AI for Recruiting: Getting from Hype to Hire

By Patti Woods, Sr. Implementation Training Manager, & Chad Getchell, Director of Technical Solutions Architecture & Tech Implementation  

Ready or not, AI is coming for the recruiting world. A whopping 81% of HR leaders are already exploring or implementing AI in their processes according to  Gartner. That’s a lot of companies jumping on the train with AI for recruiting. And there’s a good reason for it—AI has the potential to make your talent acquisition team’s jobs easier by taking those mundane, repetitive tasks off their plate.  

However, not everyone is as excited. We hear from many clients who are overwhelmed with the combination of how powerful these tools are and the ethical and legal considerations that they need to keep in mind while still getting the benefits. 

Are you ready to jump on the AI train? Or are you still feeling unsure? Don’t worry, we’re here to cut through the hype and talk about the practicalities of implementing AI in recruiting.  

AI for Recruiting: What it Is and What it Isn’t 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that can perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence. AI can “learn” complex tasks without being explicitly programmed to do them. AI includes the sub-fields of machine learning, speech and natural language processing and robotic process automation.  

👀 Watch the Webinar On-Demand: AI in Recruiting: Hype, Ethics & Best Practices

However, most definitions of AI don’t include the words “ethical” and “responsible.” Because AI lacks emotions, morals, empathy, compassion, historical context and more—things humans are great at. So, for anyone who is concerned about AI taking over their jobs—while we can’t guarantee this won’t happen someday—we want to remind you that humans have an important role to play, acting as the ethical and responsible parties making decisions throughout the recruitment process. 

Some other limitations of AI include: 

  • Biased Algorithms:  If AI models are trained on biased or incomplete data sets, they can unintentionally perpetuate inequality. It’s important to keep an eye on the outcomes of AI-enabled résumé or CV sifting or sourcing to ensure there’s no bias present. 
  • Lack of Accuracy: Generative AI (GAI) tools, like ChatGPT, are prone to making up statistics and sources—known as hallucinating. Human review is crucial when leveraging GAI tools for creating content and communications. 
  • Data Privacy Issues:  Collecting and analyzing extensive candidate information required by AI systems can raise concerns around consent, data protection and ethical usage. Work with your legal and compliance teams to ensure you’re in line with the legal and regulatory requirements in all the areas where you’re hiring. 
  • Disproportionate Impact:  Certain demographic groups face higher exposure to the potential harms of AI in recruitment. This can happen because lower income communities often lack access to digital tools which can create an adverse impact during the recruitment process when technology is in place. Analyzing recruitment data, like application and pass rates, will help to identify if any groups or individuals have been adversely impacted.  

AI + Humans: The Recruitment Dream Team 

Having humans as reviewers and approvers following AI-enabled stages of the recruitment process will mitigate risks that come from these limitations. In fact, AI should not be making decisions on behalf of a recruiter. While AI is great at repetitive tasks, it lacks that special something that only humans possess—context, empathy, ethics and good ol’ common sense. Your recruiters must use their moral compass to make sure the interests of candidates and your company are protected. It’s a critical role, no matter where AI is being used in the process. 

AI is just another tool in your belt, but it has the power to elevate the recruiter’s role. It’s about using AI to maximize efficiency, so they can really focus on the human touchpoints that are crucial to the candidate experience. It also lets recruiters spend more time focusing on the parts of the job that are more relational, impactful and enjoyable, making them happier in their roles.  

Job satisfaction goes up. Turnover goes down. You get the best of both worlds—the efficiency and computational power of AI that empowers better relationship-building, trust-earning and ethical-hiring. They’re a perfect pair! 

Collaboration is Crucial 

If you’re feeling intimidated by launching a new AI tool, remember you don’t have to go it alone—and shouldn’t. Your friends in legal, compliance and IT can ensure you’re staying on the straight and narrow. With legal covering your back, compliance double checking everything, IT implementing the solutions, and your recruiting team actually putting it all into practice, teamwork is essential for AI to work. 

Consulting with your legal team and external partners is a critical move to ensure you’re being appropriately transparent without overwhelming candidates. They’ll help you navigate those tricky ethical waters and put guardrails in place to make sure you’re compliant with relevant laws and regulations. 

