Improving Retention and Diversity for Leading North American Tire Brand

Improving Retention and Diversity for Leading North American Tire Brand

High-Volume RPO

Improving Retention and Diversity for Leading North American Tire Brand

A leading North American tire brand partnered with PeopleScout to facilitate more than 10,000 annual hires for automotive technician, management and sales positions and standardize its retail recruitment processes company-wide.

10,000 annual hires
40 percent improvement in hiring diverse employees
5 percent improvement in technician turnover

A leading North American tire brand was experiencing an alarming rate of attrition in key retail positions, making it difficult to provide the level of service excellence the brand’s customers have come to expect. To help solve its unsustainable employee attrition issue, the client partnered with PeopleScout to efficiently facilitate more than 10,000 annual hires of automotive technicians, management and sales positions and standardize its retail recruitment processes company-wide.

Scope and Scale

Full-life cycle recruiting services needed for 10,000 U.S. hires annually. Skills and positions included: technicians, customer service, sales and management.


The client was facing a 50% turnover rate at retail locations and lacked a uniform hiring procedure, resulting in a disjointed process and poor quality of hire. Without the appropriate staffing of technicians, customer care suffered, causing a reduction in the client’s revenue in their retail operations. 



  • Screening & block interview scheduling efficiencies
  • 10,000 hires in the first year of the engagement
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Hiring diversity
  • Transparent Reporting


The partnership was designed to improve turnover rates for technician and retail positions, create a standardized retail recruitment model and provide consistent OFCCP compliance and standardization.


PeopleScout deployed a time-efficient screening process focused on the quality of the candidate, with a guaranteed response from recruiting teams within 48 hours of application.


To help source and engage more diverse candidates for the client, PeopleScout developed a comprehensive network of community organizations for partnered recruitment. 


Collaborative relationships between our retail recruiters and the client’s area managers were fostered by in-region placement of PeopleScout recruiters.  


Continuous improvement was driven through transparent reporting and analysis for the client’s executive and field leadership.



The client’s technician turnover rate has improved by 5% and retail turnover by 6%. 


PeopleScout hired 10,000 employees in the first year of the engagement.


Hiring diversity improved by 40%, including an increase of 2% for veterans and 6% for female hires.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Leading North American tire brand
  • INDUSTRY: Consumer Goods
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Sellafield: Transforming an Employer Brand to Engage Emerging Talent

Sellafield: Transforming an Employer Brand to Engage Emerging Talent

Sellafield: Transforming an Employer Brand to Engage Emerging Talent

PeopleScout’s Talent Advisory revamped Sellafield Ltd’s employer brand for early careers talent.


As part of an ongoing transformational journey, Sellafield Ltd had redefined its values and strategy for the future. In response to this, they also needed to expand their schemes to attract and hire more graduates and placement students than ever before. They engaged PeopleScout to develop a new employer brand and visual identity that told their story across a range of channels—one that significantly increased applications.

Sellafield needed to hire 55 graduates and 50 students for placement. They were keen to reimagine their employer brand to reflect the opportunities that their organizational changes would bring.


The client agreed with us that a relaunch of the graduate and industrial placement schemes was required, to tell the story of their transformation and engage candidates across the breadth of disciplines.

We worked with Sellafield to develop an engaging employer value proposition (EVP). Using the EVP as a platform, our employer brand messaging and design conveyed the new vision and strategy, and what that meant for our target audiences, across a range of attraction materials.

This included careers fair materials, such as stands, leaflets and posters, and collateral for their online attraction strategy—social media, search engine pay-per-click ads and digital content for their careers website. We also supported our client with their approach to media channels and advertising on relevant job boards.


The new Sellafield EVP has had just under 1 million views across all channels. With almost 30,000 people clicking to their careers website from social media, Sellafield now has a higher number of visitors to their website—up 8% from the previous year. And, with around 1,500 applications, they’ve gained greater interest across all disciplines.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Sellafield Ltd
  • INDUSTRY: Industrial
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing
  • ANNUAL HIRES: 55 graduates and 50 students
  • ABOUT SELLAFIELD LTD: A pioneer for the UK’s nuclear industry, Sellafield Ltd is a global center for nuclear engineering management. They set international standards in high-hazard reduction as they work to create a clean and safe environment for future generations.

