9 Best Practices for Building an Internal Mobility Program 

Employers are facing a dual challenge: retaining top talent and filling critical roles. As the competition for skilled professionals intensifies, companies are turning their focus to their internal mobility program, recognizing the untapped potential within their own ranks.

Internal mobility isn’t just about moving employees between departments. It’s about creating a dynamic ecosystem where talent can flourish, skills can be developed and organizational knowledge can be leveraged to its fullest potential. Leading organizations are leveraging technology to support internal mobility, not only streamlining processes but also opening up new possibilities for employee growth and organizational success.

In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at internal mobility, the benefits for your business, and some best practices for building an effective internal mobility program.

What is Internal Mobility? 

First thing’s first—what is internal mobility? Internal mobility refers to the movement—both vertically and laterally—of employees within an organization. Internal mobility has become a necessity for filling critical skills gaps left in organizations. Through an internal mobility program an organization develops a specific process for moving internal talent between roles.  

Benefits of Internal Mobility 

The benefits of internal mobility extend far beyond simply filling vacant positions, impacting not only individual employees but also team dynamics, organizational culture and the bottom line. Let’s explore the key advantages that make internal mobility a cornerstone of successful talent management strategies. 

Save Time and Money 

Research suggests that the cost to replace an employee can be high as 50% to 60% of their salary with overall losses to the company as high as 90% to 200%. Two of the biggest benefits of an internal mobility strategy are cost savings and the ability to operate more efficiently—especially during a time when many organizations are operating with leaner teams after scaling down in response to economic challenges. 

The time and money spent on recruiting externally, like posting job ads, running recruitment marketing campaigns, sourcing and communicating with candidates can take a toll on already limited resources. Plus, external candidates often have higher salary expectations than internal employees. In fact, on average, the starting salary of an external hire is 18% to 20% more than that of internal candidates.  

Retain Top Talent  

Our recent research, The Skills Crisis Countdown, revealed a whopping 70% of employees would explore opportunities within their current organization before looking externally, which is great news for employers. By developing job skills within your organization and providing opportunities for mobility, you can achieve higher retention rates and reduce employee turnover. By implementing a skills-based internal talent mobility strategy, you’ll gain access to a robust pool of qualified internal candidates. 

Boost Productivity 

On average, it takes 28 weeks for a new employee to reach full productivity in a mid-level role. Internal mobility allows you to easily search your existing employees, targeting the people who know your business and are ready to grow their careers with you.   

Internal candidates can use their experience with your organization’s structure and culture to acclimate and contribute to a new role quickly, often with less time spent on training. You’ll also have access to this talent almost immediately, allowing you to move quickly and reduce time spent searching for external candidates.  

Drive Employee Engagement  

A demonstrated investment in employee growth and development significantly boosts employee engagement. When organizations prioritize internal mobility, employees feel valued and motivated, seeing clear pathways for both upward and lateral career progression within the company. This sense of possibility and personal growth keeps employees intellectually stimulated, leading to higher levels of engagement and productivity. 

Moreover, internal mobility creates a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. Employees who know they have opportunities to expand their skill sets and take on new challenges are more likely to stay curious and proactive in their professional development. As a result, organizations benefit from a more agile workforce, with an internal bench of engaged, qualified candidates ready to swiftly fill skills gaps and meet changing business needs.  

Foster Diversity and Inclusion  

An internal mobility program can be a great way to proactively develop the diverse talent already existing within your organization. Utilizing internal talent and providing opportunities for growth will improve diversity and inclusion at your organization overall and will aid in succession planning. By giving employees the opportunity to move up, reskill and take pathways for growth within your organization, you’ll be fostering a more diverse workforce at all levels, including leadership.   

The Role of Technology in an Effective Internal Mobility Program

internal mobility program

Technology can enhance your internal mobility program and save your talent acquisition team time in a variety of ways through artificial intelligence, automation and more. For example, PeopleScout’s Internal Mobility solution is boosted by our proprietary talent technology, Affinix™. With the power of AI, we help employers to quickly source, promote and reassign talent across their organization, filling skills gaps now and into the future.   

