out in their search for crime fighting investigators.

15,703 Applicants Across 143 Roles
225 Job Offers Extended
800 + Candidates in a Talent Pool for Future Openings

The National Crime Agency is responsible for leading the UK’s fight to cut serious and organized crime. The agency’s focus is on the big threats—targeting and pursuing serious and organized crime and criminals who pose the greatest risk to the UK. The work is hugely complex, high-level and large scale. Officers operate at the forefront of law enforcement, building intelligence, pursuing the most serious and dangerous offenders and developing and delivering specialist capabilities for partner organizations.

It could have been an impressive proposition for the 1,500 investigators and other professionals the NCA wanted to recruit. But the NCA was competing with MI5, MI6, GCHQ and police forces for this talent. The intelligence organizations could be considered “sexier” brands. The police forces are better known and understood.

The NCA had been flying under the radar and needed to arrive on the scene with a bang. They turned to PeopleScout for a confident, attention-grabbing campaign to put their employer brand front-of-mind for their target audience.

Key Research

We conducted wide-ranging qualitative interviews and focus groups with key people across the agency in order to really get under the skin of the human experience of working there.

The key insights were:

  • When NCA investigators succeed the impact is huge and far-reaching. The criminal activity they stop covers everything from child sexual abuse to illegal firearms trafficking, cyber crime, kidnapping and extortion. The police, by contrast, have to deal with everything from shoplifting upwards.
  • A lot of the criminals the NCA targets feel they are untouchable. It’s very exciting to prove they are not.
  • The work is exciting, and we shouldn’t underplay that.
  • Investigators are often serving police officers or have strong links to policing. They rarely engage with usual recruitment channels, so we needed to think differently.
  • The agency saw location as key—they were keen to recruit candidates close to the locations of their regional offices.

The Core Message

To work in crowded streets and packed transit stations, our campaign needed to have immediate visual impact. The NCA hunts the big fish of the criminal world. So, we chose the shark as a perfect visual metaphor to illustrate the level of criminality the agency handles; it’s the ultimate hidden predator with a fin that creates an emotional reaction.

Our visuals show a huge shark fin bursting through the ground, towering over well-known landmarks and wreaking havoc in recognizable, urban UK locations in London and Manchester. Each visual represented the scale of damage caused by high-level crime, while storm clouds provided a suitable dark and menacing backdrop. These visuals were complemented with a simple message: No predator too big.

Media Strategy

We focused the recruitment campaign on outdoor media to reach the widest possible audience in our target areas. We identified outdoor locations that serve police officers on their daily commute—for example, Manchester Piccadilly station and the Metro line to Greater Manchester Police HQ—in addition to specialist online media.

The Results

We rolled out the campaign for digital, data, tech and specialist firearms audiences. The results were very impressive:

29,684 candidates to the NCA landing page.
15,703 applications across 143 roles.
2,228 candidates invited to interview.
225 job offers.
825 held in talent pool awaiting job offers.

This was a hugely successful campaign which drove a large number of applications. We exceeded NCA’s expectations, raised awareness of the NCA as an alternative employer for serving police officers and improved perceptions of the NCA as an employer with a unique offering.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: National Crime Agency (NCA)
  • INDUSTRY: Government & Public Sector
  • LOCATIONS: Regional offices in the UK’s urban centers
  • About NCA: The National Crime Agency (NCA) is a national law enforcement agency in the UK focused on fighting organized crime, trafficking, cybercrime and fraud.

Amazon: Sourcing Hundreds of Candidates Across Six Countries in Record Time

Amazon: Sourcing Hundreds of Candidates Across Six Countries in Record Time

Amazon: Sourcing Hundreds of Candidates Across Six Countries in Record Time

Across Europe, Amazon were experiencing large levels of growth across their customer base. They turned to PeopleScout for RPO to fill roles in new fulfilment centers across Europe.

