PeopleScout Expedites Access to Talent with Launch of Accelerate—a Tech-Powered RPO Solution with Two-Week Implementation

RPO provider’s newest recruitment solution combines speed, agility and technology with over 30 years of market experience and insights  

CHICAGO — August 1, 2023 — Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) leader PeopleScout is proud to introduce Accelerate, the latest addition to their tech-enabled solutions, designed to meet the unique talent needs of their clients. This turnkey RPO solution promotes agility, streamlines recruitment processes, and delivers an exceptional candidate experience.  

Powered by PeopleScout’s award-winning Affinix™ talent acquisition technology, Accelerate features pre-configured modules and can be implemented in just two weeks—allowing organizations and talent acquisition leaders to move at lightning speed. Accelerate features everything employers need to attract, engage and hire talent, including career site hosting, CRM, passive candidate sourcing, mobile-first quick apply, screening, interview self-scheduling, analytics, and of course, PeopleScout’s team of recruiting professionals.  

“Today’s market demands a more agile approach to recruitment, and speed of implementation is critical in connecting our clients with the talent they need,” said Rick Betori, President of PeopleScout. “Accelerate pairs that speed with PeopleScout’s 30 years of expertise to deliver a recruitment experience that is unparalleled in the industry.”   

PeopleScout Accelerate delivers a variety of benefits to clients, including: 

  • Faster time-to value, delivering the right talent in weeks and avoiding costly, time-consuming implementations 
  • Greater candidate flow through a seamless, modern, consumer-like experience powered by Affinix talent technology 
  • Expertise and insights from PeopleScout’s recruitment experts, with the ability to respond to changing market conditions 

Accelerate is an ideal solution for many types of organizations, including:  

  • Businesses who need immediate recruiting support and lack the necessary technology to help them compete for today’s talent  
  • Start-ups or spin-offs from larger corporations who can’t wait for a world-class candidate experience to be built as they ramp up their talent acquisition efforts 
  • Enterprise organizations requiring rapid, project-based recruiting support through a frictionless process without the traditional time-consuming integration into existing technologies 

Learn more about PeopleScout Accelerate here.  

Press Contact  
Taylor Winchell  
Senior Manager, External Communications  

[On-Demand] Ready-to-Go RPO: Introducing PeopleScout Accelerate 

[On-Demand] Ready-To-Go RPO: Introducing Peoplescout Accelerate

Unpredictable hiring peaks. Talent gaps. Lack of insight. We know organizations are struggling to hire talent and stay agile while facing these challenges in today’s tumultuous market. 

That’s why we’ve developed PeopleScout Accelerate—to optimize your recruitment funnel, enhance your candidate experience, maximize ROI and ensure your workforce success—now and into the future.

PeopleScout Accelerate is a tech-powered, ready-to-go recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) solution that combines PeopleScout’s deep recruitment expertise and a pre-configured Affinix™ talent acquisition technology suite—implemented in just two weeks.

In this Talking Talent webinar, PeopleScout Senior Vice President of Business Development Jessie McGowan and Vice President of Global Product and Implementation, Mark Fita, take a deep dive into what PeopleScout Accelerate can do for you. Jessie and Mark dig into how you can leverage PeopleScout Accelerate, specific use cases and its benefits, including:

  • Faster Time-to-Value
    Accelerate your ROI. Amplify your agility. This stress-free RPO engagement is ready to deliver the right talent in just two weeks.

  • A Recruitment Experience Your Candidates Will Love
    A pre-configured Affinix recruitment tech stack powers a modern, consumer-like journey that candidates have come to expect.

  • Recruitment Experts on Your Side
    With over 30 years of industry expertise, we provide know-how and market insights to augment your team and bring your talent acquisition program to the next level.

Ready-to-Go RPO: Introducing PeopleScout Accelerate is available on-demand now.

Hospitality & Travel Industry Recruitment is On the Road Again [Infographic]

When the pandemic struck in 2020, the travel and hospitality industry saw some of the biggest impacts worldwide, and the reverberations and recovery are still shaping the industry years later.  

Now, people are traveling again, but while many industries have recovered the jobs lost in 2020, hospitality lags behind. The industry faces a new set of talent challenges, but employers have the opportunity to reshape their talent programs for the world of travel.   

Check out this infographic for insights on this transforming industry.