Bombardier: Moving the World’s Engineering Talent with a Global Employer Brand

Bombardier: Moving the World's Engineering Talent with a Global Employer Brand

Bombardier: Moving the World’s Engineering Talent with a Global Employer Brand

PeopleScout helped Bombardier Transportation with a global employer brand and toolkit to help them recruit hard-to-fill roles and meet diversity objectives.


A worldwide leader in rail technology, Bombardier Transportation had no global employer brand presence. They approached PeopleScout and our in-house creative to develop a employer value proposition (EVP), not only to be used to push out the overall brand message, but also to underpin specific propositions for, and support recruitment activity in, each of their territories around the world. Launched initially in the UK, and now rolling out to other territories,

The new employer brand needed to tackle a negative market misperceptions of redundancies and lost orders. The truth was that they had a full order book and some new and exciting contracts to deliver in the future. With this positive story to share, they realized they had a great opportunity to enhance their position within the market.


Research & Discovery

We began with extensive research in all key Bombardier Transportation global territories. We conducted interviews with a mixture of senior stakeholders and employees from the main talent groups they needed to recruit from and also carried out external sessions with relevant talent groups.

Foundation & Framework

Using the insights we’d gained, we developed a set of EVP pillars capturing the key themes from the research. This provided the framework for creating our global messaging platform and design.

Guidelines & Toolkit

Working closely with Bombardier Transportation’s Branding and Communications teams, we produced a set of guidelines and a toolkit of materials that could be used globally and tweaked for each individual territory.


Initially launched within the UK, the EVP was rolled out to other territories around the world.

Bombardier Transportation launched its first-ever media campaign using the EVP, using a combination of digital and outdoor media in key hiring locations in the UK. Across the whole campaign, they received over 500 applications and made hires into critical roles that they had struggled to recruit for previously. They were also able to recruit several women into these positions addressing their global diversity objectives.

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Bombardier Transportation
  • INDUSTRY: Manufacturing
  • ABOUT BOMBARDIER: Bombardier Transportation is a global leader in rail technology, with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. They specialize in rail vehicle and equipment manufacturing and servicing.

Virgin Money: An Executive Search Experience Like No Other

Virgin Money: An Executive Search Experience Like No Other

Executive Search

Virgin Money: An Executive Search Experience Like No Other

Finding a Head of Innovation through “the world’s most creative job interview,” an immersive executive assessment experience.


Virgin Money turned to PEopleScout and our industry-leading creative team to find them a new Head of Innovation.

Their brief to us:

Find us Harry Potter, a creative genius who can come along and change banking. Someone from outside the financial services sector that we wouldn’t attract through the normal processes.


How do you recruit an executive from a completely different sector? And how do you reach them in the first place?

Above all, by making the front pages, just not in the finance section.

So we set out to create a headline-grabbing experience that would generate publicity and noise in the right places.

And that experience was, “The world’s most creative job interview,” a hybrid of immersive theater and robust job assessment. Building on psychological principles, it set candidates tasks that engaged as thoroughly as they tested.


Alongside coverage in the usual HR publications, we earned high-profile media coverage in The Evening Standard, City A.M., Campaign, Marketing Magazine, Brand Republic and more, reaching a combined circulation of around 30 million people.

Ten outstanding candidates were chosen for the “interview,” which led to the discovery of the successful applicant, Dhiraj Mukherjee, a founder of the music application Shazam, and a truly creative entrepreneur.

The new assessment approach has ushered in a legacy beyond a new Head of Innovation. From one niche role, we’ve now scaled up the approach to be used nationally across all volume hiring.

“The thing I love about PeopleScout is they have that really interesting blend of a robust approach to assessment and the creative ability to think differently.”

Head of Resourcing, Virgin Money

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Virgin Money
  • INDUSTRY: Telecommunications
  • ABOUT VIRGIN MONEY: Virgin Money is a financial service company disrupting retail and business banking with a digital-first model.

Legal Services Recruitment with Full-Cycle RPO

Legal Services Recruitment with Full-Cycle RPO

Legal Services Recruitment with Full-Cycle RPO

How we helped this long-term legal services client revamp their talent acquisition program


PeopleScout has been RPO partner to this client for over 10 years. The relationship started as a co-sourced solution, where our recruiters partnered with the client’s internal talent acquisition team. As our partnership deepended, PeopleScout has taken responsibility for fully outsourced recruitment program and now also acts in a talent advisory capacity.