6 Countries including Germany, France, UK, Spain, Czech Republic and Poland
8 % Reduction in time-to-hire
Multilingual Recruitment & Advertising including German, French, Spanish, Polish and English
Multilingual Recruitment & Advertising including German, French, Spanish, Polish and English

Scope & Scale

Across Europe, Amazon were experiencing large levels of growth across their customer base. This had a significant impact on their worldwide operations business, the area of the organization that is responsible for delivering packages and products to the customer’s door.

Amazon’s heavy investment in new fulfilment and delivery centers across Europe, including Germany, France, UK, Spain, Czech Republic and Poland, resulted in a significant increase in headcount across management positions in these centers. These ranged from graduates to experienced managers running the centers themselves.

With Amazon, speed of delivery and their obsession with data feeds into everything they do, and their approach to recruitment is no different. As they can executed new super centers at a flick of a switch, their templated approach to building them created hiring spikes that had to be met in a small window of time.


Engaging a large volume of candidates across multiple countries speaking different languages and operating under different employment laws presented a unique challenge. Amazon have a large internal talent acquisition team who speak multiple languages, however the sheer volume of roles meant their needed a boost to truly engage the market and candidates in a way that matched their values.

Giving a great candidate experience is paramount for Amazon. Plus, the urgency of the roles and complex nature of the situation, motivated Amazon to engage PeopleScout to partner with them to meet these demands.


PeopleScout have two established delivery centers in Bristol (UK) and Krakow (Poland). These centers have multilingual recruitment consultants who are experts in sourcing and engaging candidates on our client’s behalf. Having understood the immediate and urgent need from Amazon we quickly mobilized a team of German, French, Spanish, Polish and English speakers across the two centers.

Amazon arranged briefings with us for the various roles and again expressed the urgency required due to the operational go-live dates of their fulfilment centers. Using our experience of recruiting across Europe, plus the understanding of the roles, Amazon’s culture and their process, we were able to build strategies to engage talent pools quickly. This included custom job adverts in each language and candidate engagement in their own native language.


Our multi-national set of stakeholders are happy with our delivery from a quantity and quality level. Our activity resulted in delivering:

  • 576 candidates submitted
  • 443 invited to interview
  • 112 offers made
  • 8% reduction in time-to-hire

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Amazon
  • INDUSTRY: Ecommerce Retail
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing
  • LOCATIONS: Fulfilment centers across six countries including Germany, France, UK, Spain, Czech Republic and Poland

PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis – July 2021

The U.S. economy gained 943,000 jobs in July. The numbers are strong, but with new concerns over the Delta variant, economists question how long the strong growth can be sustained. The unemployment rate fell to 5.4%. Year-over-year wage growth was at 4.0%.

Jobs report infograhpic

The Numbers

943,000: Employers added 943,000 jobs in July.

5.4%: The unemployment rate fell to 5.4%.

4.0%: Wages rose 4.0% over the past year.

The Good

July’s jobs report was the best since August of 2020, and beat economist expectations, the New York Times reported. The strongest gains came in the leisure and hospitality sector, which was hardest hit during the pandemic. Additionally, the unemployment rate fell to 5.4% and employment numbers for both May and June were revised upwards, showing strong hiring throughout the summer.

The Bad

While the report was largely positive, MarketWatch reports that a shortage of workers is still holding back the recovery. While the labor participation rate did tick up in July, many Americans sidelined at the start of the pandemic have yet to rejoin the labor force. Some economists predict that we will see more workers reenter the workforce in the fall when schools reopen. Additionally, as many as 2 million workers retired during the pandemic, with no plans to return to the workforce.

The Unknown

Because the numbers for July were taken during the first few weeks of the month, before cases of the Delta variant surged in parts of the U.S., we don’t know how the variant will impact the economy. The Wall Street Journal reports that in many locations, local governments have reinstated mask mandates, but they have not backed any broad closures. However, the New York Auto Show was canceled and many companies are delaying plans to return to the office over concerns about the Delta variant.