Through the job market volatility that has defined the hiring market for the past three years, the travel and hospitality industry saw some of the biggest impacts worldwide, and the reverberations and recovery are still shaping the industry years later. Now, people are traveling again, but while many industries have regained the jobs lost in 2020, hospitality lags behind.  


Travelers are finally ready to hit the skies, seas and roads for both personal and business travel. 


After several years of staying close to home, pent up demand has the travel industry booming. Global travel revenue is expected to triple 2020 levels by 2027. Full recovery of business travel to 2019 spend volumes appears likely by late 2024 or early 2025.i 


Travel is more meaningful than it used to be, leading to increased traveler expectations and more challenges for hospitality staff. 


46% of people say travel is now more important to them than it was before the pandemic.ii  

43% of people are upping their travel budget in 2023.iii 

91% of hospitality workers said they have dealt with customers who believed they inherently deserved privileges or special treatment, and 70% have wanted to leave the industry as a result.iv 

 However, hospitality staffing has not caught up to the renewed demand.  


In the U.S. alone, nearly 2 million hospitality jobs remain unfilled, even as hiring slows in other industries.v 

In September 2022, 87% of hoteliers reported staffing 

In the UK, hospitality job openings are still 74% higher than they were in January and February of 2020.vii 


One big reason for that? Millions of hospitality workers fled the industry during the pandemic and recovery. 


15.6% of people left their hospitality jobs in March 2020.viii 

8.3% of hospitality staff left the sector between August and September 2022.ix 



Do you need help hiring hospitality workers? Learn about how you can attract the next generation of workers, build more diverse teams and plan for the future in The Recruitment Handbook for Hospitality and Travel. 


[Download your copy now!] 

For more hospitality insights, download our ebook, The Recruitment Handbook for Travel and Hospitality.

Navigating the Transition to Green Energy: Recruitment Trends for Energy and Utility Employers [Infographic]

The energy and utilities industry is in the process of a massive transition as providers move to green and renewable energy sources and adjust to changing energy use patterns across the globe. In the U.S., the Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022, which increased the incentives for energy-transition-related investments and core renewables. In EMEA, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has spurred a faster transition to renewables, according to the UK Climate Envoy.

This growth has left a massive talent gap, especially in an industry with an aging workforce. Talent acquisition leaders in the energy and utilities sector need to understand the forces shaping the recruitment landscape to remain competitive.


PeopleScout Jobs Report Analysis—June 2023

U.S. employers added 209,000 jobs in June, lower than analysts expected. This shows that the Federal Reserve’s plan to slow growth may be working. The unemployment rate fell slightly to 3.6%. Year-over-year wage growth rose to 4.4%.

jobs report infographic

The Numbers

209,000: U.S. employers added 209,000 jobs in June.

3.6%: The unemployment rate fell to 3.6%.

4.4%: Wages rose 4.4% over the past year.

The Good

June’s job gains are the smallest in two-and-a-half years, and economists say that’s good news. As MarketWatch reports, the Federal Reserve has been raising rates in the hopes of slowing job growth to decrease inflation. The latest report is a step in the right direction. Experts say that the 209,000 number “threads the needle between too strong and too weak” and marks a sustainable pace for growth, going as far as saying “if we’re going to have a soft landing, this is what it looks like.”

The Bad

However, there are areas of concern in the report. As the New York Times reports, year-over-year wage growth jumped again to 4.4% when analysts had expected a drop to 4.2%. Additionally, the month-over-month increase hit 0.4%. The Federal Reserve is also looking for wage growth to slow in order to hit their inflation goal of 2%, but it has remained stubbornly high.

The Unknown

The big question heading into July is how the report will influence the Fed at their next meetings later this month and in September. As the Wall Street Journal reports, officials have indicated that they are likely to increase interest rates to a 22-year high at the July 25-26 meeting after pausing increases in June. While the job growth points to a move in the right direction, wage growth indicates that the economy is still strong.

The Tech and Digital Workforce: Decoding the Demand for Skills of the Future [Infographic]

The tech and digital workforce is dynamic and continues to evolve at an astonishing rate. Recent advancements in AI and automation as well as the evolution of the metaverse are birthing the need for new skills. These advancements aren’t just affecting job roles; they’re reshaping entire industries and economies, propelling us into a future that many organizations aren’t prepared for.  

Talent acquisition leaders across sectors are at the forefront of this revolution, facing the challenges and seizing the opportunities that come with it. Whether grappling with the rise of remote work, the ethical considerations of AI or how to develop the skills needed to thrive in the digital economy of tomorrow, organizations must keep their finger on the pulse of tech and digital skills to stay competitive.