Getting Started with AI for Recruiting 

If there’s one thing that we want to make sure is crystal clear about our perspective, it is that you can’t take a blanket approach to implementing an AI-based solution. This is why being slow to adoption is totally okay. So, if you feel like you’re jumping in late, you are not. There’s a lot on the line and adoption needs to be carefully vetted, tested and communicated before you go for it. 

The key to adopting AI is taking it slow, testing the waters with a pilot and controlled rollout. A great way to begin could be using AI for sourcing support, reviewing that first round of résumés or CVs, or even drafting template communications for your team. Easy wins like this let you get a feel for how AI can simplify your processes without adding too much risk. 

While every project is different, when helping clients, we follow this basic five step process for implementing an AI tool: 

An infogrpahic that shows the stages of implementing AI for recruiting - identify, plan, risk management, pilot, and change management.
  1. Identify: Identify the business problem you want to solve or the business practices you want to improve with AI. It could be speeding up the first-round review of résumés or applications. It could be drafting communication templates for a team to use. It’s also imperative at this stage to define what a successful outcome looks like.  
  2. Plan: Research available AI tools that can solve your business problem and plan the journey to get started. This should include what metrics you will use to measure success. It’s important at this stage to include representatives from across the business from teams like HR, talent acquisition, IT, legal, compliance, department heads or hiring managers, etc.
  3. Manage Risks: Evaluate the risks that may pop up for all applicable groups and create a plan to address them directly. 
  4. Pilot: Start with a small pilot user group and timeline. This might be a particular job family or location. How long do you want the pilot to last? What are the expected results? What threshold must be met for you to say, “OK, the pilot went well. Let’s expand.”? Address issues and iterate as you go until all your stakeholders are comfortable with moving forward. 
  5. Manage Change: Here is where you plan to scale your new AI tool and process to more parts of your recruitment program. Develop training materials on how to use the AI tool, the new process and expectations so everyone understands their role—whether they’re a recruiter, hiring manager, IT support or beyond. It’s about putting in place intentional, consistent accountability. 

          It doesn’t end there. There really isn’t a finish line with AI, or any other technology for that matter. Make sure that you are evaluating on an ongoing basis and measuring progress. It’s an ongoing exercise to ensure you’re finding risks, mitigating them and maximizing the value of your investment. 

          An RPO Partner Can Help You Navigate AI for Recruiting 

          As a recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partner and trusted talent advisor to our clients, we help companies implement AI-enhanced hiring with less disruption and a faster return on investment. PeopleScout has experience implementing recruitment tech like AI software, advising on the best options for your needs, integration requirements, data needs, ethical usage, and workflow design. We do our due diligence with every client to make sure that we’re looking for the right way to embrace any technology, including AI, so that it benefits them based on their unique needs. 

          If you’re interested in RPO, look for a partner that is moving at your speed when it comes to AI in recruiting. AI solutions are meant to augment—not replace—human decisions in recruitment. Cultivating ethical and responsible usage of AI for recruiting is key when it comes to delivering real impact on talent acquisition.  

          The information provided in this article does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or other professional advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available in this article are for general information purposes only. Readers of this article should contact their attorney or legal advisor to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal matter. No reader of this article should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information in this article without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this article are expressly disclaimed by PeopleScout, Inc.. The content in this article is provided “as-is”, and no representations are made by PeopleScout that the content is error-free.  

          Supporting Annual Graduate Recruitment for a Government Agency 

          Supporting Annual Graduate Recruitment for a Government Agency

          Early Careers Recruitment

          Supporting Annual Graduate Recruitment for a Government Agency

          PeopleScout supports the assessment center for a UK government agency’s annual graduate recruitment campaign for policy advisors to ensure candidate quality and fairness.

          3,500 + applications assessed
          140 candidates supported in assessment centers
          4 weeks of assessment centers completed


          This UK government agency runs an annual graduate recruitment campaign to hire quality early careers talent across their policy advisor team. They turned to PeopleScout to ensure this process remained consistent, fair and unbiased.  


          The PeopleScout talent assessment team supports the agency’s graduate recruitment program each year, continuously improving campaigns year-on-year.  

          Prior to the assessment center, PeopleScout organizes assessors to sift written exercises. Successful candidates then complete a bespoke Situational Judgement Test, which we designed specifically to assess how candidates would respond in true-to-life scenarios that employees will encounter in their roles at the agency. This sifts out approximately 30% of applicants who would be unlikely to succeed at the assessment center. 