The onsite PeopleScout team is responsible for managing the end-to-end recruitment process for all fixed term and permanent hires. This includes strategic and innovative sourcing approaches, competitor mapping for key job groups, process enhancement through technology automation, candidate and hiring manager engagement and satisfaction, onboarding and induction.

PeopleScout achieved some key business-critical initiatives including:

  • Reducing turnover through improved quality-of-hire
  • Delivering a positive candidate experience and employer brand reputation
  • Taking over the end-to-end recruitment campaign for graduates and early careers from a different outsourced provider
  • Building talent pipelines for hard-to-fill positions including auditors, economists and lawyers
  • Recruiting senior executive and specialist roles
  • Project recruitment for recruitment intake following new law reforms

Talent Advisory Services

As part of this solution, PeopleScout has delivered a number of additional services in order to drive continuous improvement. The following is a summary of some of the services that have been successfully implemented:

  • Redesigned and promoted the employee referral program (ERP)
  • Developed hiring manager interview guides and conducted interview training
  • Developed microsites for a recruitment campaign for lawyers
  • Conducted D&I consulting
  • Supported the client’s internal mobility program leveraging the Affinix talent acquisition suite
  • Automated recruitment reports
  • Developed a company LinkedIn profile and alumni page to promote candidate attraction


The solution continues to achieve positive results for the business including:

  • Reducing agency spend by over $3 million
  • Achieving an average time-to-fill of just 29 days including for senior level positions

At a Glance

  • COMPANY: Law firm
  • INDUSTRY: Legal Services
  • PEOPLESCOUT SOLUTIONS: Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Talent Advisory

Leveraging Recruitment Marketing to Attract Healthcare Talent

Recruitment marketing has evolved from being an emerging trend in talent acquisition to a necessary strategy to attract top candidates, especially in competitive talent markets. Given the shortage of healthcare talent in both clinical and non-clinical roles, organizations looking to attract and hire the best candidates need to leverage recruitment marketing strategies to stay competitive. In this post, we outline key strategies to help healthcare organizations build a robust healthcare recruitment marketing program.

Clearly Communicate the Employer Brand and Value to Healthcare Talent

Healthcare hiring managers spend a lot of time crafting the persona of their ideal candidate. However, some hiring managers neglect to address the value their healthcare organization presents to potential candidates. Building a strong employer brand can have a positive impact on recruiting. In fact, according to a LinkedIn survey, 75 percent of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before applying for a position. This means candidates are as concerned with the reputation of a potential employer as the employer is concerned with a candidate’s experience and work history.

Dig Deeper

How RPO Can Solve The Top Challenges In Healthcare Talent Acquisition

To present value to candidates, healthcare hiring managers and recruiters need to look through a marketing lens and carefully reflect upon how their employer brand will be interpreted by healthcare talent. Good employer branding not only communicates an organization’s mission and values, but also the experiences and triumphs of an organization’s current workforce. Effective employer branding highlights employee engagement within an organization and the community it serves and will attract like-minded candidates eager to help an organization achieve its goals and objectives. Below we outline a few ways healthcare organizations can better communicate their employer brand to candidates:

  • Hire a film crew or photographer to take candid shots of the facility and employees. Candidates are savvy enough to tell the difference between stock photography and real employee photos and will appreciate a real look inside of an organization.
  • Tell the stories of real employees progressing and excelling within the organization. These stories serve as an inspiration and show candidates that there is a clear path to advancement and success if they join the team.
  • Review the organization’s social media accounts to see if it reflects the culture of the organization and whether it is used to full effect to highlight employee success stories, internal commitments to staff and fun work-related activities.