For more tech and digital talent insights, download our Recruitment Handbook for Tech & Digital Talent

The Recruitment Handbook for Energy & Utilities

The Recruitment Handbook for Energy & Utilities

The energy and utilities industry is undergoing a massive transition as providers move to green and renewable energy sources and adjust to changing energy use patterns across the globe.

This means the sector is facing a unique set of talent challenges. In many areas of the globe, energy job growth is outpacing the rest of the economy. At the same time, the workforce is aging, creating a massive talent gap. In fact, according to McKinsey, the massive growth in solar and wind projects expected by 2030 will make it almost impossible to staff these projects with qualified development and construction employees as well as operations and maintenance workers.

Now, talent leaders need to think big—not just to attract more and younger workers, but to reskill workers in the shrinking fossil fuels industry and plan for the future.

In this handbook, you’ll learn:

  • Global trends driving the need for energy and utilities talent
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges in your energy and utilities hiring programs
  • How partnering with an RPO provider can help

The Recruitment Handbook for Travel and Hospitality

The Recruitment Handbook for Travel and Hospitality

5 Strategies for Recruiting the Best Travel and Hospitality Talent Now and into the Future

Through the job market volatility that has defined the hiring market for the past three years, the travel and hospitality industry saw some of the biggest impacts worldwide, and the reverberations and recovery are still shaping the industry years later.

While many industries have recovered the jobs lost in 2020, hospitality lags behind. While people are traveling again, the industry faces a new set of talent challenges, from a talent exodus to shifting traveler expectations. Now, employers have the opportunity to reshape their talent programs for the world of travel.

In this handbook, you’ll learn:

  • Global trends driving the need for travel and hospitality talent
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges in your travel and hospitality hiring programs
  • How partnering with an RPO provider can help

The Recruitment Handbook for Pharmaceuticals & Life Science

The Recruitment Handbook for Pharmaceuticals & Life Science

From increased adoption of technology in scientific research to the growing demand for innovation in pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics, the global life science industry is changing rapidly, requiring recruitment teams to be agile to meet demand.  

With 87% of life science executives indicating that they’re experiencing skill gaps and expect to experience more within a few years, life science organizations must invest in better talent acquisition strategies to future-proof their workforce. 

In this ebook, we explore leading industry developments that are transforming the life science workforce: 

  • How demand for tech talent is reshaping the industry 
  • How innovation in medical research and patient care are creating skills gaps 
  • How the global push for sustainability and climate change initiatives is impacting the workforce 

Plus, learn how an RPO partner can help your life science organization rethink and remodel current recruitment strategies to overcome talent acquisition challenges.  

Digital Talent Demands: A Guide for Talent Leaders

The demand for skilled tech and digital talent is growing at an unprecedented rate in response to the emergence of new technologies, making the competition for talent as tight as ever, with both tech and non-tech companies vying for the same qualified candidates. For the tech sector, it’s a time of transformation. For non-tech organizations, it’s a golden opportunity to fill their technical skills gaps. But for any employer looking to attract top digital talent, it is essential to first understand what candidates are looking for in a new employer.  

In this article, we explore the opportunity for non-tech organizations and offer insights into what tech and digital professionals are looking for in a new employer.  

Plenty of Demand Despite Tech Sector Shifts 

The tumultuous labor market and recent economic landscape have been a rollercoaster for all HR leaders, but those in the tech sector have experienced particularly high highs and low lows. Recent layoffs at tech companies are being categorized as a “course correction” by many publications, and it seems the “growth-at-all-costs” attitude has finally caught up with tech organizations. Over 160,000 professionals were laid off in 2022 according to, with additional cuts taking place in 2023.  

Yet, despite this, demand for tech talent remains high. Over 375,000 tech jobs remain unfilled in the U.S. according to the Dice Tech Job Report. In Australia, tech jobs grew more than twice as fast as the average employment rate in the last decade. In the UK, 41% of companies expect to hire for technical skills in 2023. 

The Tech & Digital Talent Diaspora 

This demand is being primarily driven by traditional companies, rather than software companies or other tech organizations. In fact, the majority of people in tech occupations (59%) don’t work in the tech sector

In our digital-first world, every company—from apparel brands to car insurance companies—has tech at the heart of their business as they develop mobile apps and ecommerce consumer experiences. In fact, the biggest and fastest-growing industries for tech professionals are finance, manufacturing and healthcare as these sectors increasingly digitize their operations. 