          Candidate then complete the assessment center, for which we provide assessors. The assessment includes a variety of exercises like role plays, interviews and structured policy conversations. These are freshly designed by the client each year, and PeopleScout supports by reviewing the materials for consistency and best practice.  

          Our experienced assessment team provides an end-of-campaign analysis, adverse impact analysis and recommendations for continual improvement. For example, off the back of these recommendations, we worked collaboratively with our client to create an integration between Tazio and Microsoft Teams to create a smoother candidate and assessor experience in their virtual assessment centers.  


          For this annual graduate recruitment campaign, PeopleScout assessed 3,697 applications, with 140 people completing the assessment center over 4 weeks. Ultimately, 53 candidates went on to work for the agency.  

          At a Glance

          • COMPANY: UK Government Agency
          • INDUSTRY: Government & Public Sector
          • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Talent Advisory
          • ANNUAL HIRES: 50+ graduate policy advisors
          • ABOUT THE CLIENT: This UK government agency employs over 3,000 civil servants.

          Creating a Values-Based Interview Framework for More Equitable Hiring

          Creating a Values-Based Interview Framework for More Equitable Hiring

          Talent Consutling

          Creating a Values-Based Interview Framework for More Equitable Hiring

          This UK airport wanted to create a more standardised process for interviews based on their organisational values. As their long-time RPO partner, PeopleScout’s Assessment Design team created a values-based interview framework to support hiring for six levels of seniority from entry level to director.


          The airport’s talent acquisition leaders noticed that different teams across their organisation were conducting different types of interviews. They wanted to create a standardised process for interviews, which both measured potential and ensured fairness. They also wanted to embed their company values into their assessment process to secure talent who are in alignment with their organisational culture. 

          This company turned to their RPO partner, PeopleScout, to transform their values into a multi-level interview framework.  


          Our Assessment Design team got to work conducting desk research into the client’s existing values and created a template which was populated throughout the project. Consulting with the client in an iterative way, the designers set clear definitions for the values and created a collection of questions for each value. The client’s team reviewed a variety of options for interview question styles and decided what worked for them.  

          These questions also corresponded to six levels of seniority—from entry level to director—totalling 36 banks of question. The question banks were organised in such a way that interviewers at the organisation could easily pick and mix questions for their needs. We also delivered scoring criteria to ensure fairness for all candidates.  


          In the recruitment process, the new values-based interview framework has standardised and streamlined the interview stage. Now, our client is building the questions into an internal tech platform to make the interview process even easier for hiring managers.  

          Beyond recruiting, the new framework has applications across the entire organisation to help employees understand how the organisation’s values are manifested in their role. This has catalysed a cultural change within the organisation as employees at all levels are thinking more about how they embody this company’s values in their daily work.  

          At a Glance

          • COMPANY: UK Airport
          • INDUSTRY: Travel & Tourism
          • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Talent Advisory
          • ABOUT THE CLIENT: This UK airport has nearly 75,000 employees, making it one of the country’s largest single-site employers.

          [Webinar] Hype or Happening? What Our Data Tells Us About AI in Recruiting

          Webinar: Hype or Happening? What Our Data Tells Us About AI in Recruiting

          We are bombarded with hype about the disruptive power of Generative AI, or Gen AI, on recruitment, including doom-laden, worst-case scenario predictions and claims that our existing talent assessment methods are already obsolete.

          It is hard to make sense of all this to come to informed decisions about how we should respond to the new era of Gen AI. Much of what we see and hear is based on opinions, and the research reported focuses on the potential to disrupt rather than revealing the reality of what is actually happening right now.

          At PeopleScout, we have responded to this confusion and lack of useful evidence by doing our own research. We wanted to look for evidence of real use cases and impact of Gen AI on job changers and live assessments—and what we found shines a different light on how candidates are using Gen AI in the real world.

          Join us on Thursday 1 August at 10:00 GMT for a 30-minute webinar.


          During this webinar, we will:

          • Debunk common myths and hype about Gen AI in recruiting.
          • Present real-world data and use cases of Gen AI’s impact on job seekers and assessments.
          • Offer actionable insights to help you navigate the evolving landscape of recruitment technology.