PeopleScout’s Internal Mobility solution offers a comprehensive approach to identifying, developing and mobilizing internal talent through four key modules:  

  • Internal Career Portal: A custom-branded platform delivers a best-in-class experience for employees to explore internal opportunities and manage their professional profiles.  
  • AI Matching and Search: Affinix AI technology automatically matches internal candidates to new roles based on their skills, experience and preferences.  
  • Employee Expression of Interest: Employees can self-identify for consideration in new internal opportunities as they become available.  
  • Skills-Based Assessments: Evaluates employees’ existing skills and experience against role requirements, identifying learning opportunities and skills gaps. 

PeopleScout’s Internal Mobility solution enables a comprehensive view of employee skills and competencies, resulting in a more robust skills database and advanced job mapping. 

Case Study: Internal Mobility in Practice   

A government agency in Australia was operating with a lean workforce and limited resources. They required a solution that allowed them to leverage the skills and competencies of their existing workforce so they could save time, costs and resources.  

They turned to PeopleScout’s Internal Mobility solution to launch a platform to find and support workers looking to move within their department or to other agencies within the Australian government.  

Solution Highlights  

PeopleScout deployed our Internal Mobility solution, powered by Affinix™, to give the client insight into the scope and experience of their internal talent. With our solution: 

  • Employees self-manage their profiles which showcase demographics, education and work history. Plus, they can self-rate on specific skills and key competencies.  
  • Employees are given priority access and visibility to all job opportunities across the agency before they are advertised externally.  
  • AI technology matches candidates to open opportunities and provides alerts to candidates on open job opportunities.  
  • Engagement rates of existing staff increased, while the use of expensive contingent labor resources went down. 
  • Recruiters have a strong sense of what other positions may be a good fit for internal employees, based on hard and soft skills assessments.   

The client experienced a more engaged workforce as a result of enhanced workforce mobility, skills development and career opportunities.  

9 Best Practices for Building an Internal Mobility Program

Implementing a successful internal mobility program requires thoughtful planning and execution. While every organization’s needs are unique, we’ve developed certain best practices to guide our clients in creating a robust and effective program. The following strategies can help you build a culture that not only supports but actively encourages internal mobility, ensuring that both your employees and your organization reap the full benefits.

1. Establish Clear Policies and Processes

Develop a comprehensive policy that outlines eligibility criteria, application procedures and timelines for internal moves. This should include guidelines for how long an employee needs to be in their current role before applying for an internal move, the process for informing their current manager, and how internal candidates will be evaluated. Ensure these policies are easily accessible to all employees and that HR and management are aligned in their implementation.

2. Develop a Skills Inventory

Create a centralized database of employee skills, experiences and career aspirations by conducting an internal mobility skills audit. This inventory should be dynamic, allowing employees to update their profiles regularly. Use skills assessment tools to objectively evaluate competencies and consider implementing AI technologies to help you identify skill gaps and potential matches for open positions. This comprehensive view of your workforce’s capabilities enables you to get the most out of your talent and helps identify areas for training and development.

3. Implement a User-Friendly Internal Career Portal

Your internal career portal should be more than just a list of open positions. It should be intuitive and engaging, with detailed job descriptions, required and desired skills and potential career paths. Make sure it includes features like self-managed professional profiles and expression of interest capabilities. Ensure the platform is mobile-friendly to increase accessibility and engagement.

4. Encourage Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Boost upskilling at your organization by creating opportunities for employees to work across different teams and departments. This could involve establishing cross-functional project teams, implementing a formal job rotation program or organizing “innovation days” where employees from different areas come together to solve organizational challenges. These initiatives not only broaden employees’ skills but also increase their visibility across the organization, opening up more potential paths for mobility.

You may also consider creating an endorsement and referral system in which a manager can refer an employee for an opening and provide their endorsement. This gives recruiters and hiring managers additional insight into which employees may be the best fit for open roles based on feedback from leaders who have worked directly with the internal candidate.

5. Provide Career Development Resources

Invest in a robust suite of career development tools and resources. This might include access to online learning platforms, workshops on career planning and skill development, or a formal mentorship program. Consider implementing individual development plans for all employees, with regular check-ins during which employees can discuss progress with their managers or mentors and adjust goals. The key is to empower employees to take charge of their own career development while providing the necessary support and resources.