The ratio of tech and digital workers employed outside of the tech industry will continue to grow. Many workers recently laid off from Big Tech firms have highly sought-after skills, creating an opportunity for more traditional organizations to land tech and digital talent

Graph showing which industries tech and digital talent are moving into.

Will Former Tech Workers Re-Evaluate Their Options? 

Given the extent of the downsizing in the tech sector, many workers will think twice about going back to a tech company in the future. Traditional employers, that previously couldn’t compete against the high salaries and quirky perks that Big Tech could provide, now have more to offer tech workers—including stability. 

Tech workers are trading the excitement of startups for the steadiness of more traditional employers. The unpredictable nature and funding rollercoasters of tech firms have left many tech professionals seeking a saner pace. As traditional companies embrace AI, blockchain and cybersecurity, workers who have left the tech sector can still leverage their tech and digital skill sets, but with a greater sense of security.  

What Do Tech and Digital Talent Want? 

When they’re ready for growth again, Big Tech will have to rethink their approach to engaging tech talent and attracting them back to the industry. So, what do tech and digital workers want from their employer and their job? Here are three top considerations that organizations across sectors should focus on to attract and retain tech and digital talent.  

Flexibility & Work/Life Balance 

Many tech workers who experienced the fast pace and intense work culture of startups now find themselves burnt out and are prioritizing more work/life balance. Flexible contracts and remote working are important to tech workers, with 29% citing flexibility as a top priority when looking for a job. Yet, 48% of tech sector employees said that they were feeling pressure from their employer to come into the office more often. 

Recent Gallup analysis shows that employee engagement is lowest among on-site employees, with the biggest dip seen among employees who are capable of working remotely but are required to be on site. Flexibility is not just a perk to offer employees; it should be viewed as a critical way to increase productivity. Organizations can reap the benefits of flexibility in the workplace by continuously monitoring their flexible work program and addressing any challenges experienced by employees or hiring managers.  

What tech and digital talent want

Digital Skills Development  

No one is more aware of the speed of technological advancement than tech and digital workers. And this can lead to anxiety. In fact, 29% of digital employees globally believe their skill set is redundant now or will be in the next one to two years, and 38% believe their skills will be obsolete in the next four to five years. 

In terms of retaining digital talent, investing in training and upskilling programs is crucial for all organizations. Over half of digital talent (55%) say they’re willing to change employers if they feel their skills are stagnating in their current role. Plus, 58% say they would gravitate to organizations that offer better tech and digital skills development. 

With an abundance of job opportunities available, these employees won’t hesitate to find an employer that will invest in their career development. So it’s concerning that only 27% of employees said their organization had plenty of opportunities in place to help them to learn new skills. Learning and development programs are not only an important part of retaining talent with tech and digital skill sets but can also be an effective way to attract talent.  

Start with a skills audit and compare the findings to your business roadmap. By uncovering the areas where your workforce needs the most training, you can then take steps to develop an upskilling program. For example, PeopleScout worked with a longstanding UK financial services RPO client to lead a reskilling program to help the client evaluate their customer service staff in bank branches and call centers to find candidates for their tech skilling program. We were able to identify over 1,000 employees who are now participating in a 12-month “bootcamp” to build digital and tech skills and move into new careers within the organization. 

Meaningful Work  

Organizations must find out how to communicate their employer value proposition (EVP) in a way that resonates with digital talent. Make sure your attraction content emphasizes the give and get for people in tech roles at your organization including learning and growth opportunities, your tech innovations and projects, well-being initiatives and more. Plus, more and more candidates are paying attention to organizational values and mission. If they can’t determine if their personal values are aligned with the company’s mission, they won’t apply.  

EVP is not all about attraction, but also about employee retention. From a retention perspective, it’s crucial that employers continue to showcase how you’re investing in your employees beyond compensation and benefits. This helps to boost feelings of engagement and to build loyalty. 

As the pace of digital transformation accelerates, it is difficult to envisage a company attaining its full potential without a strong foundation of tech and digital talent. Demand for this crucial part of the workforce won’t let up soon. It’s mission critical for organizations to understand what makes this group tick in order to attract, hire and retain tech talent. To get more strategies for attracting and hiring tech and digital professionals, download our Recruitment Handbook for Tech & Digital Talent.

Recruitment Handbook for Tech & Digital Talent