          Before you register, please make sure to read a note from our legal team.

          Recruitment Process Outsourcing

          PeopleScout Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

          PeopleScout’s scalable recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) solutions are backed by experience, insight and action to connect you with the talent you need.

          Download this fact sheet to learn more about our RPO solutions.

          Learn more about PeopleScout RPO and get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

          Dig into More Talent Insights

          Ultimate Recruitment Process Outsourcing Toolkit

          Ultimate Recruitment Process Outsourcing Toolkit

          Our complete six-piece toolkit gives you the essential information on how RPO can boost your recruitment outcomes.

          Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Buyer’s Guide
          Buyer’s Guide

          Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Buyer’s Guide

          Check out this in-depth exploration of RPO and how it can help you achieve your recruitment goals.

          The Skills Crisis Countdown: The Clock is Ticking on Tackling Skills Gaps
          Research Report

          The Skills Crisis Countdown: The Clock is Ticking on Tackling Skills Gaps

          Our latest research shows a detailed picture of the current state of skills in the global workforce and how HR leaders are preparing for the impending skills crisis

          PeopleScout Company Overview

          PeopleScout Company Overview

          Global talent solutions providing unmatched scalability to meet the professional, specialist, volume and contingent hiring needs of organizations of all sizes and sectors.

          Download this fact sheet to learn more.

          Learn more about PeopleScout’s award-winning talent solutions.

          Dig Into More Talent Insights

          Ultimate Recruitment Process Outsourcing Toolkit

          Ultimate Recruitment Process Outsourcing Toolkit

          Our complete six-piece toolkit gives you the essential information on how RPO can boost your recruitment outcomes.

          Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Buyer’s Guide
          Buyer’s Guide

          Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Buyer’s Guide

          Check out this in-depth exploration of RPO and how it can help you achieve your recruitment goals.

          Global Hiring and Labor Market Trends Affecting Recruitment in APAC 

          Global Hiring and Labor Market Trends Affecting Recruitment in APAC 

          Check out these labor market trends in APAC and their effect on talent acquisition in the region.

          Connect More™: How PeopleScout is Elevating Your Connection to Talent 

          In a world where the talent market is constantly evolving, PeopleScout knows that cultivating deeper, more meaningful connections is imperative. Now, as we unveil a refreshed identity, we build on the service we’ve delivered for over 30 years, delivering more insights, more imagination and more integrity.  

          Connect More™ is our guiding principle. It reflects our unique approach that blends experience, insight and action to help employers build powerful connections with talent. 

          We’re redefining what it means to a be talent acquisition partner.  

          Too often we hear from clients about experiences they’ve had with other talent solutions providers in which one thing was said during the sales pitch only to have the stakes change once the ink was dry. Or times they’ve been forced into cookie-cutter processes that don’t support their unique needs. 

          That’s why at PeopleScout we strive to do the opposite. We believe in keeping promises. We believe that listening creates a better experience and leads to better outcomes. We’re not perfect, but if we mess up, we make it right. 

          We’re proud and humbled to say that this philosophy has led to some of the most enduring client relationships in the talent acquisition space—a testament to our commitment to creating connections that are truly meaningful. 

          PeopleScout’s refreshed brand is grounded in differentiators that drive tangible value for our clients:  

          Proven Delivery 

          For over 30 years, PeopleScout has built our services on integrity, building trust through transparent communication and a proven track record of success.  

          What That Means for You: 

          You get a talent partner like no other to help you tackle your workforce challenges—large and small. Plus, as part of the TrueBlue family of brands, we are uniquely positioned to handle complex talent programs like no other firm in the world. 

          Meaningful Connections 

          PeopleScout has the demonstrated ability to connect with the most sought-after talent. From software engineers to neonatal nurses.  From Seattle to Singapore. 

          What That Means for You: 

          Our global delivery centers offer talent solutions across North America, EMEA and APAC, meaning we can grow with you as your needs change.  

          Talent Advisory 

          With one of the largest in-house talent advisory teams in the industry, we’ve got a wide range of experience with talent audiences across industries, skill sets, demographics and geographies. We are problem-solvers, creatives, organizational psychologists and operational experts.  