6. Align with Business Strategy

Ensure your internal mobility program is not operating in isolation but is tightly integrated with your overall business strategy. Regularly review how internal moves are supporting key business objectives and addressing critical skill gaps. Involve leadership in identifying future skill needs in order to shape the direction of the program. This alignment ensures that internal mobility is not just benefiting individual employees, but actively contributing to your organization’s success.

7. Communicate Transparently

Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to promote your internal mobility program. Inform employees of the new program and provide clear guidance on how to navigate the internal job market, how the process will work and what to expect after applying for a role. If you have specific internal mobility software, include training on how to access the platform, create a profile, view job openings and submit an expression of interest or application.

Communications should include regular updates on open positions, success stories and program benefits. You could even provide tips on how to prepare for internal interviews and how to transition between roles. Consider hosting regular information sessions or webinars to address common questions and concerns.

8. Measure and Iterate

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for your internal mobility program, such as internal fill rate, time-to-fill for internal vs. external hires, employee satisfaction scores and retention rates of internally moved employees. Consider collecting feedback through surveys and focus groups to understand the employee experience with the program. With this data you can refine and improve your processes, addressing pain points and capitalizing on what’s working well.

9. Leverage an RPO Partner to Support Internal Mobility

Partnering with a Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) provider can significantly enhance your internal mobility efforts. A skilled RPO partner can bring expertise in talent assessment, market insights and advanced recruiting technologies to your internal mobility program. They can help streamline the process of identifying and evaluating internal candidates, provide objective assessments of skills and potential and offer valuable benchmarking data.

Additionally, an RPO partner can support the development of internal talent pipelines and even manage aspects of your internal job board and internal recruitment process. By leveraging an RPO’s resources and knowledge, you can create a more robust, efficient and data-driven approach to internal mobility that complements your existing HR capabilities.

Internal Mobility & the Future of Work

As organizations navigate the complex landscape of talent acquisition and retention, internal mobility has emerged as a critical strategy for building a resilient and adaptive workforce. In an era where agility is paramount, internal mobility programs have become essential for fostering a dynamic and engaged employee base.

The role of technology in boosting internal mobility cannot be overstated. From AI-powered matching and search to skilled-based assessments, these advancements are transforming how organizations approach internal talent development and deployment.

By leveraging both advanced technologies and RPO partnerships, organizations can create a robust internal mobility program that supports continuous learning, career growth and workforce planning. This multifaceted approach not only aids in retaining top talent with key skills but also in developing a workforce that can swiftly adapt to changing business needs.

Internal Talent Mobility: Filling Skills Gaps with Your Existing Workforce 

With labor shortages and intensifying talent scarcity, hiring challenges are only increasing, impacting all industries. To tackle these hiring difficulties, many leaders look to external solutions like expanding their talent pool or enhancing their employer brand. However, one of the most effective and sustainable solutions is already inside your organization. Developing existing employees through internal talent mobility is key to filling skills gaps now and in the future. 

Keep reading to learn more about internal mobility, why internal mobility programs are crucial for future success and how you can leverage reskilling and upskilling programs to facilitate internal mobility at your organization.  

What is Internal Mobility? 

The goal of internal mobility is to match your existing talent to open positions through internal transfers, job rotations, secondments and promotions. An internal mobility program is a structured process that facilitates the movement of employees, both vertically to higher or lower positions as well as laterally between roles at the same level. These programs are often anchored in reskilling and upskilling initiatives focused on developing employees’ skills and capabilities to meet evolving organizational needs. 

Reskilling programs aim to provide training to help employees gain new skills that allow them to transition into different roles or business areas. For example, a finance employee can reskill to learn data analytics and move into a business intelligence role. 

Upskilling programs focus on building additional skills and competencies related to an employee’s current role or expanding their knowledge in their field. For example, a marketing manager can upskill their digital marketing capabilities in social media and digital advertising platforms to take on a more strategic role in the department.  