Update the Career Page

Providing an excellent candidate experience is a vital component of an effective recruitment marketing strategy and building a well-designed and easy to navigate career site can help positively impact candidate experience. What’s more, Talent Board found that 64 percent of candidates listed career sites as a top resource for researching new opportunities. When candidates visit a career page, it is often the first experience they have with an organization. From the moment a candidate lands on a career page, he or she begins to sketch out a mental image about an organization, its facilities and employees, so it is vital to provide applicants with the information they want most. According to a Glassdoor survey, the top five pieces of information job seekers want employers to provide on a career site are:

  • Salary and compensation information
  • Employee benefits and perks
  • Basic company information
  • What makes an organization an attractive place to work
  • The organization’s mission, vision, values and culture

Beyond providing applicants with the information they want, healthcare organizations also need to make applying for open positions simple. Sometimes replying to a job posting can be a frustrating experience. Many career sites have a burdensome online application process that bogs down applicants with long forms and multiple hoops to jump through before they can submit their resume. This leads to lots of qualified healthcare talent leaving applications half-complete or worse, applying with a competitor.

To prevent applicant frustration and abandonment, healthcare organizations should build career pages that have an easy interface with no separate URLs or pop-up screens. According to a study from Appcast, recruiters can boost application conversion rates up to 365 percent by reducing the length of the application process to five minutes or less.

A well-designed career site can also help filter out unqualified candidates. Healthcare staffing teams should structure applications to include screener questions to filter out unqualified job candidates so talent acquisition resources can be dedicated to engaging the most qualified applicants.

Invest in Content Marketing to Recruit Healthcare Talent

The objective of content marketing is simple: create relevant and engaging content aimed at current and potential customers in an attempt to educate them on products, services or topics of interest. While the majority of content marketing efforts are targeted at obtaining clients, content marketing can also be leveraged as a recruiting tactic to attract and engage healthcare talent.

Healthcare recruiters looking to deploy content as another tool in their talent acquisition arsenal should work with their organization’s marketing team to create compelling content. Compelling content can come in many forms such as blogs, ebooks, podcasts and videos. The only prerequisite to great content is that it should tell a story can add value for readers and in turn, improve the candidate experience.

Beyond the above-mentioned content vehicles, interactive content can also make a significant impact on job seekers. According to a report by the Content Marketing Institute, 81 percent of content marketers agree that interactive content grabs attention more effectively than static content, and 79 percent agree that interactive content enhances retention of brand messaging. Interactive content provides candidates with a two-way conversation and is more personal than other pieces of content. A simple yet fun quiz that tests how well a candidate aligns with an organization’s brand values or video tours of the facility allow candidates to research a potential employer and helps them feel more in control of the recruiting process.

SEO and Healthcare Talent Acquisition Strategy

The best recruitment marketing strategy is only as effective as an organization’s presence on search engines. What’s more, 30 percent of Google searches—around 300 million a month—are employment related. In the highly competitive healthcare talent market, ranking well on search engines and job boards can mean the difference between attracting a steady stream of healthcare talent and losing talent opportunities to competitors. Below we list recruitment marketing SEO basics:

  • Create a distinct, index-able job page for each open position and at each location if applicable
  • Ensure jobs pages are marked up with the proper schema and metadata structured data
  • Send regular XML sitemap updates to Google

In addition to SEO basics, properly optimized job postings provide additional job data Google finds valuable. This data can be added to a job post to help Google index and rank the page better. Remember, Google values “completeness of data” so the more information placed in a job posting, the more likely it is to turn up in the top results of a job candidates search. For better optimization, job postings should include:

  • Employment type (full-time, part-time, temp-to-hire)
  • Salary or hourly pay rate
  • Minimum education requirements
  • Minimum experience requirements
  • “Valid through” date
  • Work hours and schedule type
  • Industry sector: i.e., biomedical, hospital food service, laboratory work, etc.
  • Required skills such as “ability to lift more than 20 pounds” and “MS office proficiency”
  • Qualifications, certifications and experience
  • Responsibilities and job duties that are clearly defined

Job titles are also an extremely important SEO factor for ranking in search engines and on job boards. When drafting job postings, make sure common titles are used for open positions. For example, a healthcare provider looking to boost nursing recruiting might refer to nurses as “medical ninjas” instead of their traditional title. While quirky and unique, job seekers will never search for “medical ninja” openings when looking for a job. It is best practice to use common titles and standard terminology as keywords that job candidates are likely to use in their search.


As the skills shortage in healthcare remains a factor in recruiting healthcare talent, organizations need to continue to find ways to attract candidates. By implementing a strong recruitment marketing program, healthcare organizations will ensure they stay ahead of the talent curve. A healthcare RPO partner can guide you through creating effective campaigns that will make an impact.