[On-Demand] Candidate Relationship Management: How to Get the Most out of Your CRM

Candidate relationship management tools are a critical component of any recruitment process, but very few employers actually use the software to its full potential. Could your organization be doing more with your CRM?

When properly deployed, a CRM can help you attract and engage candidates from underrepresented backgrounds, source strong passive candidates and increase application rates. With so much power in one tool, talent acquisition teams that leverage the full suite of features will be more competitive in a difficult talent market.

So how can you tap into the power of your CRM? Join PeopleScout Senior Product Manager Brittany Taylor for the newest Talking Talent webinar, Candidate Relationship Management: How to Get the Most out of Your CRM, available now on demand.

In this webinar, Brittany covers:

  • The full range of CRM capabilities

  • How your CRM can supercharge your diversity initiatives

  • Proven strategies for decreasing candidate fall-out in the application process

  • Simple methods to fill the top of your recruitment funnel

  • Real-life examples of how implementing these changes helped employers reach their talent acquisition goals

  • And more!