The Benefits of Internal Talent Mobility 

A strategic focus on internal mobility provides both talent management and bottom-line benefits for an organization, including: 

  • Improved employee retention and engagement: Providing clear paths for career development and advancement within the company increases employee satisfaction and loyalty. Employees feel valued and motivated when they see opportunity for upward or lateral mobility. 
  • Stronger talent pipeline: An internal mobility program creates a robust pipeline of qualified candidates for open roles from within. According to research from LinkedIn, organizations that leverage skills-first hiring expand their talent pool by nearly 10x on average compared to those simply looking for similar job titles or industry experience.  
  • Cost savings: It is typically more cost effective to fill a position internally rather than externally recruit, onboard and train new hires. Internal mobility is a strategic talent management approach. 
  • Improved performance: Internal candidates have organizational and cultural knowledge, so they are often able to transition and ramp up faster in new roles. Data from Spotted Zebra shows that internal movers reach competence 20% faster than external hires and are twice as likely to be rated as top performers in their role. 
  • Improved diversity: Internal mobility provides opportunities for improved representation and diversity in leadership by developing and advancing talent from within. 
  • Agility and flexibility: Having an internal bench of qualified candidates enables organizational agility to swiftly mobilize talent to meet emerging needs. 

The Lack of Investment in Internal Talent Mobility Programs 

Despite the benefits, internal mobility is not being prioritized by most HR leaders. Given the challenges recruiting skilled talent, we expected to see internal mobility as HR leaders’ default strategy to tackle skills shortages. However, through our research report, The Skills Crisis Countdown, we found that nearly a third (30%) of HR leaders admitted they simply do not view reskilling and upskilling as a priority and only 37% of organizations have formal reskilling and upskilling programs in place. Even in areas of high priority like technology advancement, there appears to be a lack of focus on mobility and development. When we asked HR leaders about how they’re preparing their workforce for the implementation of new technologies, only a fifth (20%) said they’re investing in upskilling initiatives to enhance current employee technological skillsets.  

The lack of skills development is echoed by employees. A quarter of employees report their employer has not been offered opportunities to upskill or reskill. A third (34%) of workers have doubts about how their skills will keep pace with new technology and automation. With transformations on the horizon for many roles due to technological advancements, ensuring employees’ skills evolve along with their jobs is essential for organizations.  

The Key to Internal Mobility: Reskilling and Upskilling 

Ongoing reskilling and upskilling of employees is crucial to enabling effective internal mobility. As business needs evolve and new technologies emerge, employees’ skills and competencies must also progress to keep pace. Providing internal development opportunities allows employees to gain the updated capabilities required for critical roles, increasing their eligibility and readiness to transition into new positions. By making learning core to the culture, reskilling and upskilling initiatives ensure organizations can source top talent from within. 

Implementing Successful Upskilling 

For your upskilling programs, you need an accurate understanding of your employees’ current skills and future needs. Our research showed most HR leaders rely on subjective manager feedback rather than taking a data-driven approach. 

To get ahead of emerging skills gaps, perform a skills audit and compare that to how your existing roles will evolve in the coming years. Identify both the competencies your employees need to be effective in their roles as they develop into the future and any deficiencies they have now.  

Once you understand the lay of the land, you can develop continuous upskilling initiatives to grow your employees’ high-value skills over time in alignment with technological advancements. Proactively upskilling employees will keep your workforce on the cutting edge of skill set transformations. 

Implementing Successful Reskilling 

Reskilling programs also require an understanding of the existing capabilities of your workforce and the required competencies for emerging roles. This allows you to accurately match employees to opportunities they can transition into successfully. 

Rather than relying on subjective manager interviews, utilize skills-based assessments. This provides data-driven insights into employees’ technical aptitudes and behavioral strengths. You can then align these skill profiles with the requirements of your new roles. 

For example, PeopleScout partnered with a global financial services company to take a skills-based approach for a major digital transformation initiative. By identifying the best candidates for reskilling, we helped employees move from declining customer service roles into new tech-focused positions, saving the company $2 million in exit costs and reduced training dropouts dramatically. The company gained the critical future-focused skills it required while providing career growth opportunities to its valuable existing employees. 