          What That Means for You: 

          Whether you need an award-winning candidate attraction campaign, a differentiated employer brand, market insights to fuel big decisions, a memorable candidate assessment experience or DE&I consulting—we have fresh ideas to help you stand out as an employer of choice. 

          Data & Insights  

          Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. We’re dedicated to arming you with the sharable, digestible insights you need to tell the right stories in your business so you can stand out and get ahead.  

          What That Means for You: 

          You can capitalize on the latest market analysis, AI tools, thought leadership and competitive intelligence to supercharge your people strategy.  

          Human Touch  

          We bring a personal touch to our engagement with passive candidates that ignites excitement about your opportunities. From the second we grab the candidate’s attention to the minute they walk through the door—we deliver a seamless candidate experience that turns applicants into advocates. 

          What That Means for You: 

          Whether you need to fill executive, leadership or niche roles our global search teams deliver top-notch, future-ready talent. 

          Digital Transformation  

          As digital transformation reaches talent acquisition, we’re helping our clients get ahead. Affinix™, PeopleScout’s proprietary talent technology suite, provides candidates with a digital-first experience and leverages AI, automation and data analytics to remove friction and improve outcomes. Plus, we’re on top of the latest tech solutions, testing new ways that AI and machine learning can create results for our clients. 

          What That Means for You: 

          You get an upgraded tech-stack that delivers a consumer-like, mobile-first experience for candidates and a frictionless, informed journey for hiring managers. 

          Ultimate Scalability  

          We’ve scaled up to handle the full-cycle, global recruitment of tens of thousands of annual hires for one of the world’s largest hotel brands. We’ve scaled down to hire a few dozen specialist engineers for an automotive start up. And we’ve handled everything in between.  

          What That Means for You: 

          Whether you need specialty, professional, volume or contingent hiring solutions—our unique blend of insight, creativity and technology creates an employer brand-steeped candidate experience talent will never forget.  

          Speed and Agility  

          In this tumultuous era, talent acquisition teams are struggling to respond quickly to sudden fluctuations and hiring peaks. That’s why we’ve created flexible solutions like Accelerate™ and Amplifiers™. Purpose-built for modern talent programs, our solutions provide employers with the agility required to compete in today’s talent market, address immediate hiring needs and deliver results faster.   

          What That Means for You: 

          You get focused support for peak hiring, hard-to-fill positions, compressed time frames and more—however it works best for you—without the lengthy implementation.  


          Organizations of all sizes trust PeopleScout’s efficient recruiting processes and quick-deploy solutions that improve time-to-hire and retention rates, delivering the best talent matches and maximizing ROI. 

          What That Means for You: 

          We measure our every move, idea and recommendation—so you know you’re spending your budget where it matters most. 

          Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) 

          DE&I is top of mind for talent leaders, including all of us at PeopleScout. While much progress has been made, there’s still work to be done. That’s why every PeopleScout solution has a DE&I component. PeopleScout integrates DE&I best practices into every solution, helping clients build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.   

          What That Means for You: 

          We’ll help you gain a better grasp of where you are, where you need improvement and how to find the right path forward. 

          Are You Ready to Elevate Your Connection with Talent? 

          PeopleScout’s deep expertise in recruitment, employer branding, talent attraction and recruitment technology makes us a recognized leader in talent acquisition. We connect clients around the world with the talent they need through Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Managed Service Provider (MSP), Total Workforce Solutions, and talent and technology advisory services.  

          If you’re ready to elevate your connection with talent, let’s connect

          Heathrow Airport: Delivering Over 1,000 New Security Officers in Just 6 Months

          Heathrow Airport: Delivering Over 1,000 New Security Officers in Just 6 Months

          Heathrow Airport: Delivering Over 1,000 New Security Officers in Just 6 Months

          How we re-engineered Heathrow Airport’s security officer recruitment process with an entirely bespoke virtual assessment platform, which led to reduced costs.

          1,000 vacancies filled in just 6 months
          70 + NPS score from candidates which is considered excellent
          73 % increase in candidates assessed through a bespoke online assessment platform
          48 % of hires were women


          Heathrow Airport is a major international airport in London. With over 80 million travellers passing through annually, hundreds of staff are required to support operations 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Security officers play a crucial role at the airport, screening baggage, engaging with passengers and patrolling the runways and terminals.

