Navigating Security and Compliance Checks in Recruitment for Enhanced Efficiency and Candidate Experience

Navigating Security and Compliance Checks in Recruitment for Enhanced Efficiency and Candidate Experience

By James Chorley, EMEA Talent Solutions Director, RPO

In an era where security and compliance checks are taking center stage in corporate priorities, it is crucial to recognize their impact on strategic recruitment campaigns. The meticulous efforts of recruitment marketing and employer value proposition (EVP) teams can easily be compromized by a convoluted recruitment process, potentially driving away top-tier candidates.

In fact, recent surveys highlight that three-quarters of job seekers abandon lengthy recruitment processes. This underscores the urgency for organizations to optimize security and compliance checks to prevent potential top-tier candidates from losing interest.

Compliance Challenges for Lean Teams in High-Volume Recruitment

Devising a recruitment strategy requires careful consideration of security and compliance checks, documentation, and candidate data requirements. While experienced recruiters navigate vetting processes adeptly, lean teams face challenges in high-volume recruitment scenarios. Establishing clear guidelines becomes essential to ensure a seamless candidate journey, preventing dropouts and optimising the recruitment process.

Case Study: Transforming the Onboarding Process at International Airport

For this major international airport, entry-level security employees undergo a comprehensive onboarding process, necessitating the submission of detailed job and address histories spanning five years before the vetting commences. When airports resumed operations post-pandemic, as the airport’s recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partner, PeopleScout’s focus shifted to streamlining this process, ensuring swift candidate progression and minimising post-offer dropouts.

Candidate Hub Development

At the core of our candidate-focused recruitment journey was the creation of a candidate hub, featuring a unique section for individuals who had passed the initial stages of the airport application. This hub aimed to guide candidates through every step of their journey while emphasising early preparation for the extensive onboarding requirements.

Streamlining Communication

To address the issue of candidates dropping out post-offer, we sought to reduce the volume of emails and attachments. Introducing a video-led section, we enhanced inclusivity by providing a clear understanding of the process. These videos, presented by actors and co-created with the airport’s resourcing team, humanized each stage, informing candidates about what to expect and what actions were required.

Improving Accessibility and Understanding

The video-led approach not only simplified the onboarding process but also contributed to a 36% increase in the weekly volume of offers. By focusing on documentation and key information required for onboarding, candidates were equipped with clear instructions, fostering a sense of inclusivity and understanding.

Enhancing Candidate Engagement

A key objective was to ensure a welcoming candidate journey. We achieved this by implementing regular check-ins over the phone, personalized messaging, and managing individual queries. Additionally, informative webinars were conducted to provide candidates with a seamless experience.

Exceptional Candidate Feedback

The impact of our efforts was reflected in exceptional candidate feedback, with a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of plus 70. This underscored the success of our strategy in creating a more efficient, engaging, and inclusive hiring process at one of Europe’s busiest airports.

Dos and Don’ts for Managing New Hire Security Vetting Processes

To help you understand best practices for creating a friction-free vetting process while ensuring compliance, we’ve included practical tips to set clear expectations, provide context, and offer guidance, while avoiding overwhelming candidates with information.


  1. Set Clear Expectations Early: Clearly outline vetting requirements in the job ad or as part of initial pre-screen questions.
  2. Provide Context: Explain why specific checks are necessary for the role, helping candidates understand their relevance.
  3. Be Transparent about Onboarding Timelines: Inform candidates of the expected duration for the vetting process, ensuring alignment with their commitment levels.
  4. Guide Candidates: Offer advice on where candidates can obtain the necessary data, simplifying the information-gathering process.


  1. Overwhelm with Information: Avoid bombarding candidates with numerous emails and attachments all at once during the vetting stage.
  2. Neglect Reinforcement: Don’t go silent on candidates at this stage. Continually reinforce the reasons they applied and accepted the offer, emphasizing the value of the opportunity.
  3. Assume Uniform Understanding: Recognize that individuals process instructions differently, and provide information in a variety of formats, like bulleted lists and videos, to accommodate diverse learning styles.

Onboarding, Compliance and RPO

Crafting a considerate approach to security and compliance checks in recruitment becomes instrumental in fostering an exceptional candidate experience. Through proactive management of vetting requirements, transparent communication, and clear guidance, organizations fortify their defenses against talent loss. Even in high-volume scenarios, this approach ensures that the recruitment process remains not only efficient but also centered around the candidate’s needs.

At PeopleScout, we seamlessly integrate your go-to-market strategy with tailor-made solutions, ensuring candidates navigate the vetting process successfully. Our award-winning candidate experience solutions, combined with our renowned marketing strategies, form an ideal synergy. This powerful combination not only streamlines your pipeline but significantly enhances the efficiency of your funnel metrics.

Post by James Chorley