Internal Mobility & RPO: Your Partner in Sustainable Workforce Planning 

Over half (56%) of HR leaders report resistance to change within their organization when faced with the prospect of what they mistakenly believe can only be a huge, C-suite-led project that spans the entire talent lifecycle. However, as a leading RPO partner PeopleScout is perfectly positioned to provide the strategies and technology to embed and scale a skills-based approach. 

By leveraging an RPO provider’s expertise and resources, organizations can maximize the return on investment in internal mobility initiatives. According to Everest Group, over half of RPO engagements include some element of internal mobility. The RPO acts as a strategic talent advisor focused on improving talent mobility with strategies like: 

  • Skills gap analysis: An RPO provider can perform a skills audit to assess current capabilities versus required future skills and identify reskilling needs to inform development programs. They can also provide market intelligence to help you understand the skills available within your talent markets as well as salary requirements so you can make informed decisions.   
  • Internal candidate sourcing: Your RPO partner can source and screen internal candidates for open roles to identify top talent for mobility opportunities. 
  • Career mapping: RPO experts can map career paths, succession plans and competency requirements for critical roles to guide internal development. 
  • Development program design: An RPO provider can help design and implement reskilling, upskilling, job rotation and mentoring programs to build enterprise talent. Plus, they can administer and manage the end-to-end internal mobility program from sourcing to placement as well as provide project management. 
  • Change management: RPOs can provide guidance on change management strategies to gain buy-in and promote a culture of internal mobility. Plus, they’ll provide data, analytics and reporting on program effectiveness and opportunities to fine-tune strategies. 
  • Technology consultation and implementation: RPOs can recommend and implement skills management platforms and talent mobility platforms to enable seamless movement and track program metrics. 

Filling your organization’s talent gaps begins with the workforce already inside it. But this untapped talent potential can only be leveraged through strategic, skills-based internal talent mobility programs. Your existing workforce could provide the talent solution you’ve been searching for. By partnering with an RPO on reskilling and upskilling initiatives, you gain strategic expertise to build a future-ready, skilled workforce.  

Building a Tech-Enabled Internal Mobility Platform for a Government Agency

Building a Tech-Enabled Internal Mobility Platform for a Government Agency

Government Talent Solutions

Building a Tech-Enabled Internal Mobility Platform for a Government Agency

This government agency in Australia partnered with PeopleScout to develop and launch a technology platform that facilitates internal mobility for government workers.

Employees manage their profiles showcasing employee demographics, education, work history, skills and competencies 
Employees manage their profiles showcasing employee demographics, education, work history, skills and competencies 
AI technology matches candidates to open opportunities across the government and provides alerts to candidates on open job opportunities
AI technology matches candidates to open opportunities across the government and provides alerts to candidates on open job opportunities
Employee engagement increased, while the use of expensive contingent labor resources went down 
Employee engagement increased, while the use of expensive contingent labor resources went down 


As a result of COVID-19, the client was operating with a lean workforce and limited resources. They required a solution that allowed them to leverage the skills and competencies of their existing workforce so they could save the time, cost and resources it takes to access the external candidate market. 

They partnered with PeopleScout to develop and launch a platform which facilitates internal mobility for workers who are potentially impacted by the economic downturn due to COVID-19 or looking to move within their department or other government agencies. This allowed the client to engage their workforce through enhanced workforce mobility, skills development and career opportunities within the department and across the government. 


PeopleScout created an internal mobility platform using our proprietary talent technology, Affinix™, to give the client insight into the scope and experience of their internal talent. By utilizing candidate profiles, hiring managers are not only able to see employee demographics, education and work history, but also specific skills and competencies.  

When an employee creates their profile, they have the opportunity to rate their own competencies and leaders within the organization can rate and leave comments about their performance as well. This gives recruiters a strong sense of what other positions may be a good fit for internal employees, based on hard and soft skills—such as strong cross-functional collaboration abilities. 

PeopleScout’s Affinix Internal Mobility platform gives the client a holistic view of candidates, and when a requisition is posted within the platform, Affinix automatically looks for employees who may be a good fit and proactively recommends candidates based on their profile. 

At a Glance

    Australian government agency
    Government & Public Sector