          What started as an recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partnership for 400 security officers sourced over six months, quickly grew to 1,000 vacancies in the same amount of time as travel restrictions loosened throughout the pandemic.

          Due to the nature of the role, all offers for the security officer role at Heathrow were contingent on the candidate passing a thorough background screening and counter terrorism check, which can take up to 16 weeks. This stage requires the candidate to complete a lot of paperwork which can’t be cut back, so Heathrow needed PeopleScout to create a recruitment process that was fast and easy. Plus, we needed to find a way to keep candidates engaged during the long security check period to minimize drop-off.

          In the previous process, after applying, candidates completed a telephone interview and then attended an in-person assessment center event at a hotel near the airport. However, the Heathrow team were experiencing challenges with this approach.

          There were inconsistencies in the quality of candidates getting through to the phone interview stage, meaning that pass rates at the assessment center events were low. As the hotel venue incurred a cost for Heathrow, they needed to ensure that only candidates with the right skills for the role were getting to this stage to maximize their investment. The hotel events were held infrequently, and the two four-hour sessions at each meant they could only assess 30 candidates per event, 15 candidates in the morning and 15 in the afternoon. Plus, during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the lockdown laws, these hotel events weren’t possible.


          PeopleScout reengineered Heathrow’s security officer recruitment process to get candidates through the screening, interview and assessment stages in a matter of days—all done in a COVID-safe, virtual way.

          We introduced a completely bespoke virtual testing platform called One Experience Assessment (1XP). The candidates completed the assessment after applying, which allowed us to screen for essential skills. Tests were engaging and video-based, creating an immersive experience showcasing what it would be like to work in the airport. Scenarios evaluated candidates’ spatial awareness, as well as their ability to identify potential hazards such as hidden weapons or unattended suitcases. This virtual assessment tool allowed Heathrow to evaluate 52 candidates per day (up from the previous 30) and eliminated venue rental costs.

          Candidates who passed the virtual assessment center were immediately prompted to either schedule a telephone interview with one of our recruiters or to submit an audio recording of themselves answering pre-determined questions which were then screened. Successful candidates participated in a live virtual interview facilitated by our team, which we were able to expand to accommodate their high-volume recruiting.

          To support offer holders during the background screening process, PeopleScout created a video that explained what to expect, which Heathrow sent out to candidates. Our recruiters checked in with these candidates to ensure they were completing the required paperwork in a timely manner. We continued these pre-start check-in calls after the background check process was underway in order to keep candidates engaged and ensure they were still keen to start onboarding once cleared.


          We not only filled the 1,000 security officer positions for Heathrow in the allotted six-month period—we exceeded the goal. By shifting the assessment stages to earlier in the journey, we were able to improve candidate quality and test more people at a faster rate—a 73% increase—with less expense for the client in the long run. Candidates loved the immersive assessment experience, giving an NPS score of 70+ out of 100.

          In addition, we were able to improve diversity amongst new security officers—48% of the hires were women. Our partnership with Heathrow continues to expand through our always-on RPO approach.

          PeopleScout was named the Supplier of the Year at Heathrow Airport’s Supplier Awards. We were also the winner of the Candidate Experience Award at the 2023 Personnel Today Awards for our work in partnership with Heathrow.

          At a Glance

          • COMPANY: Heathrow Airport
          • INDUSTRY: Travel & Tourism
          • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing
          • ABOUT HEATHROW: Heathrow is the UK’s largest airport, located near London and serving millions of travelers from around the world. Heathrow is used by over 90 airlines flying to 214 destinations in 84 countries.

          Redesigning the Early Careers Assessment Process for a UK Construction Leader

          Redesigning the Early Careers Assessment Process for a UK Construction Leader

          Redesigning the Early Careers Assessment Process for a UK Construction Leader

          One of the largest construction, property and development companies in the United Kingdom engaged PeopleScout to design and build a new assessment center to boost diversity amongst their early career talent.

          93 % reduction in candidate pool through new situational application sift stage
          81 % pass rate after bespoke assessment center


          Over the past several years, this privately owned development, property and construction organization have increased the hiring of early career talent across multiple functions and departments. With a focus on increasing diversity and inclusion across their business areas, the early careers intake process was identified as an important way to achieve this. They wanted to create an assessment center that was unique, created a positive candidate experience and delivered quality, diverse talent who demonstrate behaviors in-line with their culture.

          This client’s early career schemes recruit for a large variety of roles in many different business areas. However, they needed all candidates to go through the same assessment center, so the new assessment design needed to balance the needs of all departments and efficiently assess individual people. Plus, they needed adaptable exercises and scoring which could be appropriate for both apprenticeship and graduate scheme applicants.

          This organization wanted the assessment center to create an excellent candidate experience and for candidates to feel like they gained a valuable experience in the process. The format needed to be engaging and fun, showcasing their values and the kind of work they do.


          We took a phased approach to our assessment design solution for our client.

          Discovery Phase

          Our discovery efforts consisted of gathering information from stakeholders across the company. We ran focus groups with current early careers talent and conducted visionary interviews with senior stakeholders. We also facilitated focus groups with the internal early careers recruitment team.

          Through these sessions, as well as carrying out desk research on the job descriptions, we gained an understanding of skills and experience required from early careers employees. Then, we defined the key issues in the current assessment framework and came up with the concepts for the new assessment center to better the client’s needs.

          Through the discussion it was decided to have three distinct exercises which followed the same story but didn’t rely on each other. In the previous assessment center if candidates didn’t fully understand one exercise, it would have a knock-on effect on their ability to carry out the next one.

          We decided on an overarching fictional project scenario to thread throughout all exercises at the assessment center which was applicable to all business areas. It would also act as a realistic job preview.

          Design Phase

          We designed a new assessment framework consisting of:

          • A bespoke new situational application sift process
          • A new video interview stage
          • A bespoke assessment center

          For the assessment center, we designed a new group exercise, a case study presentation exercise and an interview. We designed a unique group exercise and case study exercise for apprentices and graduates and the interview was applicable for both.

          I addition to the designing the exercises themselves, we created scoring guides and candidate briefs for all exercises. Plus, we generated a timetable for the day of the assessment as well as[PG2]  a briefing presentation so the client could inform candidates at the beginning of day of what was coming.

          Testing Phase

          We started with a pilot assessment center to test the new process. Members of the PeopleScout assessment team facilitated a virtual assessment center day, during which internal stakeholders acted as the assessors and current employees played candidates. This was hosted on TopScore, so the client was able to stress test their virtual platform of choice.

          After the pilot, we ran focus group feedback sessions with a group of the assessors and a group of the mock candidates to gather insights and perceptions on the materials as well as anything which could be amended to aid understanding. Finally, we held a debrief session with the members of the company’s early careers team to get clear on what amends we would make.

          We implemented our client’s feedback and sent the finalised materials to the client, ready for the real assessment centers. We ran a “train the trainer” session for their assessors so they could execute the assessment center going forward.


          This organization received over 3,800 applicants for their early careers programme, and the new application sift stage allowed the client to filter down their candidate pool to 239. They also felt confident in the quality of the candidates who made it through to the assessment center, with 81% passing. Plus, when looking at pass/fail ratios, we saw no adverse impact at assessment center for gender, ethnicity or disability.

          At a Glance

          • COMPANY: One of the UK’s largest construction, property and development companies
          • INDUSTRY: Building & Construction
          • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Talent Advisory

          Reimaging Talent Assessment: A Digital-First Platform for Smarter and More Streamlined Talent Acquisition

          The traditional recruitment process often involves a series of stages, including initial screening, psychometric testing, skills evaluation, video interview, face-to-face interview or assessment center. While each step helps in discerning a candidate’s suitability for a role, the cumulative effect of an extended assessment timeline can prove detrimental. From delayed decision-making to candidate attrition, the repercussions of a lengthy recruitment process reverberate across the hiring journey, impacting both employers and candidates.

          In today’s dynamic talent acquisition environment, organizations that can shorten the recruitment process hire better talent, reduce their vacancy rates and ultimately boost their business performance.

          That’s why PeopleScout is proud to introduce the One Experience Assessment (1XP), a digital-first advancement designed to innovate the way talent is evaluated. 1XP is changing the game in recruitment technology by simplifying the recruitment journey. By merging multiple talent assessment stages into one coherent, efficient experience, 1XP boosts efficiency, improves candidate quality and enhances retention.

          1XP for Candidates: Streamlined Processes & Practical Job Previews

          1XP’s brilliance lies in its fusion of diverse assessment techniques—like realistic job previews, situational judgement, aptitude, skills and video interview assessments—into one integrated experience. This allows candidates to demonstrate a wider range of their skills and potential while providing employers with a comprehensive view of each applicant. The outcome is an optimized match between candidates and roles, based on a full understanding of their skills and character.

          For candidates, the process is straightforward. Rather than navigating a sequence of separate invitations and assessment stages, they receive a single invitation to complete everything at once. This not only condenses the timeline but also significantly streamlines the candidate experience by eliminating the need to validate their qualifications repeatedly throughout the traditional process.

          Furthermore, the One Experience Assessment offers candidates a vivid preview of the role for which they are applying. By simulating real-world scenarios and challenges, 1XP enables candidates to immerse themselves in the day-to-day realities of the job. This immersive preview not only helps in managing candidates’ expectations but also ensures that individuals who proceed to the next stages are those who are truly interested and prepared for the specific demands and culture of the role. It’s a strategic approach that not only empowers candidates but also aligns talent acquisition with long-term role fulfilment and employee satisfaction.

          1XP for Talent Acquisition Teams: Faster Hiring & Improved Quality

          The advantages for organizations are equally significant. Allowing candidates to undertake multiple assessments in one session greatly shortens the hiring timeline and reduces the likelihood of candidate withdrawal. This efficiency is further enhanced by an automated scoring system that expedites the evaluation process, except for elements like the video interview. Consequently, recruiters and hiring managers can more quickly focus their efforts on the most promising candidates, equipped with a thorough understanding of their abilities.

          As more candidates begin to explore the use of Generative AI (GenAI) to aid in their job application processes, the One Experience Assessment (1XP) maintains a decisive edge. Unlike typical assessments that might be outwitted by AI, 1XP’s sophisticated assessment design demands genuine human input and adaptability. By incorporating interactive tasks and live video challenges, 1XP creates a complex environment where the scripted responses of AI fall short. This ensures that each candidate’s performance is an authentic reflection of their true abilities, preserving the integrity and trustworthiness of the recruitment process.

          Transforming Talent Assessment: Spotlight Case Studies

          Here are just two examples of how PeopleScout is leveraging 1XP to elevate talent acquisition for our clients.

          Financial Services Organization: Increasing Assessment Pass Rate by 78%

          Facing challenges in recruiting high-quality, productive claims advisors, a leading financial services organization turned to PeopleScout’s 1XP for a solution. The new approach not only made the process more convenient for candidates and significantly reduced the time to hire, but it also eliminated the reliance on previous customer contact experience—focusing instead on skills and potential, which greatly expanded the talent pool.

          The results speak for themselves: the pass rate at the assessment center stage jumped to 73%, from the previous 41%—a 78% increase. New hires were recognized for their motivation to succeed, willingness to learn and positive mindset, demonstrating the effectiveness of 1XP in identifying and attracting quality candidates.

          Heathrow Airport: Reducing Time-to-Hire to Just Eight Days

          The adoption of the 1XP at Heathrow Airport revolutionized the recruitment process for security officers, a role critical for the safety of millions of travellers. This transformation was not only about making the recruitment process more accessible and engaging but also significantly more efficient.

          👉 Check out the full case study.

          By implementing a fully virtual and immersive recruitment journey through 1XP, this organization was able to reduce the time-to-hire from several weeks to just eight days, streamlining the entire process and enabling a faster response to operational needs. Additionally, the candidate experience was greatly enhanced, reflected in a candidate Net Promoter Score (cNPS) of +70 for the whole process. This not only indicates high satisfaction among candidates but also underscores the success of the 1XP in creating a positive and engaging recruitment experience.

          Ready to Revolutionize Your Recruitment Process?

          The One Experience Assessment is redefining talent acquisition standards. By focusing on efficiency, enhancing the candidate experience, and providing a deep understanding of each applicant, it emerges as a model of innovation in the recruitment landscape. For organizations aiming to secure and retain top talent in today’s competitive market, adopting this digital-first strategy could be the key to a successful recruitment future.

          Contact us now to learn more about how PeopleScout’s ground-breaking 1XP solution can streamline your recruitment process, enhance the candidate experience, and significantly improve the quality of your hires.